- Ninja Kamui is the latest Adult Swim action anime that follows the life of Higan, an excommunicated ninja who is on a killing spree to find the ones who murdered his wife, Mari, and son.
- Adult Swim, like other streaming platforms, determines whether to renew a show based on various factors such as completion rate, viewership numbers, production costs, and more.
- As of now, there’s no news regarding the renewal of Ninja Kamui, but fans are hopeful that the show will be renewed for another run.
If you’re keeping up with all the episodes and are itching to know if there will be another season, this article has all the details you’re looking for. Here’s everything we know
What is Ninja Kamui Season 1 about?
Ninja Kamui follows Joe Logan, also known as Higan, who used to be part of a secret ninja clan that controlled world events through assassinations. The clan had a strict code, and betrayal meant certain death. Tired of the violence, Higan defects with his wife, starting a new life with a new identity and face.
Things go well for a while, and they even have a son, but tragedy strikes when Higan’s past catches up with him. His wife and son are killed, but he survives and is now on a mission for revenge, determined to find and destroy those who took everything from him.
We have extensive coverage of Ninja Kamui Season 1, including recaps for released episodes. You can find those HERE!
Has Ninja Kamui been renewed for Season 2?
As of May 2024, there has been no confirmation of a second season for Ninja Kamui. This is not surprising, considering the first season has just premiered. The production studios Sola Entertainment and E&H Production will probably wait to see how well the show performs before deciding on a renewal.
Generally Adult Swim would gauge numerous metrics before renewing a show, including how many people initially watch it and then looking at the drop-off rate. With some shows, cancellations or renewals happen quickly. Other times, it can take months before a decision over a show’s future is made.
So far, Ninja Kamui has had a pretty good reaction from critics and audiences alike, with some really enjoying the drama and action.
Given the way this show is set up, we’re predicting that this will be renewed for a second season. The series does have plenty of potential but we also know that a lot of studios are tightening their purses this year, given the knock-on effect of the recent strikes.
If a second season is greenlit, it is expected to delve deeper into Higan’s past and explore how he became the most feared ninja. Viewers can anticipate new villains and alliances that Higan will encounter in the upcoming season.
What do we know about Ninja Kamui Season 2?
As of now, we have no official confirmation that Adult Swim has renewed Ninja Kamui for its second season. The audience and loyal fans of the anime series can anticipate that if it is renewed, we’ll have a season with approximately 10-13 episodes, each lasting around 25-30 minutes.
Keep visiting this page, as we’ll update it as soon as any new information comes in.
Would you like to see Ninja Kamui return for a second season? Or do you think the story has run its course? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!