The Big Door Prize – Season 2 Episode 2 “Visions” Recap & Review


Episode 2 of The Big Door Prize season 2 starts with Dusty inside the Morpho Machine. He’s told he needs to discover who he is to live up to his potential. Just like that, a little minigame ensues of him skiing… before the game just sort of ends. When he steps out, he tells the others they need to see this for themselves.

Dusty also deduces that the theremin is the link binding these blue dots together to those who have used the Morpho. Cass comes out of the machine and explains that her little animation was different to his. In her vision, she goes into the hay maze and her mum is there. Instead of hugging Izzy, she stabs her multiple times with a knife. Dusty believes this is a metaphor for her to “cut” Izzy out her life and stand on her own two feet.

In the morning, Nat wanders around town and claims she’s out for a run. Obviously she was staying with Giorgio, which we know from their cute interaction together at the end of episode 1. When Nat heads home, Dusty and Cass decide they need to speak to Trina about their “self-ploration” (not a separation). She immediately jumps right to the crux of the issue – sleeping with other people. Cass thinks they should, but Dusty is not actually up for that. She uses Trina as a shield but she throws it right back and uses it as a way of getting her own house party.

While the house party goes ahead, Trina takes charge of the situation and gives Jacob some backhanded words of encouragement. Nobody is expecting him to be the center of attention so he should just go with the vibe. And while the kids end up partying, the adults convene over at Giorgio’s.

Giorgio and Nat announce they’re now in a relationship, and they discuss these videogame animations that the Morpho machine is spitting out. Father Reuben believes that this is a vision, but these are interrupted by D and Cass announcing their separation. It doesn’t go down well, especially as Nat starts to worry she’s not going to match up given Giorgio’s affection for Cass.

However, things soon escalate as Giorgio decides to propose to Nat, startling everyone. He also decides to freestyle rap to her and it’s absolutely hilarious, especially as everyone scrambles to get their phones back (which were taken at the start of the night for maximum conversing) and head home.

In the midst of this, Father Reuben decides he’s going to rediscover himself and find out what makes him happy. He’s had a great vision with his card, given it showed him with his father, and it’s reinforced his feelings that he wants to do more for himself.

Trina is not feeling this separation though, and she ends up sleeping and turning in early from the house party. The house isn’t trashed though when the party ends, which is rather surprising, and Jacob sees the pair arrive and hugs them, hoping they’ll make it through.

Now, Cass and Dusty discuss their next steps, and the latter admits that in his vision, he actually reached a point where he was ready to take a ski jump but stopped just before. However, Cass’ vision also has another part she never disclosed before… which includes stabbing Dusty. Dusty braves a smile, while Trina and Jacob head over to the Morpho machine and decide to see what their visions are.

The Episode Review 

Seeing more of how this game is influencing our central cast of characters is helped a lot by these animations. Are they really metaphorical? Or is there a deeper meaning here? And who programmed these on the machine? 

There’s a nice ebb and flow to the episodes now as we get a glimpse of our different couples, with Nat and Giorgio strangely becoming the comedic duo that stand out above all others. Dusty and Cass’ self-ploration is bound to be a fascinating look at open relationships and I can’t see this ending well, to be honest. Either way, everything here is left open for the next episode.

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You can expect a full season review when this series concludes!


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