Stardust Telepath – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review

Sunset Rocket

Episode 2 of Stardust Telepath begins with Umika reminiscing about her time spent with Yu in her Rocket Notebook. Umika researches how to build a rocket that’ll help her and Yu get to outer space. Unfortunately, she reaches a dead end in her research. Yu arrives and starts greeting everyone with her alien dialect. Umika notes how conversational Yu is in comparison to her. Suddenly, we meet Haruno, Yu and Umika’s cheerful class vice president. 

Haruno asks them if they went to the lighthouse the other day. Umika panics because she knows the place is prohibited, meaning she and Yu might get in trouble. Umika panics during class because she doesn’t want the FBI to discover Yu’s hideout. She believes it would lead to them capturing and experimenting on Yu. As she flusters about, her homeroom teacher Akane yells at her for not paying attention and asks her to read an excerpt during class. Thankfully, Haruno assists Umika with the task. 

Later, Umika attempts to tell Yu not to discuss anything about the base–out of fear of Yu getting dissected. Yu tells Haruno she lives in a lighthouse, but Umika argues they were simply visiting the location. Haruno apologizes for bringing up the lighthouse as she assumed they were lighthouse connoisseurs. Moreover, Haruno believes Yu when she says she’s an alien. Haruno admits she’s always wanted to communicate with extraterrestrials. 

Umika thanks Haruno for communicating with her and helping her during class. Haruno says she doesn’t mind and compliments Umika about her lovely voice. Yu informs Haruno about her and Umika’s plans to build a rocket to travel to outer space. Haruno accepts their invitation to join in on the mission and asks if she could try that forheadapathy technique Yu performed on Umika. Umika researches more rocket-building tutorials at home and feels it’d be best to start with an easy project before moving toward a bigger one. 

She tells Yu and Haruno that she wants to build a soda bottle rocket. Yu and Haruno think it’s a great idea and Haruno passes soda around to the class to empty the bottles properly. The trio build their rocket and head to the lighthouse to launch it. Before they launch the rocket, Yu asks if this will help her get to outer space. Haruno tells her it won’t, upsetting Yu for a bit. However, after contemplating for a while, Yu’s okay with the dilemma as she wants to spend more time learning about Earth and its people. 

Yu departs to fill the rocket with water, leaving Haruno and Umika alone for a bit. Haruno asks Yu what she’d do if she went to outer space to meet with some aliens. Umika doesn’t know how to respond. Haruno says she’d inform them about the wonderful places and people on Earth. The trio launches the rocket and Umika is filled with immense joy.

The episode closes with Yu retrieving the rocket from the ocean. 

The Episode Review

Stardust Telepath delivers another cozy and pleasant chapter to sit through this week. We get introduced to a new classmate named Haruno, who happens to be the girl from episode one’s cliffhanger. She happens to be into extraterrestrials as much as Umika, making her a great addition to her friend group for multiple reasons. 

As we know, Umika believes she can only befriend alien-like beings. However, with Haruno being added to the group, we can expect Umika to develop a new opinion on the matter. Not only is Haruno supportive of Yu’s alien status but she supports Umika several times throughout this chapter too. Events like handing out soda to classmates to assisting her during Akane’s lecture come to mind.

We can expect Haruno to play a key part in Umika’s development. This will give audiences reasons to foster a tight connection and deeper appreciation of Haruno’s character. In addition to having some splendid lighthearted gags and visuals, this was a comforting chapter to watch this week. I’m interested to see what else lies ahead for this sci-fi-themed friend group. 

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You can read our full Season 1 review of Stardust Telepath here


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