TheReviewGeek Halloween Movie Quiz: A daring test of your horror movie knowledge!


Halloween Movie Quiz – Are you brave enough to take this test of your horror movie knowledge?


Do you consider yourself a true horror movie fan? Do you think you know everything there is to know about your favourite scary movies? Is your DVD collection bloated with the best blood-soaked classics the horror genre has to offer us?

If so, we dare you to check out TheReviewGeek’s Halloween movie quiz. Hack and slice your way through every gruesome category and then say the name Candyman five times in front of the mirror to reveal the answers. Alternatively, scroll down to the bottom of the page where the solutions to our questions await you (by far the safest option). 

Let us know how well you did in the comments below. 

Famous Horror Movie Deaths


1. Name the unfortunate woman that was stabbed to death by Norman Bates in the shower. Was it…?

a) Janet Crane

b) Marion Crane

c) Leigh Crane

d) Marion Leigh


2. Who had his arm torn off by Pennywise at the start of the movie IT?

a) Bobby

b) Cory

c) Georgie

d) Eddie


3. In which 80s horror movie did Kevin Bacon’s character get an arrow through his chest?

a) Halloween II

b) Prom Night

c) The Fog

d) Friday the 13th


4. In which horror thriller is somebody killed by being forced to eat too much?

a) Se7en

b) The Menu

c) Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

d) Fresh


5. Who is the first victim of Michael Myers?

a) His brother

b) His sister

c) His pet hamster

d) His psychotherapist

Stephen King Adaptations

6. What type of car is Christine?

a) A 1958 Plymouth Fury

b) A 1967 Volkswagon Beetle

c) A 1975 Porsche Boxster

d) A 1977 BMW 7


7. What is the name of the hotel in The Shining?

a) The Bedrock

b) The Bloodhouse

c) The Overlook

d) The Underverse


8. What is the title of the book that Paul Sheldon is forced to write in Misery?

a) Misery’s Return

b) Misery’s Goodbye

c) Annie Wilkes: The Biography

d) 50 Things To Do With A Sledgehammer


9. In Salem’s Lot, what is the full name of the town that David moves back to?

a) Castle Rock

b) Fang Rock

c) Jerusalem’s Lot

d) Nosferatu’s Ridge


10. Which movie adaptation of his works did Stephen King famously hate?

a) The Dead Zone

b) Carrie

c) Pet Sematary

d) The Shining

Franchise Favourites

11. Which actor’s face was the basis for the mask that Michael Myers wore in the Halloween movies?

a) Mike Myers

b) William Shatner

c) Jeff Goldblum

d) Robert Redford


12. Which Hollywood heartthrob made an early starring role in 1984’s A Nightmare On Elm Street?

a) Brad Pitt

b) Tom Cruise

c) Johnny Depp

d) Leonardo DiCaprio


13. What is the name of the summer camp in the Friday the 13th movies?

a) Camp Blood Lake

b) Camp Crystal Lake

c) Camp Silver Lake

d) Camp Summer Lake


14, Who was the main villain of the first Friday the 13th movie?

a) Jason Vorhees

b) Freddy Krueger

c) Norma Bates

d) Pam Vorhees


15. What is the second movie in The Howling franchise called?

a) Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf

b) Howling II: New Moon Rising

c) Howling II: The Beast Must Die

d) Howling II: Under the Full Moon

Horror Movie Quotes

Which horror movies do the following quotes come from?


16. Sometimes dead is better

a) Pet Sematary

b) Night of the Living Dead

c) Graveyard Shift

d) Reanimator


17. They’re coming to get you, Barbara

a) Night of the Living Dead

b) Poltergeist

c) Prom Night 2

d) Psycho


18. We are the ones who dwell within

a) Poltergeist II

b) Doctor Sleep

c) The Exorcist

d) The Exorcism of Emily Rose


19. Be afraid. Be very afraid

a) The Fly

b) Alien

c) Rosemary’s Baby

d) Suspiria


20. I’ve killed a lot of people

a) Halloween

b) A Nightmare on Elm Street

c) Candyman 

d) American Psycho

Horror Movie Directors

21. Who directed the first movie in The Howling franchise?

a) Wes Craven

b) John Landis

c) Joe Dante

d) Tobe Hooper


22. Which of these horror movies was not directed by John Carpenter?

a) The Fog

b) Christine

c) Prince of Darkness

d) Near Dark


23. What was the first movie Wes Craven directed?

a) Swamp Thing

b) The Hills Have Eyes

c) Deadly Blessing

d) The Last House on the Left


24. Which Sam Raimi movie was banned in multiple countries?

a) Crimewave

b) The Evil Dead

c) Evil Dead II

d) Spider-Man 3


25. Which horror master directed 1973’s The Crazies?

a) George A. Romero

b) Tobe Hooper

c) Wes Craven

d) Dario Argento

Fiendishly Difficult Finale

26. In 1983’s Sleepaway Camp, what is the name of the camp the teenagers attend?

a) Camp Arawak

b) Camp Wakahama

c) Camp Makahaki

d) Camp Ashaka


27. What is the name of Ed and Lorraine Warren’s daughter in The Conjuring franchise?

a) Judith

b) Judy

c) Julie

d) Jessica


28. In Orphan, what is Esther’s real age?

a) 13

b) 23

c) 30

d) 33


29. What was the first horror movie to win an Oscar?

a) Rosemary’s Baby

b) The Exorcist

c) The Silence of the Lambs

d) Get Out


30. What horror movie was inspired by the Moonlight Murders in Texarkana in 1946?

a) The Town That Dreaded Sundown

b) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

c) The Howling

d) The Strangers

How Well Did You Do? 

Famous horror movie deaths

1. Marion Crane
2. Georgie
3. Friday the 13th
4. Se7en
5. His sister

Stephen King adaptations

6. A 1958 Plymouth Fury
7. The Overlook
8. Misery’s Return
9. Jerusalem’s Lot
10. The Shining

Franchise favourites

11. William Shatner
12. Johnny Depp
13. Camp Crystal Lake
14. Pam Vorhees
15. Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf

Horror movie quotes

16. Pet Sematary
17. Night of the Living Dead
18. The Exorcism of Emily Rose
19. The Fly
20. American Psycho

Horror movie directors

21. Joe Dante
22. Near Dark
23. The Last House on the Left
24. The Evil Dead
25. George A. Romero

Fiendishly difficult finale

26. Camp Arawak
27. Judy
28. 33
29. The Silence of the Lambs
30. The Town That Dreaded Sundown

How well did you do? Let us know in the comments below! 

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