One Day – Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Episode 1

It is July 1988 in Edinburgh when Emma and Dexter are enjoying their graduation party as episode 1 of One Day begins. Dexter is popular among the girls, given he’s one of the good-looking fellas in the school. As for Emma, she’s one of the smartest and highest scorers of her school.

Through Cal, fate gives them a chance encounter – or one should say charming – and the duo decides to spend some time together. They both have seen each other around at school, but neither have gathered the courage to approach. 

They bond over alcohol and their love for poetry and poets, and the duo find themselves falling for one another. The only problem is that this is their graduation night, and soon, they’re going their separate ways.

Dex wants to become famous and travel the world, while Emma wants to do something that will one day change the world. During the moment, they both feel they should’ve said hello to each other. They also spend the night together, sharing kisses and talking about their happy moments and regrets. 

The next morning, Dex tries to leave without waking up Emma but fails. Dex says he’s off to meet his parents and thus cannot stay longer, but he assures Emma that he is going to leave her a note, apologizing for leaving without notice. However, Dex changes his mind and decides to meet his parents at a later time to spend a couple more hours with Emma.

Dex, Emma, and Tilly share a delicious breakfast, and Tilly is dying to ask them if they slept together or not. At the breakfast, Emma learns that Dex has never climbed Arthur’s seat despite being in Edinburgh for four years. Tilly suggests taking a picnic, but she reads the room and tells Dex and Emma to go on without her.

Tilly says she needs to feed her pet guinea pig. At the top, Dex asks why Emma refuses to sleep with him. Is it a religious thing? But Emma makes it clear that God has nothing to do with it. 

At the bottom, Dex reckons he still has some time on his hands and asks Emma to join him at his apartment for a drink. Unfortunately, their plans take a backseat when Dex sees his parents outside his house. Dex’s parents invite Emma for a drink, but she politely declines and takes her leave.

However, Dex chases Emma to almost a block and asks for a number so they can chat and meet up again whenever they’re both in the town. Emma doesn’t hesitate and hands him down his telephone number, marking the end of the episode. 

The Episode Review

The show is labeled as a romantic drama, so it’s no surprise that it takes a bit of time to get going. In the first episode, we meet the main characters, Emma and Dex, and it seems like the whole series will be centered around their relationship, their regrets, and the time they spend together. Whatever twists and turns come our way, we’re definitely in for a touching story that’ll tug at our heartstrings!


Next Episode

You can read our full season review for One Day here!

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