Criminal Record – Season 1 Episode 7 “The Sixty-Twos” Recap & Review

The Sixty-Twos

Criminal Record Episode 7 begins with Hegarty recounting the events of what happened in 2011 when Errol Mathis was arrested for killing Adelaide. The episode does a full flashback to this time, and the viewer sees it from Hegarty’s point of view, as he tells June Lenker his version of the story. Hegarty tells her about the riots in 2011 when local shops were being looted, with the revelation that Errol was one of the looters. Soon after this, he was accused of murder.

During this time, Hegarty has only just returned to work after his wife died, and he is deep in the grieving process. He is trying to focus on caring for his daughter Lisa and gets her a dog for her to focus on. He keeps busy with work and, subsequently, the Errol Mathis case. Claudia Mayhew tells Hegarty he is under pressure to solve the murder case as quickly as possible in light of the riots.

Caldwell and Gilfoyle think Errol killed Adelaide but Hegarty doesn’t initially agree and considers other possibilities while discussing Errol’s blood being found on Adelaide’s body. Caldwell speaks of a fight involving Errol’s father, but it’s revealed he didn’t want to press charges against his son. Hegarty learns that Errol and Adelaide were together for 5 years but were not married, and they had a young son called Patrick.

Caldwell and Gilfoyle conclude Errol is the killer but Errol denies the accusations, saying he couldn’t remember any details from when he entered the flat to when he woke up in hospital after the car crash. Errol did remember being at the barber’s shop looking for work, so Hegarty got Caldwell to confirm Errol’s alibi. 

Hegarty meets Patrick in the hospital and learns some important details about the period before Adelaide’s death. He bumps into Doris, who is angry at how the police are dealing with Errol’s case. At the police station, Hegarty attempts to make Errol implicate himself in the murder, but he refutes the allegations. 

Hegarty can’t find any proper evidence against Errol, so he meets with Errol’s father, Reggie, to obtain information on his son. Hegarty discovers Errol previously tried to stab Reggie with a knife due to some money issues, making him think Errol was a violent man who was capable of murder. Later on, Hegarty takes Errol back to the flat he lived in with Adelaide under the guise of wanting to help Errol with his memory. Errol looks around the flat but he fails to remember anything. Hegarty then takes an unethical step by making sure Errol’s lawyer is sent back home and pushes him to confess. 

Hegarty also tries to play Errol by questioning his relationship with Patrick. Errol then confesses that he lied about not taking part in the riots. Hegarty continues making Errol feel more guilty but is interrupted by a text from Lisa saying she wished Hegarty had died instead of her mother. He then pulls out the recording where Patrick tells of an incident when Errol wanted to kill Adelaide. This pushes Errol to confess to stabbing Adelaide with a knife.

The episode ends back in the present timeline, as Caldwell enters the room where Hegarty and Lenker are talking. He is angry and reveals that the call recording where a woman claimed someone else killed Adelaide has been put into the public domain. The recording will prove Caldwell and Hegarty’s connection to Errol’s wrongful conviction. Caldwell thinks Lenker released it but she claims it wasn’t her. Turns out, Sonya leaked the recording.

The Episode Review

This is an interesting episode that fully goes back to 2011 during the initial investigation into the murder. This episode belongs to Peter Capaldi as we follow him and his perspective on the case.

He’s technically the villain in this show but Capaldi plays him as a fantastic three-dimensional character without needing to act like an over-the-top bad guy. He leads this episode with Cush Jumbo only appearing at the very end. It leaves things nicely balanced heading into next week’s finale. 

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You can look forward to a full season review when this show ends!

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1 thought on “Criminal Record – Season 1 Episode 7 “The Sixty-Twos” Recap & Review”

  1. First, thank you for these posts. They are so helpful! I’m binging this, and have to come here after each episode bc I’m so confused.

    Also, I have to watch brit TV with subtitles bc I can’t understand them half the time lol. I’ve also had to look up several British slang terms that I never heard before like “lost my rag” and “feeding me gear”. Coconut and banana (not nice), were new to me as well.

    Loving these two main character, even having never seen them in anything before.

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