Franklin – Season 1 Episode 6 “Beauty and Folly” Recap & Review

Beauty and Folly

Episode 6 begins with Franklin checking out the body of his look-alike, the man he sent to meet with Wentworth. When asked about it, Franklin admits he used a double because someone warned him, but he’s keeping the informant’s name under wraps.

Later, when Lenouir is out of earshot, Franklin reveals to Bancroft that he doesn’t trust Lenoir one bit, and claims the only person he fully trusts right now is Bancroft.

Then, Franklin heads to see Chaumont, who’s pestering him for money owed. Chaumont’s wife apparently gets on his nerves about it. While there, Adams enters the room with a letter from Congress asking to negotiate with London.

Adams is excited for a peace treaty, but Franklin warns him not to fall for it, as it’s a trap. “If you give a darn about your kids’ future, burn that letter,” Franklin tells Adams.

Bancroft meets with Wentworth and informs him that the cops are after the customs officer. Wentworth, itching for revenge on Franklin, suggests another go at offing him but Bancroft has a different plan. He suggests letting Adams and Franklin duke it out since they can’t seem to agree on anything.

Wentworth ends the chat with a warning and threatens to take Bancroft down with him if things go south for him.

Meanwhile, Franklin is riding out with Gilbert and the gang to help the Americans in the war. On the way, they get stopped by Vergennes’ men and hauled into his office. Vergennes is not impressed, calling Temple and Gilbert out for thinking they can invade England with just a handful of guys armed with rapiers.

Later, Temple gets into it with Jacques, gets plastered, and follows Jacques to his country mansion with a bunch of ladies to hunt stags. Dinner gets tense, and Temple ends up socking Jacques after he disses Odette Cailot. Later, we see Temple and Odette having sex near the stables. 

Adams swings by Vergennes’ office to tell him that Congress wants Adams to negotiate a peace treaty with Britain. Vergennes is not thrilled since France helped America with the understanding that America wouldn’t take anything less than full independence from Britain.

Adams’ blunt talk and tendency to criticize others without looking in the mirror irks Vergennes, who kicks him out and bans him from ever returning. Adams then decides to leave Chaumont’s place, declaring that he’ll start paying for his own digs and won’t rely on Franklin and his friends for charity anymore. 

Later, Vergennes meets with Lenoir, who fills him in on Wentworth’s activities since landing in London. Vergennes wants him arrested, but Lenoir suggests holding off to see if Wentworth becomes useful somehow. Vergennes agrees but makes it clear that Benjamin Franklin should come to no harm.

The next day, Anne Brillion meets with Colonel Paris d’Illins, who’s eyeing a marriage with her daughter solely for the Brillion name and influence. Cunegonde is not pleased, though, as she’s given her heart to Temple. 

Maurepas and Necker try to talk the king into pulling out of the war, claiming they’re bleeding money left and right, but Louis XVI doesn’t give a clear answer.

Outside, the pair plot to pin all the blame on Vergennes, planning to hash out the details in their next meeting, but before that can happen, Maurepas dies in his sleep, opening the door for Vergennes to steal the position of the first minister.

On the same day, Vergennes meets with Franklin, who suspects he’s been summoned to accept a truce with the British. Franklin shuts that down, insisting that a truce won’t give America the independence it’s fighting for. Vergennes offers one last favor, lending Franklin 6 million livres.

Franklin counters, asking for ships, frigates, and infantry for America as well, and Vergennes agrees to talk to the king about it.

Temple heads back to Paris to reunite with his real friends and finds out that a ship is setting sail for Virginia tonight with 7000 men, all with the king’s blessing.

Gilbert invites Temple to join him after clearing it with Franklin, but Temple flips out, saying he’s not about to run off and fight a pointless war. He goes back to his grandfather’s room and starts tidying up his papers like he used to.

The Episode Review

Even though it may seem like old news, Louis XVI has agreed to provide Franklin with men and ships to aid the Americans in the war. However, as Vergennes pointed out, this is the French’s last offer of help, as their treasury is running on fumes with nothing to show for it.

If the Americans don’t secure a victory soon, there’s a good chance that Louis XVI will finally listen to his ministers and pull out of the costly war that’s draining their coffers. But now that the situation has changed, Paul will make another attempt to assassinate Franklin or convince Paul Adams to join forces with him. 

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