Grimsburg – Season 1 Episode 10 “The Big Trouble with Lil’ Betsy” Recap & Review

The Big Trouble with Lil’ Betsy

Episode 10 of Grimsburg Season 1 revolves around a yesteryear star turned into a murderer. Lil’ Betsy was the adorable face of her namesake pies. They sold like hotcakes, making her a household name.

However, during a morning show on the air, Betsy was tested by the news anchor who questioned her arrogance and sense of self-importance by calling her “old.” Betsy killed him and proceeded to eat pies on TV.

The Mayor asks Chief Stamos to get a conviction against her at any cost. This might be the most important case the station has handled all season. Everything is at stake but since Betsy is a celebrity, apparently the “rules don’t apply to her.” She is pleading not guilty, and as expected, the tape from the air is regarded as inadmissible by the judge. Even she is an admirer of Betsy, who gains even more support given her status. Although Stamos loses hope, she still thinks the prosecution can make a comeback.

She advises Flute to remain silent on the issue and press for more evidence. But Flute has other plans. He speaks his mind about the special treatment meted out to celebrities in front of the press. Contrary to the expectations, Flute becomes an overnight star. People are charmed by his honesty and “hot takes.” Meanwhile, Stan becomes enchanted with the idea of being Lil’ Betsy Cookies’ next face.

He is spurred on by Betsy’s impending conviction and prepares to record an audition tape. Kang and Summers work on the latter’s new fear of blood. Ever since his OS update, Summers has found the sight of blood unbearable. Kang is determined to prove his mettle as a mentor by helping him through this issue. After many attempts, Kang is able to successfully help Summers get over his fear and retain his status as a homicide detective in the department.

Stamos encourages Flute to use his newfound status to help them win the case. She arranges for an appearance on the morning show. After initially struggling, Flute is able to speak his mind and win everyone over. His appeal has magnified substantially over a matter of few days. It is a brutally sarcastic take on America’s obsession with celebrity culture and how it is misused to override the general application of the law on that privileged faction. It also goes on to show the perception of the masses about them, and how influential they are. 

At the Jinkos bar, Stamos and Flute have a night out. She is fairly relaxed about their chances and Flute is riding high on his newfound fame. However, as soon as she leaves him alone, Betsy approaches Flute from behind. She seduces him in order to get him on her side in the trial. Flute keeps trying to play it cool and upholds his moral standards but gives in to his sexual urges. 

Stamos is stunned to find him swayed by her charm the next day at court. Although it seems like he has been turned, Flute is only pretending. He wants Betsy to feel safe and then turns the tables on her by prodding her ego. This forces Betsy to confess in front of everyone and she is sent to jail. 

The Episode Review

Many high-profile celebrity trials come to mind while watching Episode 10 of Grimsburg, such as the Depp-Heard trial. The underlying comment on this huge social issue plaguing today’s America deeply resonates. The episodic subplot is well-managed with crisp writing and good jokes. Jon Hamm is doing a tremendous job as Flute, carrying the responsibility on many occasions to keep things interesting.

The writers have experimented in almost every episode, but are still failing to find a formula that works and is inclusive. However, on certain tangents, the show sometimes springs a surprise, such as this episode. However, two subplots feel a little wasteful. Slippages like these often hold Grimsburg back from becoming a complete show but perhaps we have to live with that reality.

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