Will Trent – Season 2 Episode 1 “Me Llamo Will Trent” Recap & Review

Me Llamo Will Trent

Episode 1 of Will Trent Season 2 starts with a man in a suburb getting bombed after getting in his car. Elsewhere, Trent is in a Spanish class. He is trying to learn the language to connect to his mother. Unfortunately, he gets a call from Amanda informing him of a bombing. She is worried it might be a terrorist attack and wants Trent to come to the scene pronto! Trent is displeased to leave his class early but has no choice. 

He arrives at the crime scene and spots a diamond earring lying on the ground. He orders Ormewood to bag it as evidence, and of course, they bicker. They are joined by Franklin and Amanda, who urge them to get to work. The mayor, media and the Feds are demanding answers from her, and she wants to solve the case quickly. 

We are introduced to Cricket, a bomb expert. She tells the team that the bombing is targeted but not related to terrorism. She seems taken by Trent and says she is a fan of his work. Trent is flattered but is also distracted by a memory from his past. He keeps seeing visions of his younger self and recalls an incident at the foster house when the other kids were asking for his help as the foster parents argued.

Trent talks to the victim’s wife and realises her husband is not the target. The bomber confused the houses and the cars. The target is Arthur Highsmith, an accountant who lives on the same block and drives a maroon car. He approaches Arthur, who is in a hurry to leave. The man refuses to answer Trent’s question and tries to run. Trent knocks him down and brings him in for interrogation.

On the other hand, we catch up with Angie. Last we saw her, she was hurt pretty badly and needed a lot of physical therapy to be able to walk again. She seems much better now and is sleeping with her doctor. Knowing she is not ready, she asks him to sign papers to clear her for work.

When the doctor refuses, she threatens to notify the board that he is sleeping with his patient. The man is cornered and signs the papers. He is, however, clear that he knows she is suffering from some nerve pain in her arm and needs more time to heal. She also needs to pass her physical exam.

Back to the case, Arthur refuses to tell Trent and Faith who is after him. They try their best, but he is adamant he has no enemies. Arthur admits he is having some financial issues, but not enough for someone to kill him. Trent asks him to consider laying low at the station, but he refuses. We are also introduced to a new character, Luke. It seems he and Faith had a wild one-night stand; then she ghosted him. And the man is fine, so we are curious to know the deal between these two! 

Once Arthur leaves, they follow him to a cafe, where they watch him enjoy his breakfast. They interrupt him and see he is carrying a bag. Arthur insists he is carrying socks and a change of pants. However, Trent is sure he is carrying money. At the same time, Faith gets a call from Franklin informing her about the car seen at the bombing scene. Arthur gets up to leave and is about to make it to his car when a blue car comes skidding fast and shoots at them. The money in Arthur’s bag flies everywhere. 

He manages to grab the flying bills and gives the bag to Trent. He says the money needs to be deposited in a certain bank, or the criminals will kill his son. It turns out someone has been threatening Arthur and demanding half a million shillings every month. Otherwise, they will kill his son, who is currently serving time in prison. However, the previous week, a woman accosted him at the bank and confided she was going through the same thing. She wanted to team up and help each other. Faith says they will pull footage from the bank and trace the woman.

Meanwhile, Ormewood starts getting suspicious of his wife after learning from the kids that she has been spending a lot of time with the neighbour. He asks Angie and Franklin for advice, and they suggest he ask his wife point-blank. Ormewood ignores their advice and puts a tracker on his wife’s car.  

The next day, Cricket drops by Trent’s office and notices he is receiving unwanted gifts from someone. Trent refuses to discuss it, so she changes the topic to his flickering desk lamp and the case. She fixes the desk lamp as she updates him on her findings. The use of C4 and the techniques used to make the bomb suggest Russian influence. They talk about their childhood and whether he is still dating Angie. Trent says he is not, and Cricket tries to flirt with him.

After Trent fails to pick up the hints, she directly expresses her romantic interest in him. Sadly, he turns her down, saying it would be unprofessional. Faith interrupts them and informs Trent that Arthur is on a video call with his son. The man assures his son that he is working on keeping him safe. Arthur’s son is terrified and is currently in solitary for his protection.

Based on the information the police have so far, Trent thinks the whole blackmailing operation is being run from Georgia State Prison. He leaves to meet Angie and ask about her old case. She was also investigating a prison gang but says no one snitched. Everyone is afraid they will die. 

Angie teases him to join her in the pool. They talk about how dating other people is challenging. While at it, they argue about how they are independently handling their trauma. Trent thinks Angie is rushing her healing process and is not ready to return to the force. At the same time, Angie thinks Trent has not processed everything that happened. 

