Has Snowdrop been renewed for Season 2?

Renewed Or Cancelled?

Snowdrop is a historical K-drama, starring both Jung Hae-In and Kim Ji-Soo in the lead roles. Although this is a JTBC Original, it’s also currently streaming on Disney+, which is available in certain regions.

Generally each episode can be found there after broadcast on Saturdays and Sundays, with the hard-working subtitle team translating rather quickly.

This 16 episode drama has been a bit of a turbulent ride over the weeks, but you may be wondering if this one’s been renewed or cancelled.

What is Snowdrop about?

Snowdrop is the first Disney+ exclusive K-drama, and it’s quite the controversial one, ruffling feathers with Korean citizens and reportedly being rewritten several times over the months.

The story is set in 1987, deep within the period of history where South Korea was governed by a dictatorial government.

When grad student Soo-Ho is hidden in Hosu Women’s University by Eun Yeong-Ro, a forbidden romance between the two blossoms, with complications occurring when shocking details about Soo-Ho are revealed.

We have ongoing coverage on Snowdrop across the site, including recaps for all 16 episodes. Please do be patient with us while we catch up on this one! Feel free to check them out HERE!

Has Snowdrop been renewed for season 2?

At the time of writing, JTBC has not renewed Snowdrop for season 2. Given the way this drama has been received in Korea, plus the ratings over the weeks, it seems unlikely that this one will be renewed but stranger things have happened!

The ratings began with a modest 2.9% nationwide and has been dwindling between 1.6% and 3% over the weeks. The highest rating has been episode 7, which increased to highs of 3.2%. Given this is a weekend drama with stiff competition, that’s pretty low.

Based on this, coupled with how quickly JTBC have been dropping multiple episodes across the week, it seems very unlikely that Snowdrop will be renewed.

On top of that, most k-dramas wrap up their stories in a single season so we predict that Snowdrop will not be renewed.

We’ll be sure to update this section with more details as they become available.

What we know about season 2 so far:

Most Korean dramas are reserved to one season and with the rare exception of ongoing Netflix shows (Love ft. Marriage and Divorce, Hospital Playlist etc.) then it seems unlikely that this one will be renewed.

However, there is a possibility that JTBC do renew this, depending on how the ending is received from audiences so we’ll have to wait and see.

We generally aim to update this page when more information becomes available.

Would you like to see Snowdrop return for a second season? Or do you think the story has run its course? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

51 thoughts on “Has Snowdrop been renewed for Season 2?”

  1. Okay, watched the last episode the day after I posted my first comment. There is no freaking way Lim Soo Ho can still be alive after being shot that many times but here’s hoping, I also want to know what the bank password is. BUT SERIOUSLY I WANT SNOWDROP SEASON TWO WHEN JISOO ISN’T BUSY WORKING ON OTHER ACTING PROJECTS PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP PLEASE!!!!!!!!

  2. I feel Snowdrop needs a season 2 for many reasons. I just don’t think it’s going to happen for a long time if it does. They can’t find a replacement for Jisoo because she’s the main character but Jisoo is also busy working on other shows and busy working on a new group album and tour for Blackpink as a whole. But either way Snowdrop is the only K-Drama I have ever watched and probably will ever watch until the other shows Jisoo is working on are released. Snowdrop had such a sad ending I feel we need another season with a happy ending, it would also get Snowdrop better ratings, overall I liked season 1 though so I want more, I love seeing Jisoo act no matter how many people say she is a bad actress. I also think in Season 2, we should she more of Dr. Kang, and maybe Lim Soo Ho didn’t die, I think the two of them would make a better couple than Lim Soo Ho and Eun Yeoung Ro would. I think the director of ANSP and his wife should get divorced, Yeoung Ro should find someone else to love, finish her college major and move on, only to miss Lim Soo Ho this whole time, and really want him no matter what she does in her life, only to reunite with him and find out that he has started a family with Dr. Kang, but he cheats on Dr. Kang with Yeoung Ro, and then kills Dr. Kang in her sleep for betraying North Korea, (after she does somewhere in the beginning of season 2), but after he cheats on her so she never knows he cheated on her but Yeoung Ro did, and tries to avenge not only her death, but the child’s death as well, (presuming Lim Soo Ho kills him/her as well.). However, they are Northern citizens and Yeoung Ro is a Southern citizen, making things messy, but it all works out in the end because Yeoung Ro felt it was the right thing to do. Lim Soo Ho eventually dies because of Yeoung Ro, making things difficult for her dad, as the director of ANSP. He doesn’t know what to do as that is his daughter, but the whole situation gets spun on the fact that Yeoung Ro technically betrayed South Korea, avenging a Northern spy’s death. Then the rest of the season follows the storyline from there.

