Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown Guide: “The Battle of Persepolis” Walkthrough

Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown Guide: Battle of Persepolis

Area List (Tap to jump down the page!)


The Battlefield

Boss Fight – General Uvishka

Thomyris Palace



Welcome to Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown! We’ll be guiding you through this metroidvania from start to finish, with separate guides covering the hidden collectibles and unlocking all Side Quests.

Because of the way this game is set out, there is a lot of backtracking to previous areas. You’ll be wall jumping, unlocking new skills and slashing your way through various foes along the way. Whenever there are secrets in a map or inaccessible areas, we’ll highlight those so you know to return back later.

We’ll also be updating these pages (especially the next one onwards) to help unlock everything in between completing all the main missions.

The first choice you’ll have is actually on the main map, where you’ll get to choose between Exploration or Guided. Pick whatever option you’d like and let’s get cracking. 

The Battlefield

To begin with, you’ll find yourself on a battlefield. There’s only one way to go so be sure to keep moving to the right. There are a few simple soldiers along the way, so be sure to take your time here to familiarize yourself with the controls, including sliding, attacking, parrying and jumping.

These are basically your bread and butter of combat, so be sure to get super comfortable with your combos and switching things up.

When Orod shows up during your fight with some soldiers, run all the way to the right and don’t stop. Eventually you’ll come to some wooden battlements and Orod will join you. Regardless of if you go on the higher platforms or lower ones, the guards will keep coming until you destroy enough to trigger a cutscene.

When your way forward is open, wall jump up the battlements on the castle, zig-zagging up to the top and defeating the enemies as you do.

Eventually a trebuchet from the distance will destroy the wooden battlements and let you continue on. As you do, slide down the platform and test our your Vengeful Counters. These are super useful in big boss fights so familiarize yourself with using this here.

After, head to the right and Vahram will join you in battle. Defeat more soldiers that show up and he’ll hand over 1x Healing Potion. This can now be accessed by tapping the Up directional button. It’s super useful in battle… and we’ll probably need it in a minute for the big boss fight coming.

For now, keep moving all the way to the right and use a charged attack to open the wooden doors. Inside will be a big boss fight.


General Uvishka

Boss Fight – General Uvishka

Phase 1

General Uvishka is the first big boss we’ll be facing and it’s a great introduction to using the various different mechanics we’ve learned up to this point. Uvishka has well-orchestrated attacks and a couple of big ones that can do serious damage if you’re not careful.

The first will see him use his massive trident to stab forward and send you flying. Secondly, he’ll turn the horse and hit you with the rear legs. There’s also an unblockable diving attack from the sky (highlighted from the red star that flashes during the move) that you’ll need to watch out for.

Uvishka will also charge at you too, which you can use a Vengeful Counter against if you manage to time it right. This usually comes when he has about 50% health left, knocking him off his horse and starting Phase 2.

The first Phase though is generally great for using your slide. Make sure you sprint and slide under the horse’s legs and attack from behind. Be sure to watch out for the rear-leg hits and keep moving. If you keep sliding underneath every time Uvishka turns, you should easily get through this without too much issue.

Phase 2

With Uvishka off his horse, aggression is the key here. Get right up in his grill so he can’t swing his trident (which has a massive reach). Be sure to jump and do a combo from the air if you can, which definitely helps in this fight.

There’s also another sky attack here to watch out for which Uvishka will use periodically. Be sure to back up and sprint out the way of the impact zone when he does. If you’re lucky, you can get in close after and get some lucky hits in.

Both of his melee attacks can be blocked too which diminishes the impact they’ll have so this part of the fight should be quite easy.


Thomyris Palace

After the next cutscene ends, you’ll be granted 1x Royal Sash for your hard work. While you can talk to everyone in the palace if you wish, it’s not essential so when you’re ready head all the way to the right to exit the palace.

Go to the left and talk to Anahita, who will encourage you to listen to Vahram. When she leaves, go all the way to the left and jump on the wall to reach the higher level. The route should look something like this:

At the top, go to the left and listen to the banter between the comrades. When that’s done, you’ll be back outside the palace again. Go all the way to the right, defeating each of the assassins as you do.

These guys have more HP than the earlier soldiers and they help to teach you more combo skills, including the use of Athra Surge too, which is a special move that will knock out numerous foes in one go. After the first unskippable time of using this skill, be sure to save this up for the boss fight coming up!

In the palace courtyard, dispatch all these goons and Anahita will show up. After a cutscene with her, you’ll find yourself faced with another boss fight.


Boss Fight – Sword Master

Sword Master is a bit easier to handle than the first fight in terms of agility and strength, but he does come armed with some unstoppable attacks. However, be sure to dodge out the way of these and follow up with an Athra Surge for maximum damage.

These attacks though have big wind-ups though and Sword Master has a tendency to take a few seconds to pull back from the unstoppable sword stab forward – which is your window to attack.

If you wait for Sword Master to attack, jump over him and strike from behind, and the fight will be a piece of cake.

As soon as Sword Master has been destroyed, a cutscene will ensue. After, we’ll be over in the wildlands and ready for our first proper quest.


Lost in Mount Qaf >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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