Sea of Stars Guide – Cloud Kingdom
Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
Cloud Kingdom |
Air Elemental Skyland |
Maelstrom Point |
Kiln Mountain |
Mooncradle |
After the horrors of Clockwork Castle, we’re back to a smaller area, which actually threads a few different places together. This now marks the beginning of the third and final chapter of the game, and things are about to get wild!
Instead of having you guys click (or tap) around to numerous different small articles, we’ve just lumped all of this next mission into one handy guide. As usual, use the links above to ping down the page to where you need to!
As we begin, after stepping over the watery bridge, proceed to the other side, interact with the blue square, which will teleport you up into the Sky Shrine area. The first section is very straightforward, so simply walk around and out through the door leading north.
We’ll be back on the world map but this time with a new fishing spot, and two new areas to explore – Air Elemental Skyland and Cloud Kingdom. Given we need a key to open the former, it’s best if we go straight for Cloud Kingdom, post-haste!
Cloud Kingdom
Follow the linear pathway around and you’ll come to a strange set of giant feet. The Cloud Kingdom is inhabited by giants, but don’t worry as these guys are friendly. There’s no chance of any of them chasing you back down the beanstalk!
When you reach the first giant, continue down the walkway behind him and interact with the blue diamond on the ground. This will teleport you to a brand new area.
When you arrive, you’ll find Hortence and the pirates playing music on the stage, a Wheels table and a chest holding Question Pack #6. There’s also a save point too.
Head back to the hub area and go all the way to the right. When the stone pathway curls up, to another teleporter with a crystal either side, head up and you’ll uncover 1x Truesilver Daggers. The giant in this room is also a merchant, so be sure to grab what you need.
When you’re ready, return back whence you came and keep trekking right. The giant’s feet appear to be blocking the way but when you get nearer, they’ll lift up and let you pass.
On the other side, proceed down to the tree and collect up 1x Cloudy Shard. Finally, proceed up and interact with the last teleporter. After consulting with the counsel, we’ll have our mission at hand. The team is being split up into different areas, and we need to complete this one final mission for Garl. Zale is going to the Air Elemental Skyland; Serai to Maelstrom Point; and Valere is going to Kiln Mountain.
Air Elemental Skyland
With the others gone, it’s just Zale and Resh’an for the next section. A new platform will rise from the south west, so hop over that and return to the world map. Now we can enter Air Elemental Skyland, given the key we’ve just been given.
When you arrive, you’ll notice a large crystal with the zephyr inside. How are we going to open it? Well, that’s what this little platforming/puzzle section is going to help us uncover!
Defeat the enemies on the next platform and then solve the Celestial Puzzle. Rotate the beam around so it hits the left panel first. Quickly rotate it clockwise to hit the next diamond. This will raise a new platform and a familiar portal.
Jump over to the other side, defeat the enemies and you’ll find a campfire and a save point. Don’t worry about the chest to the north of this location just yet, we’ll be circling back here later on!
For now, grapple over north east and along the linear passage until you come to another Celestial puzzle. There are four markers here, although in truth, it’s only the top left and bottom two that we want to worry about. The top right one raises a chest holding 1x Cypress Cork.
Unless you’re lightning quick, you’ll need a few turns to get this right. What you want to do is use the mirrors to bounce the light so it hits the pedestal to the right. Use your wind power to rotate the fans so they’re facing diagonally and can bounce the light beam off.
Once the pedestal is charged, a new portal will open to the north east of this location. Just before you do, head south west of the Celestial Puzzle and you’ll find a cave heading inside, just next to the triangular relic.
Head inside and grab 1x Rainbow Conch and, hopping over the gap to the left, a Scroll with the combo skill Conflagrate. Now, leave the cave and jump through the portal to the north east. There will be more enemies to face in this area but, more importantly, a couple of key items. Climb up the rock wall to the north and circle around the platforms. There are two hovering items sticking out – Triangular Slab and Hexagonal Slab.
With both of these collected, jump back through the portal and return to the cave mouth we just opened. Next to it, interact with the relic and add the triangular slab. This will raise a new Graplou point and, more importantly, allow us to progress forward and get back to our starting position a lot quicker.
After grappling over the next point, head north west and add the Hexagonal Slab. This will pave th way forward and allow us to use the wind to ascend higher. Once you’ve done this, jump back down the gap again and you’ll land on the bottom platform. Now we can obtain 1x Assassin’s Pin.
Jump down and back up again, progressing along until you reach a floating river of water. First, tightrope to the right and open the chest, which holds 1x Sky Armor.