Elsewhere, Luke tries to understand why Faith has been ghosting him. He stops by her office and shares helpful information about the case. He also gifts her a bottle of rye, and they talk about their wild night. Faith says that Luke sees so many people but still sleeps with him in the office.

The next day, they find the blue car used in the drive-by shooting and bring it in for processing. Amanda also notifies Trent and Faith that the woman from the bank has been identified. Her name is Emily. The scene cuts to Emily getting into her car when she gets a call from Trent informing her there is a bomb in her car. Thankfully, it is yet to detonate. 

They rush to Emily, and Cricket works on disarming the bomb. Concurrently, Trent keeps Emily calm and interviews her. She reveals that someone has been threatening her brother, and she has been sending money to protect him. She contacted other people who were in the same prison family support group, and the police rush to save the other three people. After an intense few minutes, Cricket diffuses the bomb, and Trent asks her out.

In the meantime, Faith and Ormewood team up to search the blue car after it was impounded. Unfortunately, they don’t find anything, and Faith decides to follow up on Luke’s lead. She ends up finding the bombers and the materials they were using to make bombs. As they go through the materials, Cricket joins them. They also find an encrypted message that was sent 18 hours before the bomb went off. The language and code used in the message prove Trent’s theory right that someone is calling the shots from prison.

On the other hand, Ormewood’s wife drops by their son due to a change in her schedule. His wife tells him their son has been skipping the class to play Xbox. Ormewood realises that he got the timings all wrong. He thought his wife was the one driving the car around while having an affair. He confesses this to her, and she confirms his suspicion. She has been having an affair with the neighbour. She immediately leaves and says they will talk later at home. Their son sees this and gets angry with Ormewood. This forces his dad to shout at him, and he leaves to find a quiet room to do his homework.

Back to Trent and Faith, they try to decipher the message and realise that the car in the impound lot has a bomb. They quickly rush to evacuate the building and Ormewood has trouble finding his son. He finds him moments before the bomb goes off, and they make up. 

Meanwhile, Cricket and Trent try to diffuse the bomb. To focus better, Cricket asks Trent about the unwanted gifts he has been receiving. He answers that the gifts are from James. He is worried that Trent is his son, and on the other hand, Trent is scared to take the DNA test and find the truth. Cricket urges him to take the test because the answer won’t change the man he is.

Unfortunately,  Cricket is unable to diffuse the bob since it has a collapsible socket. Every time she disables one switch, another one starts a timer. Each gives less time than the last. Cricket distracts Trent with a different task, and she runs away with the bomb, away from the other cars. Sadly, she dies after the bomb goes off.

Her death angers Trent, and he refuses to slow down to process what happened. He keeps returning to the memory of his younger self in the foster home. The kids ask him to help them. Amanda tries to dissuade him from working without a break. However, Trent is determined to solve the case. He dresses up and leaves to meet James, who is serving time in Georgia State Prison. 

The Episode Review

What a way to start a new season! Will Trent certainly understood the assignment and kept us on the edge of our seats. We definitely didn’t see that twist coming at the end. I am not a fan of Angie and Trent’s relationship, and I was rooting for him and Cricket. Before you come for me, please understand that we need to call a spade a spade, not a big spoon. 

Trent and Angie have a toxic romantic relationship, and they need to close that chapter of their lives and move on with different partners. Cricket seemed fun and easy to talk to. She was getting along with Trent and would have been a perfect match. Sadly, it was not meant to be.

While we are still on Angie, she has not learned her lesson. She is repeating the same mistakes. It is unclear if she seduced her doctor to threaten him later or if that was just a span-of-the-moment solution she came up with. She needs to admit to herself that she is still not fully healed and do the necessary work to get better. Hiding behind her job will prove to be detrimental later.

At the same time, Trent needs to face his demons, too. He is hiding behind work and has not processed anything that happened in the season 1 finale. The trauma of watching Cricket blown into pieces right before his eyes, added to everything that went down, will keep tormenting him. It is probably why he keeps recalling the same memory. He needs to slow down and find himself away from the job. 

We thought we had seen the last of James, but he will be taking centre stage in the next episode. I doubt he is the leader of the bombing ring, but he will use whatever information he has to leverage something from Trent. What will he ask for? 

Lastly, Ormewood just found out about his wife’s affair. What will the couple decide, and how will it affect their kids?

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2 thoughts on “Will Trent – Season 2 Episode 1 “Me Llamo Will Trent” Recap & Review”

  1. I was disappointed. The writing in this episode was not the same level as last season. They took a smart drama in a police setting and turned it into a not-so-smart police procedural. Try watching theepisode again and you’ll see what I mean.

  2. I think it was a mistake to kill Cricket. Will needs to get away from Angie in any romantic situation. Disappointing.

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