Season 1 |
Episode Guide
Episode 1 —| Genesis
Episode 2 —| Raël Superstar
Episode 3 —| American Dream
Episode 4 —| To Infinity and Beyond
Time and time again, Netflix introduces some true crime stories that make the hair on the back of your hair stand on end. Raël: The Alien Prophet starts as one of those true crime documentaries that eventually turns around. The second half exposes a web of lies strung together by a group of delusional and self-obsessed individuals led y the Alien prophet – Raël – himself.
The four-part documentary narrates the story of a Narcissistic French man named Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon who also goes by the name Raël. The show narrates the origin of Raëlism – the religion founded by Claude at the peak of his self-obsession and details the journey of Raël, the last known prophet to exist.
The show narrates the journey of Raël as a prophet as he convinces a large group of people to believe in a religion that revolves around the worship of Aliens and Extra-terrestrial Creatures. The show also highlights how Raël compared himself to the likes of Jesus, Elijah and other prophets that existed in Christianity.
The foundation of Raëlism was shaken when Raël and his followers decided to mix their religious ideologies into the world of science and technology. The second half of the docuseries exposes the world of lies of Raël and his right-hand woman – Brigitte Boisselier who convinced the world that they had cloned a baby in the laboratory.
The show oddly reminds you of another Netflix documentary that narrates the story of the Korean prophet – Jung Myung-seok who called himself a reincarnation of Jesus while running a cult where he perpetrated sexual abuse on thousands of women around South Korea. Raël, just like Myung-seok, used the sexuality of his followers to his advantage while practising nudity in his cult.
The documentary also highlights how Raël was also accused of being a paedophile. The fact that Raël’s counter to the accusation was that Christian priests were also paedophiles makes your blood boil. The four-part documentary also journeys the life of this narcissistic and self-obsessed Alien prophet who convinced the world that he was a “God” because he was able to clone a baby (called Baby Eve) in his laboratory.
The show also features a sit-down interview with Raël himself who has now fled to Japan. The interview with Raël proves how he is one of the most unhinged people to exist and will make viewers boil with anger. Raël: The Alien Prophet is an interesting docuseries which exposes the reality of the UFO religion created by a self-obsessed prophet making the show a great one-time watch.
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Verdict - 7/10