Palworld: 10 Best Early Game Structures You Should Build & Why

Despite how massively popular Pokémon is, Palworld provides that franchise’s fans with a new and ridiculously violent game to play. With its vast environments and vibrant Pals, you’ll find yourself dedicating a lot of time to Palworld. While the game provides some helpful tutorials to get you started, you may be curious about what to build in the game’s beginning phases. That’s where we come in. 

Before that, to celebrate Palworld’s triumphs, we’ve been uploading many articles highlighting helpful tips, mesmerizing mods, and other things related to Palworld. Today, we’d like to list the 10 best structures you should build in Palworld as soon as you boot it up. These structures will make matters more convenient for you as you play through the game. 

If we miss any structures you believe are essential for gamers to build early on, let us know in the comments below. Additionally, if you want to follow our Palworld walkthrough coverage, click here

Primitive Workbench

Crafting is an essential skill you’ll need to rely on while playing games like Palworld. Considering the amount of Pals, trees, stones, and Palladium Fragments you’ll encounter during your travels, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by crafting one of these Primitive Workbenches during your Palworld play sessions. 

The Primitive Workbench only requires two pieces of wood to build, making it an easy and go-to workshopping item in Palworld. Additionally, this bench allows you to craft numerous tools from Pal Spheres to axes, all of which will make your journies through Palworld amusing, easygoing, and unforgettable. 

Therefore, if you ever find yourself in a tight predicament, consider crafting this wooden tool. 


Remember the days of the Pokémon Red & Blue version when you had to visit your local Pokémon Center to access your Pokémon Storage System? Through this device, you’d examine your Pokémon’s status, add or remove them from a party, or do other things the machine allowed you to do. Well, it appears Pocket Pair wanted to poke at several monster tamer’s nostalgia bones with their Palbox. 

Like the Pokémon Storage System, the Palbox allows players to view the Pals they’ve caught, and assign some to their base for labor purposes. Additionally, the Palbox enables you to establish a certain chunk of the land as your base, providing you with a neat checkpoint you can respawn to if you find yourself perishing during Pal battles a lot. 

Further, the Palbox grants you access to your base’s upgrade feature, and completing certain achievements will grant you opportunities to establish more bases in Palworld. Considering how helpful bases are in the grand scheme of things, you’ll want to create a Palbox immediately. 


As with any venture, people are likely to get hungry along the way. Palworld reflects this feeling authentically through its hunger game mechanic, giving Palworld’s world a splash of realism. However, players aren’t the only ones who can suffer from starvation. Like humans, Pals need to be fed too, otherwise, they’ll resort to lounging about, leading to fewer tasks getting accomplished. 

Therefore, Palworld’s Campfire structure is something many players should consider building. As with other survival, adventure, or open-world games, the Campfire allows you to cook efficient meals. These dishes will keep your avatar and Pals in check, meaning, you’ll no longer need to worry about losing health points over something as simple as a loss of appetite. 

Repair Bench

Unfortunately, like in life, food, tools, and living organisms have an expiration date. Palworld’s items are no different. Although some have high durability stats, many will run out of use eventually. Therefore, to keep food, mining, and wood production flowing, we recommend that all players build a Repair Bench. 

With this nifty table, you’ll be able to fix your tools swiftly. However, you’ll want to ensure that you have the right materials for the item(s) you wish to restore to tip-top quality before building the Repair Bench. Fortunately, the Repair Bench only requires 10 pieces of wood and stone to build. Considering how easy it is to obtain those materials, it’d be foolish if players didn’t build one of these helpful benches. 

Straw Poll Bed

Everyone requires proper sleep if they hope to give it their all the next day. Although your avatars can go without sleep in Palworld, your base’s Pals will start complaining and acting foolish without adequate rest time. Therefore, to avoid conflict, players should consider building several Straw Poll Beds in Palworld. 

Not only will it fulfill an early game tutorial task, but it’ll prevent your Pals from slacking off. Mind you, you’ll want to ensure your Pals are well-fed and properly cared for during their laborious activities. Nonetheless, a sleepless Pal results in an unhappy Pal, and no one will like the sound of that. Thus, it’s beneficial for you to build numerous Straw Poll Beds if you want your base(s) to thrive in Palworld. 

Wooden Chest

On top of managing one’s hunger meter, Palworld doesn’t give players the best-carrying capacity stats at the start. Although you’ll be able to increase your hauling limitations over time, grinding for levels takes time. Additionally, some players may want to assign points to their health, attack, or defense stats. Having said that, we argue it’d be in a newcomer’s best interest to build a Wooden Chest. 

As with any survival-focused video game, Palworld’s Wooden Chest structure allows players to store items. Whether it’s food or a weapon, the Wooden Chest allows you to store your necessities with ease. Coupled with Palworld’s in-game lock system, the Wooden Chest is a brilliant structure to build for those who love being well-organized. 

Feed Box

As with our Campfire discussion, your avatar and Pals must be well-fed in Palworld. While you can manually feed your Pals, thanks to Palworld’s mechanics, some may desire another way to keep their buddies well-nourished. Enter the Feed Box, a structure that looks more akin to a Feed Basket than a Feed Box. 

Nevertheless, with this handy tool, you’ll never panic over your base’s Pals’ hunger stats going awry again. As long as you remember to fill the box up with tasty, edible snacks, your base’s Pals will automatically visit this Feed Box whenever they desire a bite to eat. 

Berry Plantation

As important as the Campfire and Feed Box structures are, Palworld’s Berry Plantation structure is equally significant. The Berry Plantation allows players to plant, water, and harvest crops. These crops are necessary for helping you develop wonderful meals for you and your Pals to eat.

To speed up the planting, harvesting, and water process further, we recommend players to have Pals established at their base who excel at these fields. This will make the Berry Plantation’s production process flow smoother. By and large, if you have three Berry Seeds and twenty wood and stone ingredients in your inventory, consider building one of these structures. 

Pal Gear Workbench

If you’re someone who discovered Palworld through the funny clips posted online, chances are, you’ve seen players use their Pals as flamethrowers or as an efficient form of transportation. For those who want to participate in activities like that, you’d want to craft yourself a Pal Gear Workbench. This structure only requires ten Paldium Fragments, thirty wood, and 2 cloth pieces to build. 

Once built, you’ll want to unlock your desired Pal’s mounts and items via the game’s “technology” menu. Once you complete that step and gather the ingredients necessary to build that specific Pal’s equipment, you’ll be ready to go. Whether it’s mounting a Pal to obtain chunks of wood or soaring in the sky to look for Great Eagle statues, you’ll be wishing you had unlocked the Pal Gear Workbench structure sooner. 

Primitive Furnace

While the Campfire is a great item for cooking food, the Primitive Furnace is an essential tool for those who want to turn their ore into useful materials like ingot or charcoal. These ingredients are essential resources in Palworld. While ingot allows you to develop better weapons, structures, armor, and other things, charcoal can help you produce gunpowder, if you were to combine it with sulfur. 

Many players may opt to use the Primitive Furnace for ingot-creation purposes though. For players who want to up their Pal, bandit, and merchant hunting game or for those who want to speed up their base’s work ethic with better equipment, we highly advise that you make a Primitive Furnace. 

So, there we have it, our 10 picks for the best structures Palworld players should build as soon as possible!

What do you think of our picks? Do you agree? Are there any notable omissions? Let us know in the comments below!

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