Truth Be Told – Season 3 Episode 10 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

A Kiss Not Mine Alone

Episode 10 of Truth Be Told season 3 starts with the worst possible news. Eva is dead. Poppy is confident they might be able to get Rochelle to flip on the shooter and bring them to justice. But time is very much against them. Poppy believes that Eva wasn’t actually the real target – it was Trini. Given she was about to testify against Bill Ochoa, that makes sense.

The ballistics confirm the type of weapon used for the shooting, while Poppy believes they should look into Lee Hackman. Although he and Finney were friends since college, what would have led him to turn and potentially have Finney killed? Poppy speaks to Hackman’s wife, Sybil, laying out her latest theory that Hackman is using Questeur as a front for his sex trafficking ring and he was blackmailing Finney into doing his bidding.

While Sybil vehemently denies this is true, she also refuses to hand over any documents Poppy requests needs, including tax documents and the like. I mean, surely that’s a breach of confidentiality if she does, right? Anyway, it twists Sybil’s arm and she eventually agrees to get our crew the boxes they need to look through.

How is Questeur linked to the traffickers?

Markus and Aames are the ones doing the dirty work here, meticulously going through each of the documents right in the middle of the bar with plenty of punters around. From the look of the finances, the company wasn’t doing too hot for a while and then suddenly started turning a profit.

Poppy deduces that Hackman may have started the trafficking ring to bring investors into Questeur. This does matches up with the timing on the blackmail videos, which started that year.

Poppy speaks to Rochelle, who tries to do a runner but is caught by Markus and Aames. She’s immediately put under arrest for killing Andrew Finney. While the CCTV footage saves her from being incriminated for Eva’s death, the same can’t be said for Finney.

Who’s the real mastermind behind the trafficking ring?

Along with Finney revealing that Rochelle was the one who ran him over, she also outright admits as much after as well. Rochelle tells Aames that this was payback. She saw Sun shoot Trey in the alleyway and then later heard him on the phone revealing that he “took care of it.” Rochelle then used this as blackmail against Finney to try and get a promotion. And that was all used through the Questeur App. And through that messaging, the unknown number told her to run over Finney.

That same number messages now to organize a meet with Rochelle. Markus, Aames and Poppy work together to track down the driver who shows up at the meet, and they tail him back to Questeur. It turns out Sybil, not Lee, was actually the one in charge and she’s the one who organized everything and made Hackman rich. It turns out Poppy has been recording the whole time and she catches the confession on tape. Subsequently, Sybil is arrested.

Sybil is looking at 20 years in jail, while Markus finds out through Trini, whose memories are starting to return, that Ochoa was the shooter at the courthouse. Markus is desperate to get him incriminated. Although he killed Eva, it’s frustrating that they’re not able to nail him down and get the guy behind bars.

How does Truth Be Told season 3 end?

The process of recovery requires a lot of time and when it comes to Trini and Eva. Poppy decides to capitalize on this and decides she’s going to unveil Eva’s story for them all to hear after all.

As the episode closes out, Shreve shows up at Ochoa’s and the pair wrestle with a gun. The outcome of which, ends with Lillian appearing from behind and shooting Ochoa in cold blood. As for Poppy, she finishes her podcast and receives a message from Markus.

The Episode Review

So Truth Be Told bows out with a decent enough finale, one that solidifies this season as an improvement over season 2’s blunder and puts this crime drama back on track. It’s certainly far from perfect but it is a decent watch.

The big reveal with Sybil at the end as unexpected, and I admit to being convinced that Finney was the bad guy here but working for Ochoa. Definitely glad to be proven wrong on that front!

As for the finale, we do have some loose ends, especially that conclusion with Shreve and the Markus situation, but on the whole, the main case is wrapped up in a pretty good way.

While the show could have benefited from a tighter structure, perhaps changing the run-time to 6 or 8 episodes for pacing purposes, the ending makes the ride worth it in the end.

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You can read our full season review for Truth Be Told season 3 here!

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