Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide: “Find the Missing Brother” Walkthrough

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide – Find the Missing Brother

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Find the Missing Brother

Return to the Rafiq


Find the Missing Brother

It’s now time for us to start the other side of this mission, and that involves investigating Ahmad’s office. If you haven’t already, head back to the House of Wisdom and talk to the man out in the courtyard, Kahraman, who will point out the workshop’s location. It’s right behind him… thanks mate.

Just before you interact with the door, Nehal will show up. After the cutscene, investigate the workshop. Head over to the far side and you’ll find some measuring tools in a bag.

Turn around and you’ll also find some books on the side of a desk (circled below).

Next, continue forward and push the right bookshelf back and the left bookshelf to the right to uncover a hidden room. Inside, you’ll find some schematics to interact with.

Finally, you’ll find another schematic just opposite the books we originally interacted with too. With this done, Hamid, Ahamad’s assistant, will show up and encourage you to follow him as knows where Ahmad is. Unfortunately, he’ll lead you into an ambush, featuring a captain and two guards.

Go back and speak to Hamid once you’ve defeated these guys. Hamid will then admit he doesn’t actually know where Ahmad is, but there’s a masked man demanding that he stay away. Apparently he’s in a dig site so Hamid will draw you a picture. It’s located far south from here and you’ll be able to see it marked on the map (pictured below).

Travel all the way to the excavation site and speak to one of the diggers nearby. He’ll allow you to look around and check for intel. From his location, head to the left, where you’ll find the mercenary captain there. If you have a power token handy, you can use these guys but otherwise, continue your investigation.

It’s a good idea at this point to use your Eagle, which will help scout out some chest locations that we can examine for clues.

Each of these chests are guarded by various soldiers so you’ll need to be careful and take these guys out stealthily to come out the other side in one piece. The most important chest location however, is on the ground level, hidden behind a shelf we can slide to the left.

Inside this chest you’ll find a Doctor’s Letter from a Doctor Hassan. It would seem that Ahmad may be at the hospital, so leave the excavation site, mount up and travel to the Great Bimaristan. Head in through the front door.

We need to find a way into Hassan’s office, and in order to get there, we need to find the Head Nurse who happens to hold the key. Head to the opposite side of the Bimaristan, and you’ll find her hanging around by the desk.

Make sure her back is turned and pickpocket her to take the key and return to the Doctor’s office. Unlock the door and read the letter on the desk. Hassan is neck-deep in the Order, and to confirm our suspicions, there’s also a mask up on the dresser to interact with as well.

Leave the office and head to the courtyard. In order to eavesdrop on the two doctors, go and sit on the bench. You’ll overhear the doctors mentioning that Hassan’s laboratory is locked. Hmm…

Head up the stairs to the right and out onto the rooftop again. Hide in the bushes and assassinate the guard captain standing outside the laboratory. There’s a note on the door mentioning a broken window, which will absolutely be our route inside.

Circle around to the back of the lab on the left hand side and up to higher ground. Where you’ll find a broken balcony edge, climb up and into the open window on the left. Jump over and onto the hanging chandelier.

Doctor Hassan will be directly below and we’ll need to assassinate the good doctor. Hang down from the edge, position yourself over the top of the Doctor and drop down to do this quickly and quietly. 

With the Doctor dead, Ahmad will show up. He admits that he was called on to work because a strange ancient mechanism has been found out in the desert, something that opens the “doors to perception”.

After the cutscene, leave the Bimaristan.


Return to the Rafiq

Return to the hideout and speak to Tabid. However, he’s not inside as he’s actually up on the rooftop. Together, the pair will discuss who Al-Rabisu could be and come to the conclusion that it’s probably the great scholar, Fazil.

Fazil will almost certainly attend the Symposium at the House of Wisdom so that paves way for our final mission to flush out and kill the Order member.

<< Follow the Fiery Trail

The Great Symposium >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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