Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown Guide: “The Abducted Prince” Walkthrough

Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown Guide: The Abducted Prince

Area List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Abducted Prince

Go Through The Sacred Archives

Upper City Chakram Puzzle

Vahram – Boss Fight


Abducted Prince

Head to the right after defeating Jahander and grab the feather. This will now unlock a new ability called Rush of the Simurgh. This will allow you to burst across in the air before hitting the ground, which will allow us to reach previously inaccessible areas. Very handy!

Leave the chamber to the right and platform across the gap to exit the area. It’ll allow you to get a feel for how this Rush ability works. Artaban will be there to greet you and as you drop down, you’ll be back out in familiar territory at the Citadel.

When you reach the large statue, drop down to the lower level and move to the left. Now you’ll be able to cross the large spike pit, so go ahead and dash over (pictured below).

Do this over the next gap but before you go any further, zig-zag up the thin wall and dash over to collect 20x Crystals.

Time your jumps over the gap to avoid the wall and the spikes below. When you make the second jump, turn back on yourself and us that same wall to gain some height and progress forward. Before you climb the next section, move to the left and grab Missive x1 from the ground.

From here, use the beams to gain some ground higher up, being sure to use the handrails and your new Rush ability to boost further. Time your jump up with the metal platform and then wall-jump and Rush across to reach the next beam (pictured below).

From here, head straight up and then into the next chamber on the left. A shirt cutscene will ensue to show you’re on the right path.

A whole bunch of assassins will show up here so make sure you destroy as much as you can to build your Athra meter up. When you feel overwhelmed, use this to knock out a fair few in one fell swoop. Vahram will show up to save the day eventually and after some dialogue, hand over 1x Blade Dancer Amulet for you to use.


Go Through The Sacred Archives

Keep moving to the left and head into the Sacred Archives. In this new section you’ll find some new mechanics at work. There will be staircases heading up and down depending on the direction youy turn your character, bells that activate platforms and more timed mechanics too.

When you reach the first staircase, head all the way up to the top and activate the Wak-Wak Tree. There’s also a stack of books just to the top right of here, s go ahead and read those too.

Keep going to the right until you reach a large chamber. You want to make your way up from here. You can go down but this leads to the Prison, which you may find yourself in if you’re caught by the Prison Guard wandering about.

The cutscene involving the large enemy that grabs a slave and makes him disappear (into the prison) is what you want to watch out for to get a sense for how this enemy works! If you do get caught, it’s quite easy to break out, just follow the path up and you’ll make it back here.

Eventually you’ll climb up several platforms and find yourself in a new area. From here, go left and up (pictured above on the map).

Destroy the orb at the top of the tower to the left you’ll unlock a fast travel point. This will allow you to quickly teleport across the map, which is quickly becoming pretty wieldy at this point!

There’s also a Wak-Wak Tree to the far left of this area as well, just past the spike pit at the bottom of the tower. For now, drop down the gaps and enter this chamber (pictured below):

As you enter this area, you’ll immediately find that aforementioned prison guard we mentioned. If you are caught, you’ll go straight to jail so do try to avoid if you want to go straight for your objective! Just above its starting position, on the platforms above, you’ll find three Crystals, which will net you 20x Crystals each.

It’s a good idea to try and avoid the guard rather than trying to kill it, just in case you are caught with its strike. Instead keep moving to the right until you reach a switch. Activate it and prepare to head down. Oh, and be sure to read the Scroll on the other side of the lift before you leave!

The reason we’re going down first is because Fariba is here at the end of a lengthy platforming section where we can buy the Sacred Archives map. It’s highly recommended you do because this is one of the areas that’s quite a big maze!

Remember the timed puzzles we mentioned before? Well, there’s quite a big one here but it’s worth doing to get that map piece. Hit the bell with your arrows and you’ll have a window of time to jump over the newly created platforms. When the forcefield (indicated by the circle below) disappears, so too do the platforms.

There’s also a chest just to the right of this location too, halfway up as you alternate between the platforms. This holds 1x Amulet Holder. Be sure to pick this up. Just to the left of Fariba will be a switch to unlock the gate and allow us to keep on our path heading north.

This is the direction you want to go:

On the way up, as the path straightens, you’ll find a Wak-Wak Tree. Head up to this and activate it before continuing on the path to the right. 


Upper City – West

As you do, you’ll leave the Sacred Archives and be back outside at the Upper City. There are some flying eneies along the way but it’s a good idea to keep moving to the right until you reach some wooden platforms. Keep heading north and fight the enemies in the sky, it’ll save you a lot of headaches for the enemies flying away.

