The Clearing – Season 1 Episode 8 “Island” Recap, Review & Ending Explained


In episode 8 of The Clearing, with police surrounding her, Freya appears to be standing in the wilderness yelling for Billy after he vanishes. She is searching the woods relentlessly in an attempt to locate him. When Wayne gets home, the police are already waiting to speak with him and take him to the police station.

The dog barks outside the tree house until Freya rushes over and searches for Billy. Opening the door reveals an overnight bag on the floor and a tape player playing an old song that used to be played at The Kindred House.

Freya leaves her home to avoid the police and goes to Adrienne’s home. On getting over there, all things are gone. Then Adrienne’s caretaker shows up, stating that all of it was there the previous day. He then gives her a diary in which he recorded every word Adrienne had ever spoken.

Freya makes her way to Joe’s and begs him to assist her. After falling back asleep, she hears him mention that she is on a mission and that they need to find her. Freya assumes he is referring to her and flees.

Henrik is discovered looking over documents at the former Kindred House by Freya. He acknowledges that he stayed in the treehouse to watch over them. He believed Adrienne was acting in the best interests of his two kids and that he believed they had made the right decision. Henrik is revealed to be Freya’s father when she inquires about the whereabouts of his two children.

Freya discovers the place where The Kindred is forming by searching through some old emails. She starts looking for Billy after overhearing Dr. Latham talking to a crowd of people. When Adrienne comes across her, she confronts her for failing to care for her kids. Adrienne instructs Freya that if she is looking for Billy, she needs to find him herself.

As Freya searches the house, she experiences flashbacks and struggles to distinguish between what is true and what isn’t. Once she plays an old film she discovers, she witnesses a younger version of herself telling Adrienne that she murdered Asha. She constantly dips her head into the water’s surface, which results in her passing, as seen in a flashback. Adrienne enters the room as Freya is watching the recording and starts manipulating her.

When Anton sees Freya, he informs her of the fact that Max will be on her way, and so Freya assumes that Max is with Billy. She informs Anton of the fact that Henrik and Hannah are actually their true parents as she begins to slip into a drugged state.

Hannah is persuaded by Freya to aid her in leaving the house. Thereafter, she notices a boat off in the far distance, but Anton also finds her. He starts shooting at Freya while she plunges into the lake, but she swims away and manages to reach the boat with Joe and the police on it. Soon after, we witness a police raid at the brand-new Kindred location.

A montage shows Henrik identifying Sara’s body’s location and the police begin to recover her. In the midst of that, Max and Billy reconnect with Freya and Wayne. We learn that Billy was being protected by Max from The Kindred. Max and Freya hug as season 1 comes to a close.

The Episode Review

In The Clearing’s episode 8, an eerie and disturbing turn in Amy’s life makes her journey increasingly perilous. During the course of the episode, Freya searches for her kidnapped son Billy. Adrienne, who is being pursued by Freya and Joe at the time, starts to set up an alternate spot to start over.

The final episode comes to a close with a montage of police officers searching the new home of The Kindred and finding Sara’s body. The season comes to a touching conclusion with Max and Billy reuniting with Freya and Wayne. The season 1 finale does have a slightly mellowed-down note. However, the end is a little darker when compared to the overall show’s tone.

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