Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide: “Follow the Fiery Trail” Walkthrough

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide – Follow the Fiery Trail

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Fire and Wisdom

House of Wisdom

Follow the Fiery Trail

Assassinate Zahra


Fire and Wisdom

The closest Bureau to our location is that of Abbasiyah Bureau, and it’s likely the one that many people will tackle first. So naturally, we’ll do the same thing.

Make your way to Abbasiyah, and on the way look out for the mosque, which happens to have a Synchronize spot at the very top. On the way, there’s also a Loot Chest partway up that holds 24x Steel Ingot, 10x Leather and 3x Components.

After, use your Eagle to highlight over the Hidden One’s Hideout. Head up from the rooftop just like before and drop down. Interact with the door and watch the cutscene with Tabid.


House of Wisdom

Our next port of call is the House of Wisdom and, more specifically, Ahmad ib Musa’s workshop. In order to get there, head back to the rooftops and keep moving in a straight line toward the waypoint on your UI. You can find a pretty slick route here leading all the way down into the heart of the city, including a zipline and a bunch of beams to hop over.

When you reach the House of Wisdom, head toward the main doors inside and you’ll notice 3 guards congregating together. Instead of trying to sneak past, circle around the trees in the front garden and to the doorway on the right (pictured below).

Head inside and follow the raised voices out in the courtyard, where you’ll find Fazil calming everyone down regarding a fire that’s broken out.

We can speak to Fazil about Ahmad, but he’ll point out that he hasn’t seen him lately and he doesn’t know who started the fire either. We’ll now have two clues to tackle at once; Ahmad’s Workshop and the Book Burning.

In order to look into the Book Burning and progress the mission onward, we need to speak to the Caretaker. You’ll find him nearby but we may need our trusty Eagle to be sure.


Follow the Fiery Trail

After using the Eagle and scouting the area, Basim will give us a clue – the Caretaker is on the second floor. In order to find him, head up to the rooftop and scale around to the north-west corner. You can do this by heading up the scaffolding behind Fazil and then shimmying over to the left.

From here, head over the rooftop to the opposite side, find a vine-covered scaffolding to drop down onto and then into the covered rooftop area, hugging the wall until you find an open window.

Hop inside the window and turn right. You’ll immediately see that the place is littered with guards. When you reach the first bookshelf, hop up onto the scaffolding to the left and use the various beams and platforms to cross over to the other side and avoid the guards.

On the other side, assassinate the guards one at a time quietly. Using your senses, you’ll be able to locate the Caretaker on the ground floor tucked in the corner.

Jump down and take out the guard below. Hop over the walled partition but before interacting with the deceased Caretaker, take out the armed guard just outside the door. You’ll find a Loot Chest just beyond him on the right hand side, next to a couple of guards patrolling. Inside holds 12x Steel Ingot, 25x Leather and 4x Components.

It’s worth noting that there’s another chest right in the middle of the room too on the ground floor, holding 8x Steel Ingot, 29x Leather and 2x Components. However, this one will require you to kill most of the guards patrolling the area to avoid detection so it’s up to you if you tackle this.

As for the Caretaker, interact with his body and you’ll uncover a crucial clue.

There’s something in the Caretaker’s hand which seems to be some form of fabric torn from a woman’s gown. Leave the Library and head back to the rooftop and out the House of Wisdom, toward the Scriptorium.

The place is heavily guarded, full of soldiers. However, if you use your senses, you’ll notice that the captain has a key on his possession nearby. He’ll also mention that they’ve got someone held prisoner there too. Alas, the plot thickens.

The easiest way to gain the key is to follow these steps below while using the pictures:

  1. Circle around the cart from the left and assassinate the guard.
  2. Turn back and assassinate the guard facing away from you.
  3. Climb up the wall to the very top.
  4. Assassinate the guard closest to the railing.
  5. Head up and assassinate the scout.
  6. Jump round and down, taking out the captain. (If you time it a bit late here, you’ll have to head inside the room and assassinate from behind).

In doing these steps, you’ll gain 1x Scriptorium Key. Inside the room behind the assassinated captain, you’ll also find a chest which happens to hold the Treasure: Abbasid Knight Sword Upgrade Schematic.

This key actually opens a door on the other side of this courtyard, so use the rooftop to creep over to the other side, staying crouched to avoid detection. Drop down from the other side, unlock the door and watch the cutscene.

After, interact with the items on the desk and around the room to unlock new clues in our investigation. The third note is up the stairs, on the dresser next to the pictures on the wall.

With Zahra’s location unveiled, leave the Scriptorium and head for the Scholar’s Estate. Once you get here, use your Eagle to scout the general area.

There are a number of different hosues here, each holding either chests that need keys to open or various different resources. Our actual destination is located to the east side of the estate’s courtyard (on the building to the right of the yellow chest highlighted above). Circle around and up to the rooftop.

You’ll know you’re in the right place when you find a house with blue tarps round the outside, a breakable window (our entry point) and a beautiful rose-covered monument on the rooftop.

Drop down to the wooden scaffolding and break open the window to enter the building. Go down a floor, unbar the front door and interact with the desk.


Assassinate Zahra

The documents here will confirm that Zahra is part of the Order, along with someone called Al-Rabisu. With Zahra inbound, head to the rooftop to the deisignated area. Hold Triangle to wait for Zahra’s arrival.

In order to assassinate Zahra, there are, as always, a number of different ways to do it. The easiest method from our location is to hop over the rope to the opposite edge, stand on the edge of the rooftop and jump down to assassinate from above. 

You can also choose to use your Blowdart from afar, drop down and attack in combat or even throw a Smoke Bomb for a disguise and dispatch her that way alongside her Captain; the choices are up to you.

Once Zahra is down, quickly leave the estate so there aren’t too many guards after you and you’ll have uncovered the first clue toward Al-Rabisu’s identity.

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