Follow the river to the left, jump down the waterfall and defeat the enemies at the bottom. Most of the next route is pretty linear but when you jump down the next waterfall, don’t continue south (which will lead back to our starting position), we want to head right and then north.
Defeat the enemies and climb up the rock wall to the left, using your wind power on the fan. There’s some peach trees to the south and another Celestial Puzzle to the right. The puzzle is quite straightforward in truth, but we want to rotate the mirror so its facing us to get the right angle.
This will then open the doorway to the right. Proceed inside and three enemies will ambush you. After killing these guys, we’ve now got another puzzle, this time with two floors of mirrors. First up, move the left mirror so its facing south, and the right mirror so its facing north. This will light up a diamond on the wall.
Climb up the rock wall and open the chest on the left, which happens to hold 1x Azure Cape. As for the mirrors, we want to do exactly what we did on the ground floor. Left mirror facing south and right mirror facing north.
When that’s done, cross the newly formed platform to the other side and defeat the enemies. There’s another mirror beam puzzle here, so move the left mirror so its facing east and the bottom mirror so its facing north. This will open a new platform, allowing us to upgrade the Coral Hammer so it can smash crystals. Very handy!
Break the blue crystals just south of your location and head all the way back to the opening area of the Air Elemental Skyland. Interact with the crystal, free the zephyr and complete this stage of the mission.
Maelstrom Point
We’re back at Maelstrom Point, and Hortence will be there. He’ll hand over an Immaculate Pearl to lure in Hydralion, and also gives the combo skill, Arcane Barrage too.
With this in hand, progress along the linear pathway all the way back to the top of the mountain. Be sure to cook some meals here and save as well.
Boss Fight -Hydralion |
This is a beefy fight and the worst part of Stormcaller’s boss fight earlier in the game is now our main foe that we need to tackle. Hydralion is a tough customer, although it does have some similarities to the Elder Mist fight. For one, it uses its tail to counter any physical damage against the main head, using Counter Whip to swipe at Resh’an and Serai. With that in mind, we need to target the tail first, while also being mindful of Hydralion’s locks while it winds up big charged attacks. Namely, Ruler of Tides which, as we know, does serious damage. He’ll also use Bubble Drop, something a few enemies have used through the game. You’re picked up in a bubble and dropped to the ground. Hit block just before you hit the ground to reduce the damage dealt here. On top of that, Hydralion has a simple breath attack that it’ll hit you both party members with. Given the array of moves and tough lock-breaking, Resh’an’s standard attack, especially charged up with mana, is a good choice. Target the tail first and some damage will be done to the main bulk of Hydralion too with no consequence. The aim with this fight is to try and take out the tail while also staying alive long enough not to succumb to Ruler of Tides too often. All the while, you want to use your own Ultimate Attack in response once it’s charged. The new Combo, Arcane Barrage, is a good choice to use against Hydralion when the tail is gone, as it can also do a fair amount of damage. Resh’an’s healing mist will work a charm here too, while Serai’s Disorient is an excellent choice to try and delay Ruler of Tides. Depending on your power level and how adept you are at using Serai, this fight may be a big challenge and could go on for a while. Use standard physical attacks against the tail, and try to save some mana orbs for when it goes down so we can do big damage on Hydralion. You may need to use a couple of Vespertine Cannon attacks when it charges too to come out of this in one piece. |
Rewards: | ||
6240 EXP | Hydralion Scale |
Kiln Mountain
After defeating Hydralion, a brief cutscene with Garl at the Wind Tunnel Mines will eventually pave way for Valere’s part to play in this. Rest at the campfire and save, being sure to grab some mushrooms before descending into the volcano.
There’s a linear pathway most of the way down, ending with a rock wall that leads to a huge jump into a watery pool. Instead of proceeding on, head left and use the water spouts to jump all the way back to the top. There, you’ll find a chest holding 1x Igneous Staff.
Jump back down again and head to the right. Climb up the rock wall and you’ll notice a glowing orange boulder at the top. This is another new physic-based puzzle we’ll be tackling throughout the mountain. Stand to the right and push the boulder down the gap to the left.
Head back down the stairs and jump down the new hole we’ve created. To the left are a couple of mushrooms but our destination is to the right so when you’re ready, lets crack on.
Follow the linear passageway all the way through this chamber, tightroping over the gap and eventually coming out to another cave. Head in and use the save point.
In this area, you’ll notice numerous little bits of lava rock sticking out the ground. When you start heading north, immediately take a left (pictured below) and jump the gap, following the linear pathway around.
