This Bed We Made Guide: Room 504 & Lobby
Area List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
Room 504 |
The Lobby |
Welcome to This Bed We Made! This game will see you control a nosy maid that will bite off more than she can chew whilst snooping around a bunch of hotel rooms. When you first gain control of Sophie, step forward with the police officer down the hallway. Head all the way to the right until you reach Interview Room 4.
Here, you’ll meet Detective Maurice Tremblay. Through some muttering exposition, it’s revealed that Sophie has been working at the Clarington Hotel for over a year and is 21 years old. She’s not married, her father is gone and she’s been looking after her mother all this time. Something has happened at the hotel… but what?
Room 504
Cut back in time and we’ll be back in time at Room 504. Switch the radio off and point your cursor on the ground. Interact with the ashtray to place it back on the shelf, and then clean the spot on the ground.
Next, make the bed by interacting with the sheet, and holding the action button while dragging up. On the dresser next to the bed, you’ll find a Letter “Acknowledgment of Debt”. There’s also a handwritten note just behind you on the dresser with the open suitcase.
Turn around and put away the vacuum, Clean the trash and then inspect the note next to the yellow bin. There are a couple of other items in the room, including various worn teddies on the bed and a mug too. However, before you leave the room, make sure you put the pillow (to the right of the second bed) on the left bed.
Go into the bathroom (the closed door to the right of the pic above) and make sure you clean both the toilet and the bath. Finally, we’re ready to leave the room, which will trigger a cutscene. Sophie will receive a call from someone called Beth.
The Lobby
Now, at various times within the game, you can hear Sophie’s thoughts by pressing the corresponding button prompt on-screen. For now though, walk all the way through the hallway and once you enter the reception area, the charismatic Beth will greet you.
It’s here where you can start choosing different dialogue options. Depending on what you choose will determine how deep into the investigation you get, although some of these choices don’t impact the game too much.
Choose your first option and then Beth will reveal that there’s a blizzard raging outside and how this is all everybody is talking about. It’s a good idea here, with the next option, to gossip about Wendy and Jacques. It opens up some hilarious dialogue and loosens Beth’s lips too.
This also opens more options within Sophie’s journal, which you can also access at any time.
Take a right and head all the way to the manager’s office. Hanging about outside, you can snoop on your boss, Bernard, who is talking to Linda about Wendy and her job. However, Andrew will show up and introduce himself.
When prompted in the dialogue, choose “Something about you” when Andrew asks. It a good bit of banter to share with him and much like with Beth, you want people on your side in this game!
Go forward and enter the white door to the right (pictured above). When you do, grab the mop off the wall and investigate just next to the door to find your first of 3 spots for the “Writing’s On The Wall” achievement.
Leave the room, retracing your steps along the hallway. Feel free to stop by Bernard’s office to eavesdrop on their conversation. That is, until Bernard gets a massage from Linda, and then it goes quiet.
Anyway, return to the lobby and approach the mess by the front door. Interact with the vase to pick it back up. Clean the mess and interact with the leaves, placing them back in the vase. When you return to Beth, who is deep in a complaint with a customer (we’ve all been there!) Beth will pass over a guest log. Apparently, Mr Spade was the one who knocked over the vase. Look through the ledger until you find Spade (pictured below).
Interact with the writing labelled “Room 505” and after, listen to Beth’s conversation on the phone. She’ll hilariously and sarcastically retort that she needs to pray to God to stop the snowstorm.
Now, there’s an achievement here that will pop either “The Puddle Patrol” or “Slippin’ Andrew” depending on if you clean up a mess by the restroom. Make your choice and then proceed to the elevator at the end of the hallway.
Andrew will show up and join you on the route up. If you didn’t clean the mess, he’ll be agitated and admit he slipped over on the way. Otherwise he’ll just continue on like normal. He’s going to the sixth floor, and he’s about to hand something over to the VIP guest up now. Andrew has a bucket with him, and you can ask some questions through the dialogue about this guest in question.
Either way, Andrew has never met the guy personally, he’s only dealt with his assistant so you won’t get too much juicy goss here. You wouldn’t get much from Andrew anyway because the doors will open, and you’ll arrive back on the fifth floor again.
Room 505 >> |
You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here! |