Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide: “Old Wounds / Branching Out” Walkthrough

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide – Old Wounds / Branching Out

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Old Wounds

Branching Out


Old Wounds

When you gain control of Basim again, you’ll have a new case to handle. It’s aptly titled “My Old Home”. As part of this investigation, we need to go and look for Nehal back home which, as you’ll notice from the UI and the map, is quite far away. It’s all the way through the wilderness to the north west edge of Anbar, to be precise.

We can’t fast travel either so get your mount and prepare to trek across the wilderness. You can speed things up by choosing to Follow The Road and select the cinematic options but either way, we’ll need to travel all the way back on horseback. 

Enter Anbar and if your notoriety meter is too high, you’ll be hunted by the guards so do be aware of this. Head back home and Nehal will be there to greet you.

Nehal has been obsessing over the symbol and intends to unravel its mysteries. Basim decides that perhaps he should help out but as this isn’t part of the main missions, we won’t be tackling it in this guide. We’ll cover that separately!


Branching Out

With Nehal alive and well, we need to head back to Harbiyah. Thankfully, we can fast travel to the Bureau. Head inside the hideout and watch the cutscene. After, choose a tool to unlock with Abu. Personally, the blowdart is a great option for silently taking out enemies and speeding things up.

Similarly though, the Smoke Bomb is a great way of getting in and out of locations quickly. However, the choice is really up to you.

Either way, make your choice and then we’ll come to 3 main assassination missions we can complete in whatever order we wish.

The head of the Order is somewhere in town but in order to find them, we need to follow different leads via our investigations menu.

In total there are new investigations we can follow, which include missions in the Sharqiyah Bureau, the Karkh Bureau and the Abbasiyah Bureau, all of which having now opened up to us.

You can find the links to these below (and we’ll be sure to add the relevant links in as we write out these walkthrough chapters).

Once you’re ready, let’s press on and get this show on the road!

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You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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