  3. I definitely want a season 2. My plot idea would be that it turns out that Soo-ho did not die after all but was taken by the military and e.g. in a coma or smth for a year to then wake up and start trying to find out what happened to Yeong-ro and try to work himself out to find her. In the meantime Yeong-ro, while kind of not caring about love anymore morning Soo-ho, is dating a guy to her father’s liking/power. Then suddenly she either sees or otherwise realises that Soo-ho is alive, potentially also that her father hid it from her, and the plot of both of them getting out of the various claws and reuniting takes off from there. Hmmm maybe they both would need to escape and live happily ever after abroad in the end.

  4. Yesss, 100% AGREED! Monica, BTS fan girl and Yulia Adhia are right that’s the same thing I thought as well the whole drama is incomplete and there are hints then and there they give to the viewers. First of all , who kills the main character like tht!!!! 😭 and one of u mentioned above the flower that is taken to the news reporter who was shot (Gal) i think who was with Hana. So, the directors need to renew the second season to get more ratings 1st season got low ratings due to the last episode where lim sooho dies. We want second season!! The drama is so incomplete we need it. JTBC yall need to renew it🥺🫡

  5. Please I want season 2 of snowdrop. I mean without renewed but sequel from the part sohoo shot and also please make the season 2 happy ending. Snowdrop 1 is really really really annoying ending.

  6. Yes! On veut une saison 2! Et on la veut avec Jung Hae in et Jisoo! Sinon rien! Que les producteurs fasse un miracle ! Merci!
    On peut pas nous laisser sur cette fin…. c est trop cruel…

  7. I really enjoyed snowdrop I hope for a second season. It would be nice if they bring the guy she likes back. He still looked like we was alive. So I am praying for a second season of snowdrop.

  8. Season 2, where the leading couples overcomes obstacles to live a happy life together, symbolizing the need for peace and the vainness of war and hostility among two parts of the same nation.

  9. I hope Snowdrop renewed Season 2…..I still waiting for Lim soo hoo and so that they have a happy ever after☺

  10. Yes, for Season 2 with an alternate ending! Maybe Gang Mu Lee calls on the radio for a medical team to find Lim Soo-ho and treat him at an undisclosed location. Let the ending be only the death of his military career and separation from his country so that his sister can live. With the New Democracy in place there can be a re-birth and he is able to assume a new identity and live as a civilian with N Korea being informed of his death. We need more storytelling with characters who have beautiful hearts without the greed and superficial nature that the other characters have and we want to see them prevail over their obstacles and circumstances. I just binge watched it on Disney. I love the way that time slows down when the main characters are together and the dreamy shots with lens flares. The soundtrack is also good during pivotal moments.

  11. First of all I saw many comments…
    In which there is written that they haven’t showed the funeral of suhoo…
    And make doctor Kang to help Lim sohoo in second season…
    So my thoughts are that NO! IT IS NOT POSSIBLE…BCZ
    Lim sohoo was a northern spy it is not that much important or necessary to do the burial of Lim suhoo…they didn’t show the burial of the other two comrades who died and just thrown them in water…
    And second thing about doctor Kang is that
    Everybody knows that she had a crush on Lim suhoo
    That’s why she helped him and returned with the money in the dorm
    But she isn’t that mad to do it twice….
    Lim suhoo loved youngro so he went there to save him
    And Dr Kang only had a crush on Lim suhoo and obviously she warned him that he’ll die if he goes there but he didn’t listened to her
    So it’s very much clear that she knows that if she’ll go to save him he’ll not come back without youngro and than doctor Kang and Lim suhoo both will die…and we saw doctor Kang leaving in front of suhoo
    So she could probably had left…
    And about the last cut where he is singing that is probably youngro’s imagination…and Lim suhoo got shot not 1 not 2 but literally many times…so there is no possibility of him surviving except he was wearing a bullet proof west…
    I cried like a maniac when Lim suhoo died…I hope they’ll make a season two where Lim suhoo is alive
    The reasons that season two can be made are
    1.lim suhoo hadn’t died…his eyes were open
    2.he said that youngro know the password of the bank,but she didn’t know it
    3.Gangmu didn’t know that suhoo saved him in Berlin
    4.the girls in the room 207 haven’t reconciled as well
    5.”ITS MY OPINION”that gangmu shouldn’t leave Lim suhoo by himself he has to help him…the possibility is this that maybe gangmu will come back after dropping miss pi,bun ok and Ms oh somewhere or maybe he called Jang han na to stop somewhere and then dropped the 3 of them there…
    And then he could have returned to save Lim suhoo
    Bcz the sk government wouldn’t have blasted the dorm,in the last cuts the dorm was showed and it was completely fine …
    The government would have left after saving youngro so gang mu can save Lim suhoo
    I just hope that there will be a second season
    And as for the flower that gangmu was holding maybe that was for youngro’s brother…

