What We Do in the Shadows – Season 3 Episode 5 Recap & Review

The Chamber of Judgment

Episode 5 of What We Do In The Shadows Season 3 begins at the Vampiric Council. While Nandor and Nadja bicker over who should be leading, Colin Robinson joins Laszlo over at Sean’s place while they watch ice hockey. The only trouble is, Colin is a bit of a buzzkill.

Colin soon brandishes a murder mystery game, encouraging them all to get involved. Only, in the middle of all this, Sean ends up bringing out his “Guy pillow”, an invention that he’s invested in. Only, he ends up disappointed when no one will take it. The trouble is, Sean has a bad rep when it comes to money (like his gambling confession last episode) and has got himself into a pyramid scheme.

Laszlo does his best to help, taking Sean to a small claims court, given his history of being a barrister. Laszlo’s methods are archaic though and Sean loses, meaning he owes the plaintiff $12,700. Yeesh!

Elsewhere, Guillermo ends up in the chamber, managing to convince both Nandor and Nadja into making him the one to sit on the throne while the two vampires stand either side of him. Only, there’s a problem.

Derek shows up as a vampire and is sentenced to death for breaking almost every single vampire rule. If you’ll remember, Derek was one of the vampire hunters from season 2 that met a grizzly end inside one of the houses they visited. Anyway, the poor dunce even steps into the sunlight too, blissfully naïve over what’s happened to him.

Guillermo makes a big decision and decides to help Derek “escape” after finding out about Laszlo’s history. He brings up an old made-up statute that claims a prisoner is able to stand trial with a lawyer. And that lawyer? Yep, it’s Laszlo!

Burping and staggering, Laszlo comes flying through the doors, with Guillermo deciding Derek will be taken under Laszlo’s wings to teach him the right way. As Laszlo collapses on the floor, Derek is freed from his binds and the council hold him to his word.

Guillermo continues on, freeing the “hellhound” from its cage, which happens to be a lovable dog which he quickly starts patting lovingly. The others can only watch on incredulously, as the episode comes to a close.

During a mid-credit sequence, Derek heads out and begins selling Sean’s pillows, using his hypnosis to persuade his unsuspecting customers.

The Episode Review

What We Do In The Shadows rolls round with another fine episode, one that continues to pile on the humour while progressing the lore nicely across this show. Bringing Derek back into the fray is a nice touch, tying into season 2’s vampire hunting story and seeing Guillermo doing the admirable thing and managing to save his friend, partly thanks to some quick thinking and sharp wit, shows off his humanity in a big way.

The series continues to deliver great episodes and the dual storylines involving the court cases are a nice way of finding common ground between the vampiric council and our court system.

Shadows has been consistently funny this season and the show doesn’t look like slowing down any time soon. Roll on the next episode!

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