Thank You, Next – Episode 4 “#Flashbacking” Recap & Review

#Flashbacking vs Fast Forwarding

Episode 4 of Thank You, Next starts with Leyla waking up in bed… next to Cem. She’s freaked out and has no idea what’s happening. Se doesn’t remember the previous night and hurries to grab her stuff.

In the past, Leyla messages her friends, and Funda is on the verge of proposing on New Year’s. However, Leyla doesn’t think it’s a good idea and tells her not to. This is a very trying time for Leyla though, especially as the holidays remind her of the good times with Omer.

When she goes back home again, the ghosts of the past are echoing around the apartment. She remembers her times with Omer; both the good and the bad. She’s not going to stay moping about though and after getting dressed up, messages Seyyaz, who greets her as princess. This pretty much confirms that it was he who sent the red shoes.

Leyla rings him while he’s at work and points out the party she’s on her way to. She wishes him a Happy New Year ad goes to this party, drinking and getting into the atmosphere. However who should show up? Cem.

Leyla is flustered when she sees him and he too is drawn toward her. She brings up the truck incident but Cem takes her hands and decides they should talk outside. He hands over his jacket for her when she’s shivering and the pair clink glasses.

While they talk, there’s chaos inside. Funda never gets around to her proposal though given her water breaks and she’s taken to hospital. While she leaves with the others, Leyla speaks to Cem on the balcony and points out that the architect is Omer and that’s why she kicked off at him. Turns out Defne is in Los Angeles, and with Cem free, she encourages him to go and dance.

As they enter the room, Leyla receives word about Funda and races off to the hospital. Cem drives her over but she’s not alone. Omer just so happens to be there too, passing a kidney stone. What are the odds, eh? Anyway, Leyla eventually composes herself and greets the new arrival of the family. The baby is beautiful and everyone is happy.

In the aftermath of everything, Omer and Leyla end up on talking terms. They’ve been sharing custody of Buddy and passing him back and forth. Omer wishes her a happy new year, and he hands over a glass jar. This seems like a trash present but it’s actually a memento to the past; a reminder of their life together back in the day. It’s a thoughtful gift but of course, things are made all the more complicated for Leyla given she has a choice of 3 men – with Cem entering the fray too.

On the beach, Cem comes driving up from his private yacht to see Leyla. He makes quite the entrance… until we find out he’s actually there for Beliz, not her. Leyla is clearly hung up on him, while Cem knows exactly what he’s doing here. That night, Leyla, Sarp and the others stumble up in a big celebration and find Beliz, all dressed up ready to get married. And her partner? Sarp! All of this was a big set-up, thanks in part to Cem, and Beliz asks the guy to marry her. He agrees and the pair kiss, as rapturous applause plays out.

As Leyla stands next to Cem, he points out that she could be next… and that’s what cuts us back to the present. There are constant knocks at the door, while Leyla ignores all of that and, with wet hair, proceeds to fold up her stuff.

The Episode Review

So naturally, bad boy Cem is here and he’s ready to break some hearts. Namely, Leyla’s. It’ll be interesting to find out exactly who Leyla is marrying in the present, but we’ll have to wait and see on that front as there’s a lot of unresolved drama here to sort out.

The show has been a decent watch so far, and although it’s far from perfect, there’s enough quirkiness to make it an enjoyable show to binge through. Let’s hope the second half picks up!

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