Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide: “In Pursuit Of Truth” Walkthrough

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide – In Pursuit Of Truth

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

In Pursuit Of Truth

In Pursuit Of Truth

When you regain control of Basim again, head out the cave and hurry back to camp. Mount up when you do and progress through the valley. 

Dismount when you reach the camp and head up the path to the left, climbing the ladder and then tightroping over to the other side. When you do, you’ll have a good vantage point to scout below.

After a brief cutscene we now need to save Rayhan. Hop over the beams and continue hugging the path on the right until you reach a beam sticking out. Jump from the edge and dive down into the hay cart below.

Exit the cart to the west, avoiding all the guards lurking around and head over the beam to the other side. From here, climb up the scaffolding and continue to the right until you reach some tall grass. Assassinate both guards and push forward, up the stairwell to the left until you reach another bush we can use as cover. 

Continue on, assassinating the lowly guards standing on the way as you circle around camp. Soon you’ll reach an area where guards are keeping a bunch of prisoners captive, but we’ll have the high ground.

Throw a smoke bomb down or even use a noisemaker to distract them before making your move. All of these guys are armoured so be careful.

Once you’ve taken them out, free Rayhan. A brief cutscene will then pave way for the next task for us to complete, which includes heading to the temple.

From Reyahn’s position, turn and sprint toward the temple.

Hop over the beams on the way over the rushing stream and continue to the familiar sight of the temple, flying the banner outside.

Proceed all the way through the cave and assassinate the guard pacing near the entrance. After, take the ramp to the right (pictured below) up to the higher level.

Once up here, we’ll have instructions to eliminate all the intruders. At this higher level you can pick a few of these guards but some are too far away (like thise pictured below) so eventually we’ll need to go down and take these guys on head-on.

After dispatching all these guards, we’ll need to find the secret entrance. Thankfully, if you use your senses, you’ll find the familiar sigil appear on the wall behind the arena at the back of the temple.

Interact with the wall and Roshan will show up. It’ll now be time to take out Roshan in this final boss fight. A good idea is to attack her with a Throwing Knife to immediately take half her health down.

After a brief cutscene, you can use smoke bombs to cloud Roshan’s vision and use that to pummel away with strikes. Be sure to dash away when her attacks turn red and she prepares to strike, and remember to use a mix of parrying and dodging too.

Eventually Roshan will go down and Basim will hit the killing blow… or will he? A cutscene will pick up and Nehal will stop Basim from doing this.

When you regain control of Basim, follow the linear pathway along until you reach a larger chamber.

Here, turn left and follow the path around to the other side of the chamber. Interact with the door and watch the cutscene.

Next, walk all the way forward in the dream toward the red smoke. You’ll need to do this a few times.

Eventually you’ll reach the end of this walking simulator. After a brief cutscene, jump over the edge of the cliff into the darkness below.

When you do, Basim will confront his demons and it’ll bring an end to the game as the final cutscenes wrap up everything.

And there we go, Assassin’s Creed Mirage’s story is done! Of course, there’s still the usual collectibles and chests to uncover but in terms of the story that’s a wrap!

Thanks so much for following along and do let us know your thoughts on the ending and the story as a whole in the comments below!

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