  12. All for season 2 because there simply are still many knots left to be untied. Continuity will surely garner higher ratings for the many fans hankering for a better ending than season 1

  13. Snowdrop needs a season 2 because for me, the story is not complete and my guess is that even if there is a season 2, Doctor Kang return to save Lim Soo Ho.

  14. Until now, I still did not watch the final episode. I just read the synopsis n watch behind the scene. I’m worried its will become a traumatic. I try to persuade my heart, hopefully there will be season 2 with happy ending. We really love both Soo-Ho n Yeong-Ro, sweet couple. Hope Snowdrop Season will come soon.

  15. Literally i haven’t watched ep 16 yet just cause it’ll be so sad 😢
    So please 🥺 give a season 2 renewal news so that I can watch it
    I already know I might have a heartache watching it

  16. I will not asked much, just a special episode where sooho still alive, and back to youngro couple years later at her open house party. There are many hints for happy ending, thats why viewers set a high expectation about happy ending. 1. They was stop in front of wedding dress shop, 2. Her brother was promised to get a husband that loved youngro so much, 3. Gang mu was told sooho about a northern spy who felling love to southern women and lived happily at south korea, 4. There is a picture of jisoo wearing a wedding dress, 5. Jung hae in was post a picture infront of wedding dress. 6. There is a rumor about they was filming at busan station, but unrealease in any snowdrop’s episode. So many hint, how could we didn’t expected an happy ending? It feels like they tricking us. We need an extra episode to healing from this traumatic ending. I still can’t felt the ground now.

  17. If anyone has watched the anime Violet Evergarden, it would make sense if they make the second season of snowdrop with the same concept, since they didn’t entirely show the last moments of Sooho such as his funeral or something.
    Either way I’m not going to get my hopes up, just want to see Youngro happy, since she lost way too many people she loved and cared for during the 1st season

  18. Pls make season 2 and save sohoo in it by taking him to hospital by dr Kang, and in the coffee shop Soohoo comes to young ru and the few episodes and happy ending plsssss all blinks want that to happen not sooho to die it got low rating because of the sad ending ,we will be happy , after watching the last episode iam so emotinal ,not even me the other blinks too, so pls make season 2 you can also get good rating if you do a happy ending with yeong ru and sooho
    pls make a season 2 pls …

  19. Yes,we want season 2 of snowdrop.And we want happy ending with that season.JTBC can also make soo ho’s character a ghoast helping yeong ro in future conditions.I know it seems very weird but at least it will give the fans free from sadness.Otherwise JTBC can renew it with another 2 strong leads based on some new politician concept like season 1.But that should be a happy ending.I am saying that no one have to die between hero and heroine😢. Please think about it JTBC.

  20. Yes please we want another season!!
    I have made a swimming pool out of my room after watching ep 16. 😭😭

  21. I really2x love to had season 2 of snowdrops.as I read that the meaning of a snowdrop flower is a rebirth-soo hoo must alive,hope-in each human we have a mistakes even though Soo hoo is a northern spy he deserve a 2nd life,to live a normal life we all all know that Soo hoo is not a bad person it is just he had a mission,purity cleanlyness of there souls yeong gro have a beautiful heart.so plllzzz gave us a season 2 of snowdrops,as I know all Disney have happy ending so plzz let it be😭

  22. I really hope for season 2… im pretty sure that most of the fans are not happy with the ending but as we know that’s just a drama but we surely wanted to get a happy ending so i really hope we will get season 2 sooner bcs my eyes are swelling at the end of the ep16

  23. I am very happy and sad both to watching the drama like snowdrop… It’s are very emotional stories at last scene….. But I want to request to JTBC please make next season this same drama to become happy scene.

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