One Piece (Live Action) Season 1
One Piece is an upcoming fantasy TV series based on the Japanese comic book (manga) of the same name. The show follows the adventures of the fugitive Straw Hat Pirates, led by Monkey D. Luffy as they explore the dangerous oceans, lands and beyond in search of the “One Piece” treasure.
If you’ve been following One Piece, you may be curious to find out when this new adventure series is releasing. Well, wonder no more!
Here is everything you need to know about One Piece, including its release date, time and where you can watch this.
What is One Piece about?
The series follows the adventures of the fugitive Straw Hat Pirates, as they explore the dangerous oceans, lands and beyond in search of the “One Piece”, a fabled treasure that will make their captain the King of the Pirates.
However, the Navy is on their ship’s tail and they are not the only crew searching for the One Piece. Armed with skills and unbreakable friendship, the Straw Hats are ready for the journey and even more ready to fight for their dreams together.
Where Can I Watch One Piece?
One Piece will be available to watch globally on the streaming platform Netflix. As this is an original series, this is the only place you’re going to be able to watch this one. Expect the show to originally air in English with dubs and subtitles in multiple languages.
One Piece Release Date
One Piece will release globally on Thursday 31st August at 12:00 am (PT) / 3:00 am (ET) / 8am (GMT). Expect all episodes of the show to drop at the same time and each episode to have a run-time of around 60 minutes.
How Many Episodes Will One Piece Have?
The live-action show, One Piece is expected to drop with 8 episodes, which will all be released on the same day. The show will see actors Inaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy, Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Gibson as Usopp, Taz Skylar as Sanji making up the main cast on the show.
Is There A Trailer For The Chosen One?
There is indeed! You can find a trailer for Netflix’s The Chosen One below:
What do you hope to see as the series progresses? What are you most excited to see with One Piece? Let us know in the comments below!