Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Season 3 Episode 13 “Into the Breach” Recap & Review

“Into the Breach”

Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Season 3, episode 13,  returns to the hidden base on Tantiss. Omega meets her fellow child prisoners, Eva, Jax, Sami, and Bayrn, and they melancholically explain the oppressive status quo.

Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair meet up with Echo, dragging Admiral Rampart along. Using Echo’s stolen Imperial shuttle and Rampart’s intel, the Bad Batch plans to sneak aboard a space station over Coruscant. Once aboard, they hope to find and follow a ship headed for Tantiss.

During a blood test, Omega secretly steals a small, pick-like tool from Emerie. She informs her fellow prisoners of her plan to escape, and her intention to bring them all with her. She accesses a small chute that transports blood samples inside her cell and plans to climb up the chute to escape.

The Batch makes it onto the space station but are unable to secure the coordinates to Tantiss. Their only hope is to literally hitch onto the back of a cargo ship headed to Tantiss.

Echo sneaks onto the Imperial ship bound for Tantiss by traveling up the suction-powered droid chute. The rest of the batch returns to the stolen shuttle and race to catch up to the shuttle before it leaves. Echo barely shuts down the ‘proximity sensors’ so the Batch can hitch a ride. With less than a microsecond to spare, Hunter engages the magnetic locks, and both ships disappear into hyperspace, destination Tantiss.

The Episode Review

“Into the Breach” leans into its spy thriller vibes and pays homage to A New Hope, with effective results. So much of this show has made the main characters feel hopelessly outmatched. It’s worth noting because these are supposed to be the most unorthodox, talented, and capable soldiers that exist.

Now, in the waning hours of the show, their talents live up to their reputations, and it feels rejuvenating. This episode serves as a reminder that so many nearly insurmountable challenges have warped our perspective on the sheer ability of the Bad Batch, including Omega.

When compared to children near her own age (even a bit younger), Omega’s intelligence, strength, and bravery suddenly feel almost superhuman. Her resilience and tenacity are put on full display in just a few minutes of screen time. Comparing this to the beginning of the season, it’s almost a full, 180-degree change. She was close to giving up when she was first imprisoned on Tantiss. Now, she believes her 2nd escape is inevitable.

The rest of the Batch’s mission felt appropriately covert and hyper-specific. Echo was the true MVP this time, and Rampart came in handy. There’s something inherently satisfying about using highly technical jargon to deceive and thwart an evil, militaristic system. However, once they got into the ‘data room’ or ‘control center,’ the complication that ensued felt a bit redundant.

Because the coordinates are heavily guarded and beamed directly onto designated ships, it seemed obvious that the only option would be to find the ship and track it on its own. Regardless, the struggle to latch onto the cargo ship was sly, tense, and undeniably Star Wars-esque.

With so many close calls, setbacks, and straight-up losses, it was immensely satisfying to see the Batch win one. Onwards to Tantiss!

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