Episode 4
All the Light We Cannot See Episode 4 picks up where the previous episode left off. Werner attempts to demonstrate his loyalty to the resistance by claiming to be on their side. Additionally, Etienne attempts to help him out. However, the resistance group doesn’t trust him because he used to serve in the Nazi army.
Does Marie hand over the Sea of Flames to Rumpel?
On the other hand, Reinhold von Rumpel has arrived at the house, and Marie is currently upstairs. He fires his way inside and yells for Marie over and over again. Marie then shuts herself away because she won’t give up hope. Rumpel then repeatedly tries to force her to open the door by threatening to throw the grenade at her. Marie, however, is adamant about not moving.
Does Etienne survive?
At the bar, Etienne suffers a fatal injury as the Allied troops fight to defeat the Nazis. Then he asks Werner to swear to him that he will look after Marie until the Americans arrive. Before the professor passes away, he says he’ll take care of Marie.
What happens to Madame Manec?
We are taken back in time to when Madame Manec was working with the resistance to defeat the Nazis. She was suffering from a severe heart condition, but she soldiered through until Etienne was able to get out of his cage and into the world. After taking down the code names of ships, Etienne and Marie return home to find that she’s dead inside the house.
Is Daniel alive?
In the present timeline, after Etienne passes away, Werner rushes to help Marie out, as she’s in danger. Meanwhile, Rumpel has used a grenade to blow open the doorway. Marie, on the other hand, covers her ears with her headphones. As a consequence, her hearing capacity isn’t compromised.
Rumpel tells Marie how he tortured and murdered Daniel, Marie’s father, to break her will and take the gemstone in question. He tells Marie that he gave her father a choice between pain and love, and he chose love, which eventually got him killed.
Is there a happy ending for Marie and Werner?
Soon after, Werner shows up to save the day. Then, with Marie’s help, he kills Rumpel. Following this, Werner and Marie grow close because of their mutual admiration for the same radio station from their childhood. Following that, the two of them dance together passionately and close the dance with a kiss.
Marie advises him to surrender to the Americans now that they have defeated the Nazis, saying that at least the Americans will listen to him. She warns him that if he stays in France, the locals will hunt him openly and murder him.
Marie plans to contact him through the radio, so they decide to use it to communicate. If he survives, he says he’ll come see her. Werner then turns himself in to the Americans, who promptly take him from the area.
When all is said and done, who takes the Sea of Flames?
During the closing moments of the show, Marie delicately wraps the precious gem in a handkerchief without touching it. The episode ends when she takes it to the beach and throws it into the sea.
The Episode Review
In episode 4 of All The Light We Cannot See, Von Rumpel, still intent on discovering the Sea of Flames, makes one more desperate attempt. Werner is in a race against time to rescue Marie as American troops storm the city with artillery.
The episode effortlessly ties the dangling plot threads together, and most of our questions are answered. This was the finest episode of the season, and it did an excellent job of keeping us on the edge of our seats.
This episode excelled in terms of emotional storytelling, character development, and visuals. The show took us on a trip alongside the primary characters, and we got to see them get resilient, allowing us to connect with them.
One thing that I need to point out is how little is explained about the history of the Sea of Flames, which is a rather important part of the story. It would have been interesting to learn more about the backstory of this gem, because it drives most of the show. The explanation isn’t crucial to the story’s progression, but it would’ve made the storyline more meaningful.
The episode as a whole was exhilarating, captivating, and entertaining. The love story between Werner and Marie truly stole the show for me, even though they met for only a short period of time. Additionally, their outstanding performances work for their benefit, and you wholeheartedly empathize with their situation.
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