Sengoku Youko – Season 1 Episode 7 Recap & Review

Kagan and Shakuyaku

Sengoku Youko Episode 7 begins with Jinka and the group spending time with the Katawara. Jinka comes across a pregnant woman struggling in pain. He calls the others, and they take her to a house. They talk to the Elder, and he agrees to help them.

Meanwhile, Yazen deploys Douren to kill Jinka. Shakuyaku sees Shinsuke practising in the night. She appreciates his efforts. Kagan encourages him to use the demon sword, but he hasn’t mastered it yet. She advises him and claims they will be husband and wife someday. Shakuyaku feels embarrassed and runs away.

The next day they check on the pregnant lady. Meanwhile, Douren and Resshin arrive. The Katawara rush to warn Jinka and the others. Jinka and the others leave the hut and face Douren to protect the pregnant mother.

Jinka engages in combat with Douren, and they go head-to-head. Douren displays his boxing technique while Jinka shows his spiritual powers. Meanwhile, Resshin confronts them about what they are protecting and breaks off a huge boulder from the valley. The boulder heads straight for the pregnant woman’s hut.

Jinka gets distracted by the boulder, and Douren takes the opportunity to slam him into the wall and dodges the boulder. The boulder heads straight for the house. Shakuyaku uses her powers to hold the boulder back.

Douren realizes they’re hiding something and that Jinka has been knocked out. Shakuyaku urges Jinka to head to the hut and get the pregnant woman to a safe place. Resshin creates multiple copies of himself. Douren punches them, and Shinsuke realizes they are only copies. As he approaches the hut, Resshin stabs Shakuyaku in the chest.

Meanwhile, the pregnant woman gives birth to the children in the hut while Shakuyaku sacrifices herself. Shakuyaku hears the crying kids and turns into a rock and gives up her life. Resshin tries to kill Jinka, but Douren stops him. When Jinka regains consciousness, Douren informs him that they will face each other once again. After the battle, they enter the hut and see the 2 newborn babies. Jinka bursts out in tears, and they name the kids Kagan and Shakuyaku.

The Episode Review

This episode finds the group helping and protecting a mother who is about to give birth. Tensions rise as Douren and Resshin are right on their tail, and they need to keep the mother safe. Douren fights them with honor, but snide as Resshin is, he tries to take advantage of the situation by endangering the mother. Things go south as Shakuyaku is put in a terrible situation trying to hold back a rolling boulder from crushing the house, and Resshin takes advantage and stabs her through her back.

Jinun and Douren might be the strongest Dangaisyuu we’ve witnessed yet, but they’re nowhere near as dangerous as Resshin due to his snide tactics. The silver lining of the episode is Douren drags Resshin away before he can cause further harm and the twins are born safely. Shakuyaku’s sacrifice was indeed brave and noble. It’s intriguing to see how Shakuyaku’s death will impact the group and storyline.

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