Daisy Jones & The Six – Episode 7 “Track 7: She’s Gone” Recap & Review

In Love

Episode 7 of Daisy Jones & The Six titled ‘Track 7: She’s Gone’ begins with Simone finding Bernie DJing in a club. She realises that Bernie has sampled her voice for a song and the club-goers love it which has her smiling. As Bernie gets Simone to sing the song live every night, they get into a relationship and record more songs together. However, when Bernie tries to kiss her in public, Simone stops her saying she is afraid.

Bernie doesn’t push her but Simone makes sure that she knows her feelings through her songs. They go club to club to share their records and soon they become huge as they start performing at 3-4 clubs a night. They start performing in mainstream White clubs as well. One night, they find out that some producers want to create copies and distribute their records but Simone gets a telegram from Daisy saying she needs her.

Coupled with Teddy’s call that Daisy has been missing for a few weeks, a worried Simone starts packing while Bernie asks her about the producers and their booked shows. Simone says Daisy might be in trouble and Bernie decides to accompany her. They travel via plane, boat and camel to get to a Greek island, Hydra only to find Daisy cheery and happy as she runs and hugs them.

Simone is confused as Daisy says she is getting married to someone called Nicky and she needed a maid of honour. He is an Irish prince but doesn’t know that Daisy is in a band. The whole time Simone is exasperated and decides to confront Daisy when she says she isn’t going back for the tour.

Simone shows her the Rolling Stone cover and while she brushes it aside she looks at it alone. She is conflicted as she looks at her pictures with The Six and Billy but then sees the way she is described as difficult, an addict and a head case which angers her.

The four later go to a party full of Greek intellectuals and they meet a poet who says he writes but does not publish as he does not want to be controlled by the publishers. Simone is confused as she asks isn’t the whole point being heard. The poet says the joy is in the making which is what makes his poems now purer which Daisy relates to.

Simone likes the anonymity that they have on the island and Bernie says they can have it at home too. She says she loves her and that Simone doesn’t need to say it back yet. Elsewhere, Daisy asks Nicky about his parents and he says while he was down after their death, after a point he started looking at the good things in life.

She decides to tell him about Billy and says she thought they were soulmates. He says that one can confuse a mirror with a soulmate and she agrees. He asks if her connection with Billy is gone and she just smiles and kisses him. 

Before the wedding, Simone asks if Daisy knows what she is doing. She says Billy made her miserable and for once she deserves to be happy. When asked about the wedding, Daisy tells the interviewer that she has a lot of regrets but the wedding wasn’t one. As Simone watches Daisy and Nicky dance, she asks Bernie to join her on the dance floor. She says she loves her and they kiss. 

At dinner, Nicky and Simone share a drink and she asks him to convince Daisy to go on tour. He says Daisy should be happy while glaring at her. Daisy joins them and he gives her acid while suggesting a swim in the sea. Later, when she wonders if Simone is uncomfortable, Nicky agrees. He adds that Simone is in love with Daisy which is why she always follows her around.

As Simone gets ready to leave, Daisy asks her to stay for one more week. Simone adds that she needs to work, pay bills and has responsibilities. Daisy scoffs as she thinks Simone used to be more fun before. She tells Daisy that she needs to go back too as she has a need to be heard but she is just scared of Billy. Daisy asks if she is in love with her and a shocked Simone leaves.

Daisy follows her to the harbour and Simone says that she does love her which is why she is going to tell her the truth which is that she is selfish. Nicky overhears the whole thing and tells Daisy that if she does like performing she should go back. She says she is scared and he says he will be with her the whole time. As they reach LA, he hears her voice on the radio and is impressed.

The Episode Review

Well, with the show giving us such an intriguing character like Simone, it’s way past time we got an episode about her. Not only does she represent the many Black female singers who were not lucky enough to have their voices heard in the 70s, but the struggles of being a queer woman are more than relatable.

The scene with the Greek poet makes it that much clearer about the privileges of White artists and Black queer artists with the way these poets and princes can own mansions while talented singers like Simone have to face unwanted advances and dilapidated houses to get anywhere in life. It was also satisfying to see Simone realise this and point it out in her argument with Daisy.

And we all wish we had someone like Bernie. She is the most understandable, kind-hearted woman ever and Simone is lucky to have her. Especially with that stint Daisy pulled. Sis really made Simone drop her career just because she wanted a maid of honour? Despite being the absolute saints that Simone and Bernie are, they definitely wanted to kill her the whole time and their constant need to restrain themselves was entertaining to watch.

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