Champion – Season 1 Episode 5 “I Love Her, Man” Recap & Review

I Love Her, Man

Episode 5 of Champion begins with Dawn alerting everyone of the accident as she drives the boys home. Memet takes the blame but gives Bosco the silent treatment. Vita and Bosco finally have a heart-to-heart. But as he is pouring his heart out, she gets busy with work and annoyed, he walks off.

Next, it is Beres’ turn but instead of worrying about the boy, he goes on about how to keep the money flowing. He doesn’t care that Bosco is tired and tells him to get his act together. 

Meanwhile, Honey’s band audition seems to be going well till she starts twerking and rapping and they immediately reject her. Mark shuts down Vita’s pleas to find herself and organises a showcase to sell her in USA.

Bosco’s label wants the money back for the cancelled tour. With Beres using up all the money for Champion Crown, Bosco is forced to perform at a Sweet 16. As for Vita, she calls to check on Memet but he ends up directing his rage over Bosco on her. He says that the Champions are messy and he wants out.

Tayo shows up as she wants Vita for her show at London Fashion Week and the latter is disappointed that she can’t as Mark has her busy with the US showcase.

At the Sweet 16, Bosco gives a half-hearted performance. Dawn tries to hype him up while Beres keeps scolding him. It gets worse when the birthday girl loudly reveals she wanted Vita Champion and not Bosco Champion. While he runs off and cries, Beres gets a shocking call. Dawn tries to comfort him but Beres is angry at him for being weak.

Bosco runs off to Chantelle’s and explains that he is lonely. She reveals that she felt the same when he first got famous and he distanced himself from her. He apologises and says he would change the past if he could. They end up hooking up.

Elsewhere, Vita and Honey patch up and the two come up with a plan. Honey shows up at Mark’s US showcase. He is mad with Vita but decides to go with it. Honey is good and he decides to strike a deal with her. Meanwhile, Vita performs at the fashion show. She invites her mom and performs her song, ‘Stolen’. However, it is not received well as Aria is angry.

After the show, they end up having a confrontation. Aria points out that it is not her song to sing and Vita is not cut out to be a star. Vita calls her jealous and Aria raises her hand. Memet stops her but Bosco arrives just then and misunderstands. He wonders why the DJ is getting into their family matters and Memet declares that he loves Vita. Furious by the betrayal, Bosco creates a row before Lennox pulls them apart.

Memet tries to apologise to Vita but she says they are messy and maybe they should do their own thing. She leaves with Laurent while Memet looks sad. At home, Mark is excited as he has been asked to move to New York. However, Chantelle is not happy about leaving Bosco.

The Champions come home to a teary-eyed Beres who explains that his dad is dead. He ignores Bosco but cries in front of Aria while Lennox watches from afar. Aria agrees to go to Jamaica for the funeral but this upsets Lennox. Bosco wants to go as well but Beres is harsh on him as he refuses at the end of Champion Episode 5.

The Episode Review

Looks like Memet’s days as Bosco’s babysitter are over too. Guess it is Dawn now. She’s not too bad though. With everyone abandoning him, it seems to be getting to him. It doesn’t help that Beres is being an absolute menace. Like your son almost died, cut him some slack Beres?

Parent #2 isn’t doing any better either with Aria twisting Vita’s words and misunderstanding her. Seems heartbreaking for poor Vita. The fashion show is a parallel to episode 1 where Bosco gives a tribute to his mother which she willingly accepts. However, in Champion episode 5, Aria is upset with Vita for reminding her of her stolen career, which in Vita’s defence wasn’t her motive.

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