UnPrisoned – Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Repetition Compulsion

Episode 1 of Unprisoned begins with Paige, a therapist by profession, creating a live video for her audience in which she discusses repetition compulsion, which is the urge to do something repeatedly.

By referencing her own experiences, she alludes to the connection between relationships and partnerships. After that, she tells her son Finn that they didn’t get the house and that her father is being released from prison that very day as she takes him to school.

Paige then goes to the prison to pick up her father. Her father appears to be overjoyed to be out, but Paige has reservations. When the officer asks if her father will be staying with her, she tells him that he will not. Her father tries to persuade her that he’s out for good this time, but she refuses to believe him. Following that, her father, Edwin, informs the officer that he will be staying with his friend Fox.

On their way out, Edwin appears to want to meet his grandson, but Paige is hesitant to let him meet Finn. Paige then takes him to Starbucks at his request. Edwin inquires about Paige’s romantic life, and she informs him about Bill.

Paige then takes Edwin shopping, and Edwin meets a woman. Paige, on the other hand, informs the woman about Bill’s actuality and scares her away.

On their way out, Edwin tells Paige that they need to work on their problems. He also tells her that he missed her. She tells him she was fine without him.

In the car, Edwin convinces Paige that Bill isn’t the one when he notices that Bill doesn’t respond to her messages and that she keeps waiting for him to message her back. Paige, on the other hand, refuses to acknowledge it.

Edwin goes to his ex-girlfriend Nadine’s house to pick up his belongings. Paige refuses to enter her house and instead stays in her car. When Nadine inquires about Paige, she is disappointed to learn that Paige waited in the car.

Paige walks into Nadine’s house and overhears them having sex, and she is instantly transported back to her childhood self. When they get downstairs, Paige expresses her frustration and anger.

Paige receives a message from her foster sister Etsy, and she appears upset. She instructs Edwin to gather his belongings, hurry up, and leave with her. Paige leaves after dropping her father off at her house.

Edwin introduces himself to Finn, and they end up having an awkward conversation. However, he perseveres and cooks some food for Edwin, who enjoys it. Meanwhile, Paige speaks with Etsy about her father. She then inquires about her foster parents. Etsy manages to find Paige a house and shows her a picture of it. Paige thinks it’s good and likes it.

Edwin and Finn have a conversation, where he quizzes Edwin about why he went to prison. After a while, Paige gets back home and discovers Finn talking to Edwin. Paige is taken aback to see Finn at home as he’s supposed to be at school.

Paige drives Edwin to Fox’s house and drops him off. Paige questions her decision to drop her father off at Fox’s house but Edwin, too, appears to want to make things right this time, and he returns to the house and requests for a second chance.

The Episode Review

The show’s premise is rather intriguing, as it is centered on a man who has been to prison and how when he returns, he faces challenges in reacquainting himself with society and trying to make things right by his family.

The first episode does an excellent job of setting the tone for what the show is about to address. Having said that, some of the elements in the show appear to be prejudiced towards Caucasians, as Edwin makes a rather racist comment (maybe people would see it if the races were reversed). Furthermore, with her juvenile live videos, the protagonist, a therapist by profession, does not appear to represent her profession well.

Overall, the show appears to be tackling a subject that isn’t often discussed while remaining lighthearted and entertaining, which sets up some intrigue to follow.

Next Episode

You can check out our full season review for UnPrisoned season 1 here!

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1 thought on “UnPrisoned – Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Review”

  1. Please bring back Unprisoned for a second season. I watched it at my sons house and couldn’t leave until it was over and believe me I tried but my eyes were glued to the story. We thoroughly enjoyed it.

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