Will there be a Duel 2? Here’s what we know about a sequel:

Duel 2

Steven Spielberg’s directorial debut was this tense thriller, starring Dennis Weaver, and the movie was the inspiration for so many movies, including Jeepers Creepers and Wrong Turn. Duel was initially shown on American television as an instalment of the ABC Movie of the Week. It was so popular that Universal decided to give it a limited release in cinemas. It was Spielberg’s calling card that paved the way for his successful career in Hollywood. 

But will there be an Duel 2? Or do we have to settle for this one being a one-off road movie thriller? Here’s what we know at the time of writing:

What is Duel about?

David Mann is a middle-aged salesman on a business trip, driving through the Mojave desert when he encounters an old tanker truck who begins stalking him on his journey. This turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse between them.

Will there be a Duel 2 ?

No, Duel 2 won’t happen for a very straightforward reason: the story has already been told. The original film was regarded as an entirely self-contained, stand-alone narrative. And although there were murmurs of a remake in development a few years ago, there’s no official confirmation on a remake or a sequel.

What could Duel 2 be about?

Despite a sequel being very unlikely, if they did make one, it would likely follow a new driver in the modern day who encounters a similar incident to the character in the original movie. However, there have been a slew of similar movies to Duel since its initial release in the 1970s, so it probably wouldn’t be worth making a sequel to this one-off classic. 

When could Duel 2 be released?

The sequel would have at least been discussed if it were in the works. However, since there is currently no information regarding Duel 2, it is best to avoid getting your hopes up, as the likelihood of one is extremely low.

Of course, this is all speculation, and if anything changes, we’ll be sure to update you!

Would you like to see a sequel to Duel? Let us know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Will there be a Duel 2? Here’s what we know about a sequel:”

  1. Look for it next year at book stores across the U.S., I guarantee you’ll love it! Specially all you horror/suspence reader’s out there!

  2. I’ve already written a sequel to the movie 🎥 Duel but am unable to reach Mr. Spielberg for permission to get it published! Guaranteed it will leave the readers on the edge of their collective seats!

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