My Tiny Senpai – Season 1 Episode 9 Recap & Review

He Wants To Talk Privately…

Episode 9 of My Tiny Senpai begins with Shiori and Shinozaki being trapped in a compromising situation in which they are stuck on seeing two employees make love while trapped in the basement. We are taken back in time to discover how they got into that situation. Shiori and Shinozaki are summoned by Akina to retrieve some old meowtaro supplies from the basement.

When Shiori and Shinozaki go looking for products in the basement’s back corner, two coworkers arrive and begin making out. Shiori and Shinozaki do not inform them of their presence in order to avoid embarrassment.

Soon after, Shiori and Shinozaki get incredibly close as they are crowded into a tiny space in an effort to make the two coworkers stop. They quickly message a coworker for help, and the two coworkers are summoned to the office. Shiori and Shinozaki begin their search for the merchandise after they leave. They leave the basement and return to work after finding it.

Shiori and Shinozaki are unable to sleep later that night because of what happened earlier that day. Furthermore, the next day, they are both extremely humiliated to communicate with each other.

Shiori acts normally the next day. Shinozaki, on the other hand, is still embarrassed. Shinozaki then tells Shiori that he wishes to speak to her privately after work. Shiori, taken off guard, agrees to meet him.

Shiori is seated with Hayakawa and another coworker later that day, who tell her the ways people change when they start dating. They give her instances of people being overly lovey-dovey or overly tough in front of others while dating. Shiori panics when she imagines herself in that situation with Shinozaki.

When Shiori and Shinozaki meet up after work, Shiori tells him that she doesn’t want anything to change between them. She hints that if their relationship develops, she does not want them to become too casual or overly serious in front of others. Shinozaki agrees, and the two establish that they are on the same page.

The Episode Review

It has been requested that Shinozaki and Shiori retrieve some out-of-date meowtaro items located in the basement. Shinozaki and Shiori are searching through their belongings when they hear their coworkers coming and immediately hide out of sight. The episode continues in the same vein as prior episodes. The episode is quite humorous and enjoyable to watch.

Even so, there are also moments when the show turns cringeworthy. The anime’s focus on cuteness makes it simplistic and overly repetitious. The episode’s ending, however, featured a mature conversation that significantly boosted the episode’s degree of realism, thus this flaw can be overlooked.

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