Goodbye Earth – K-drama Episode 10 Recap & Review

Exodus, Eclipsed 

Goodbye Earth episode 10 starts with a flashback to 922 days before the asteroid attack. Yoon-sang and Se-kyung were a happy couple spending the day with their grandmothers. The grandmothers wanted the two to get married and start a family quickly.

Presently, the people of Woongcheon have 155 days to live. Yoon-sang and Se-kyung prepare to leave and switch out with Sung-jae at church. They are surprised to find JIU agents waiting for them outside their apartment. They arrest Se-kyung for murder, but this is just a plot to make sure their plans for D-day run smoothly. 

Meanwhile, we see buses heading to the Woongcheon airstrip. Surprisingly, the buses are empty. Yoon-sang rushes to the church and informs Sung-jae about Se-kyung’s arrest. Sung-jae radios In-ah and updates her. She has been trying to contact the JIU to no avail. It seems like the JIU messed with the network, and only a few phones have a network.

Mrs Kim’s son sends his driver to get ready and pack light. The driver gives Mrs Kim a new phone to use. Choi In-tae/ Oktokki overhears this and informs Sister Chae-hwan. Later, he passes the information to Sung-jae. In-ah realises it is finally D-day, and she gives Yoon-sang new orders. Yoon-sang takes Sister Chae-hwan’s car and drives to meet with Father Baek. He hands all his research to the Chief of Staff’s driver, who sends someone to take it to Mrs Kim’s son.

Yoon-sang pretends he has finally seen the light and is willing to leave on the condition that Se-kyung comes with him. He asks Father Baek to meet with Se-kyung and convince her to join them. Father Baek orders Se-kyung to be released, and In-ah picks her up. In-ah drops Se-kyung at the church, where she is set to meet with Father Baek. On the other hand, Soo-geum arrives at the training centre to find everyone gone.

As things start getting chaotic, Ju-hyeon reveals to In-ah that she is the one who hid the ammunition that the JIU has been looking for. Ju-hyeon, being a genius, buried the ammunition under the chicken field. 

At the hospital, the Toittech CEO tries to take Young-ji and Young-han, but she refuses to leave. Young-han is supposed to have surgery, but they can’t get anaesthesia. Young-ji is not the only one choosing to stay; Mrs Kim insists on staying and trading places with Choi In-tae. However, In-tae refuses to leave. He gathers more information from his grandmother and heads to the church, where everything is set for him to do a broadcast.

Soon, Father Baek and Yoon-sang arrive at the church. There is no warm welcome for the old priest, who insists on quickly meeting with Se-kyung. They get into the confessional, and Se-kyung starts slowly confessing her sins. This is all to delay the further and ensure he doesn’t get on the plane. Outside the church, Former Battalion commander Choi takes on the driver, Mr Song and kills him. Unfortunately, he is injured in the process. 

Oktokki starts his broadcast and rallies the people to get moving. In-ah already figured that the elitists wouldn’t use the US military base but the emergency airstrip. The plan is to stop the elitists and put kids on the plane so they can fly to a safety zone. The plan is supposed to be bloodless and quick. However, you know what they say about well-laid plans!

While Se-kyung delays the priest and tries to negotiate with him, the people led by the Deputy Mayor rush to the emergency airstrip. The JIU agents are surprised to see the soldiers and the townspeople there. They believe that the soldiers have no ammunition and threaten to shoot them. An impasse follows, with each side standing its ground. The citizens show bravery by doing their best to stop the JIU agents even when they fire in the air. Simultaneously, an eclipse happens, and it is mildly dark as everything goes on. One of those bullets hit a drone flying over the area, and the drone hits an oncoming plane. The plane loses an engine and takes off, to the dismay of everyone. 

At the church, Father Baek refuses to take the children. Once he realises he has been tricked; he asks Sung-jae to drive him. Mrs Kim’s son is also racing to the airport. After learning that the road to the emergency airstrip is blocked, he makes a call and changes his route. He manages to get to the plane just in time. Jeong-ah remains hopeful that her kids will make it, but the plane takes off immediately. 

By the time Father Baek arrives, the plane is already taking off. The emergency airstrip saga was a distraction; the elitists were leaving with the US military plane. Sung-jae is extremely disappointed in Father Baek as he runs after the plane. After a futile attempt to stop the plane, the priest falls, crying on the runway. 

Later that night, it is reported in the news that the plane that managed to take off crashed into the Pacific Ocean with no survivors. The news is heartbreaking for Mrs Kim and Young-ji, who had family on the plane.

Days later, Mi-ryeong and Dae-han go camping and reminisce about their son. Jung-soon and Du-song plan their last days while the military soldiers continue their routine. The days pass so fast, and soon, the Woongceon people only have 83 days left. 

Mrs Kim grows a golden heart out of the blue and donates the food in her cellar. She had many bags of rice, drinks and all necessities stored away. She regrets how she lived her life and wants to atone. 

On the other side of town, Yoon-sang launches his time-capsule project with the Deputy Mayor. Sadly, Sung-jae quits the priesthood, and Myeong-ok tries to convince him to stay. Luckily, his other friends understand this is a tough decision and offer him support with some teasing. Sung-jae has been having a hard time after Father Baek’s betrayal, but he still takes care of the old man.

The Episode Review

Ironically, the elitists did everything in their power to save their lives and ended up at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. They sold their children and engaged in so many crimes to make themselves richer and to buy tickets to a safety zone. They ended up dying even before the asteroid hit. The only innocent people were the children who got into the plane, unaware of the things their parents did. For them, it is a sad, undeserved fate!

It is understandable why Sung-jae quit the priesthood. He is probably ashamed to be Father Baek’s mentor. That man chose only himself even when he had the opportunity to save more. It is a pity that he didn’t get on the plane, but watching him suffer the consequences of his actions. 

In hindsight, it is a good thing Se-kyung and her group failed in their mission to put the kids on the plane. Otherwise, the kids would have perished and missed out on the few precious days left to spend with their loved ones. That is the only silver lining in this dark tale of human desperation and selfish ambitions.

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