On the right, there are a few assassins and then more swinging axes. Skip past all of this, and keep moving until you find rotating platforms. Be sure to hit the switch to the right on the ground here as it’ll open a trap door leading back to the Lower City.

The next section you need to climb up the rotating platforms and then move to the left. In this next area is another Chakram Puzzle.


Upper City Chakram Puzzle

Level 1

This next puzzle may be a little tricky and it certainly requires a fair few steps to get right. From your starting position, zig-zag up the walls to the higher playform. Then, drop down a little and Rush over to the beam on the left.

Swing up, Rush to the left and hit the wooden platform (pictured below).

When you reach this point, shimmy over to the far left of your current platform, drop down and Rush onto the beam just to the left. Jump up to the next one, bounce off the wall and hit the platform on the right (pictured below).

Now, use the Chakram on the platform below to be raised up to the next level.


Level 2

Use your Chakram on the middle wheel above you to move the beams on either side of the room.

Go all the way to the left and wall jump onto the beam. From here, travel straight up and onto the wooden platform.

When you reach this area, return your Chakram so the lion statues are back in their original place. 

Drop down the platform you’re standing on and Rush to the right so you can grab the beam, that’s now in its original place. Then, move up to the wooden platform on the top right.

Use your Chakram on the middle wheel again and drop down onto the beam on the right. As it moves to the right, use this to swing directly up and into a new section.

Now, from here, jump over to the left and drop the switch to lower the left-most metal platform.

With the new platform down, repeat the above steps again. Use the Chakram on the middle wheel, move to the left and head up the beam to higher wooden platform. Instead of dropping down like before though, head higher and then use your Chakram on the wheel above to lower the metal platform on the right.

Now, head down onto the lower beam, jump back up (as shown in the screenshot above) and then use the switch to raise that metal platform, allowing you to cross.

Before you go higher than the original chamber, be sure to flip the switch on the right and read the tablet (both pictured below) as this will help save some time if you need to repeat this puzzle again.

When you’re done, use the Chakram on the platform to the left of this to lower it down and climb up. Return your Chakram and prepare for the higher area. Head to the right first. There’s a Wak-Wak Tree there you definitely want to use!

To the left is another Sword Master to contend with and it’s a little tougher than the last one we fought. However, it doesn’t warrant a mini-boss guide. Just parry its attacks and be sure to strike just after it lunges forward.

When it’s defeated, zig-zag across the linear path and defeat the assassins when they show up. After, be sure to climb up the top of this tower before activating the lift. There’s another Fast Travel point here!

After, head on the lift and pass all the way to the right. Activate the door and then watch the cutscene that plays out.



Boss Fight – Vahram

This is it, the final fight is upon us and this last boss is going to be very tough. Wait, did we see final boss? Yep, you see Vahram is a master of time manipulation and regardless of what happens in this fight, he’ll always win. However, there is a strategy for beating him here, which will net you some bragging rights with your friends but not much else I’m afraid!

Athra Strikes are pointless here so don’t even try them, and instead you’ll have to rely on parrying, jumping and hitting with a few slashes and backing off. Vahram will hit with several big combos, while also initiating a Shockwave Blade attack, which will see him shoot a beam across the ground infront of you.

Vahram will also deflect all your arrow bolts too so don’t do that either. You’ll have to rely solely on your blade skills!

At 75% health left, Vahram will step it up a gear and start hitting you with stronger attacks, including a lightning-force ball of energy that will do a ton of damage. He’ll also do a nasty two-hit combo where he’ll drop from the sky and damage the ground, and then slash from the side. It’s very hard to dodge but try to slide backwards. The time to attack here will be when he drops to his knees.

At 50% health left, Vahram will start using a time manipulation field that will slow your attacks down considerably. UIt only lasts a few seconds but it’s brutal. Be sure to try and hold parry here. He’ll also start hitting with a four-hit combo now; a nastier variation to the two-strike combo earlier on. He’ll also use a nasty laser field that will consume the whole battlefield, try to jump up and use your Rush to stay between the lines.

At 25% health left, Vahram will use a special move to take out a chunk of your health. However, if you make it this far, try to hit the killer blow through a charged attack down, which tends to do quite well to break up his momentum. Eventually he’ll be defeated but if you died earlier than this, you’ll still get the same cutscene.


With Sargon defeated and tumbled down to the depths, it’s time to try and pick ourselves up and hit back at Vahram later on in the game.

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