The Woman in the House Across the Street… – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review

The Murder

Episode 2 of The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window starts with Anna heading up to the attic and looking over all her old art supplies. Her end-goal here is a light green pen, which she intends to bring over to Emma. Of course, that ‘s only so she has an excuse to chat to Neil again and pick up where they left off the night before.

En-route to his front door though, she ends up walking parallel to an air hostess called Lisa. Neil’s girlfriend. As Neil embraces her and the pair have a “happy family” hug with Emma, Anna slips back home again.

Naturally, she’s out of wine so she heads to the supermarket to pick more up. Hiding round the corner, she hears Carol there gossiping about her. She mentions Anna’s drinking problem and goes on to reveal Neil’s current relationship and how Anna is “throwing herself at him.”

This causes a good deal of stress, on top of Anna’s current levels. On top of imagining running over Lisa (who throws away Anna’s markers because they “smell funny”) she starts talking to her therapist about how she’s feeling.

Now, it turns out a lot of the issues with Elizabeth stemmed from “bring your daughter to work” day, where Douglas, her partner at the time, worked as an FBI forensic examiner. His specific field was working with mass murderers, including a nasty guy called Massacre Mike whom Elizabeth was left in the room alone with.

Given what’s going on across the street, Anna finds herself obsessing over Lisa and finding out exactly who she is. She begins looking through her social media feed and finds someone called “Sexy Rexy” liking all of her photos with fire and eggplant emojis.

Anna is determined to find out what this all means so she signs up on Instagram, using the name “verysexyanna.” All of this is a ruse to get Rexy onboard and liking her friend request. Which works an absolute charm.

Anna begins searching through his photos and stumbles upon one involving Rexy sitting with Lisa, who happens to be kissing his neck. Alas, the plot thickens.

That night, Anna looks out the window and notices Lisa clutching her neck in pain. Blood-soaked, she collapses on the floor. Anna immediately rings the police but thanks to her rain phobia, she’s not able to reach the house before she passes out on the floor outside.

The Episode Review

The plot thickens as this story continues to weave its satire around a pretty compelling mystery. This isn’t an outright comedy either, with enough holding this up on its own to prevent it falling into full-on melodrama or silly slapstick.

There are no smashed casserole dishes this episode (unfortunately) but we’ll hold out hope that there’s more to come in the chapters ahead!

In the meantime though, this episode helps to shed more light on Neil’s life and his strange relationship with Lisa. Quite how this ties into the larger picture, whether Lisa was actually murdered (and why) along with how these puzzle pieces are connected though remains to be seen.

One thing’s for sure though, this is just starting to get interesting now and the ending hints that we’re about to move into more dramatic waters.

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You can check our our full season review for The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window here!

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