On the other side is a boulder and more lava spikes. The idea here is to roll the boulder so it smashes into the lava spikes, which will subsequently break them and let us pass. Go ahead and practice on this boulder (pictured below), destroying the spikes to open the chest holding 1x Rainbow Conch.
Just to the north of this area is another boulder all on its own. Lets change that and knock it down the gap.
Push the boulder to the right and it’ll race down the track, jumping over to the other side. Head back along the pathway and return to the starting area of this chamber. Push the boulder all the way north, being sure to grab the chest on the right midway up this pathway, which you can do via the rock wall.
Finally, tightrope over the gap, defeat the monsters and proceed into the next chamber. There’s more enemies here too so be sure to take them out before tackling this (kinda) puzzle.
Essentially we want to push every block here into the lava to clear a passage across. It’s quite straightforward but here’s the solution in the very unlikely event you get stuck:
When you’ve jumped the gap, climb up the rock wall and kill the enemies at the back of the room. There’s another boulder here that we need to move afterwards, onto the rock track that springboards off and into the rock wall.
In doing so, this will open up a new pathway for us to cross so descend the rock wall and jump across the platforms. This next area is another linear one, and winds round to a campfire and a save point. Be sure to rest up here and buy what you need from the merchant. When you’re ready, use the spouts to ascend up and be ready for another tough boss.
Boss Fight -Toadcano |
Toadcano is a tough customer, but Resh’an does let us know that it’s weak to Lunar magic, which is good. Less good, however, are the moves that Toadcano has in its arsenal. Along with summoning Firecracker minions, it’ll use a big charged attack called Tremor. This is a big attack that will see numerous boulders spewed out and hit everyone on the battlefield, minions included. The boss will also use a lava spit attack which can do big damage. Unfortunately, despite being weak to Lunar power, the Firecrackers are actually resistant to this, so Moonerang isn’t as much help as it’s been in previous fights. Even worse, the Firecrackers, when dealt enough damage, use a self-destruct move that will see them disappear into the ground, pop up next to you and explode. You’ll want to use Combo attacks here, along with making good use of Resh’an’s Healing. Any food items that heal both health and MP are hugely helpful as well. In fact, Resh’an’s Great Eagle Ultimate is our goal in this fight. The reason being is that it’ll deal the same amount of damage done to Toadcano as it will healing us, which is super handy if your items are getting low. In terms of strategy, it’s slightly similar to Hydralion, in that we want to try and build our Ultimate attack up to wipe Toadcano out in one fell swoop. Valere’s Crescent Arc is a great choice, while mana-boosting Resh’an’s standard attack on the Firecrackers, which will subsequently hurt the rest, is a good choice too. Tremor can be mitigated slightly by good timing, but it’s those Ultimate Attacks you want to save for. |
Rewards: | ||
7280 EXP |
When you defeat Toadcano, there’s a really long and emotionally charged sequence. I won’t spoil anything here, but the animation is gorgeous, the story is really well delivered and it sets us on our way for the final mission. Valere and Zale will both learn Ultimate attacks too.
When you gain control, you’ll be in Mooncradle, so be sure (if you haven’t already) to grab a couple of chests we may have missed along the way.
The chest behind the Sun house holds 25x Gold. On the right, behind the Lunar house (blue flames outside) climb over the gate and open the chest to reveal Music Sheet #1.
Finally, go all the way to the south, past Garl’s grave and you’ll find a bunch of twigs and some leave clumps. We know what to do right? Thankfully, no leaf monster will show up when you use your wind power here. Collect all the leaves together and blow it onto the twigs. The NPC here will be delighted and for your efforts, will reward you with 1x Rainbow Conch.
There’s also another NPC that will reward you for clearing all the thorns out in the field too. If you head to the left of town, there are two wooden blocks outside. If you use your wind power and move these around, clear all the thorns and speak to the guy in the house south of this, he’ll reward you with a corny joke and, more importantly, 1x Rainbow Conch.
When you’re ready, speak to Yolande, who will take you back to the sky council.
<< Clockwork Castle |
Derelict Factory >> |
You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here! |
Thanks Ptown that’s massively helpful; that’s the thorn guy with the fields isn’t it? I’ve just added that into the guide now. Really appreciate your kind words and thanks for reading the guide!
-Greg W
In addition to the Rainbow Conch you get from Leafbro, you can also get a second Rainbow Conch from Twigbro after clearing all the twigs and entering the house below. Great walkthrough!