Sand. It gets everywhere, in all the cracks! And in this early boss fight, you’ll certainly get covered in sand when you’re fighting the giant behemoth known as Sandman.
Taking place during the mission Surface Tension, this battle acts as a tutorial for combat, web swings, and other gameplay basics. Sandman is fairly easy to take down once you have gotten the hang of things but if you are having trouble, check out our tips below.
Phase One
A giant sandstorm is creating havoc in New York City and it’s up to both Peter Parker and Miles Morales to discover its source. Of course, Sandman is to blame, and when you first encounter him as Peter Parker, he will start to launch projectiles at you. These are easily dodged with a press of the circle button, so do so to avoid an early demise at the hands of this almighty foe.
Occasionally, you’ll be prompted to press L1 and R1 together. Pressing these buttons will give you the opportunity to grab one of the projectiles Sandman is throwing at you and hurl it right back at him, causing a little bit of damage.
During this phase, Sandman will use other attacks against you. These include the two-handed slam which will send you flying across the city. To avoid this scenario, dodge when you see the spider-sense indicator.
Another attack is the arm swing, wherein Sandman will lengthen one of his arms and take a swing at you. This move can also be dodged when your spidey sense kicks in.
Phase Two
After avoiding Sandman’s attacks for a while, you will be prompted to web zip to his face using the triangle button. This is a move you’ll become used to during all of the boss/henchmen fights you encounter as it brings you up close and personal to the baddies you’re faced with.
A web zip usually means the opportunity to inflict damage but you won’t have time to hurt Sandman initially because he will pick you up like a bug and throw you into a nearby office building. Combat will cease for a while as you practice your parkour skills when running through the offices, using the left stick and R2 button as you traverse through the environment.
Toward the end of this section, you will have more than just Sandman to worry about. You’ll also have to deal with his minions which can be defeated with a few presses of the punch (square) button. These sand people will continually spawn until you’re asked to use the Spider Barrage ability using the L1 and square buttons. This will clear the area of any enemies and move the story forward to another confrontation with Sandman.
At this point, you will be prompted to bring a water pipe crashing down onto Sandman’s head so press L1 and R1 to give the sand giant a good soaking.
Phase 3
It’s time to give Peter a rest and take control of Miles. Swing through the air and dodge Sandman’s attacks as you did earlier. You will eventually be prompted to web zip (triangle button) to his face and deal some damage using the square button to punch him. Mash the button as fast as you can to deal as much damage as possible.
Shortly after, Sandman will move through the city, so follow close behind and web his face using R1 when he stops. Press the triangle button when prompted to tear chunks off his face and mash the square button to bring his health down.
During this phase, Peter will assist you by bringing down water towers to stop Sandman in his tracks. Continue to follow the button prompts on screen to damage Sandman and remember to press the circle button to dodge his incoming attacks.
Eventually, Miles and Peter will run up the side of a building where they (you) must avoid his giant fists. At the top of the building, there are more sand people to defeat, which you can do by using Miles’s Venom Powers with a press of L1 and the square button together.
Phase 4
Taking control of Peter again, you will learn how to use your web wings after Sandman sends you hurtling into the air. Press the triangle button to deploy them and glide through the sky in pursuit of Sandman, avoiding tornados and oncoming debris as you go.
After web striking Sandman, you will be knocked back by a lightning strike. You will then have to deal with more of Sandman’s minions, which you can do using finishing moves (follow the button prompts) and your regular attacks. You can also use the environment to take out several of your foes at once, so press the L1 and R1 buttons when you are prompted to do so.
When the minions have been defeated, web zip towards Sandman and avoid the debris he throws at you by pressing L2 and R2. After performing a final web strike using the triangle button, Miles will charge your arms with electricity so you can press L1 and the circle button to deliver a devastating blow. This will bring an end to the Sandman fight, so dust the imaginary sand from your fingers, and continue on with the game’s story.
Read More: How to defeat Lizard
Hopefully, this boss guide will help you take down Sandman! Are we missing anything here that you’d recommend players know? Do let us know in the comments below!