Ninja Kamui, the new Adult Swim Anime, is getting a lot of attention. It follows Joe Logan, also known as Higan, who used to be part of a secret ninja clan that controlled world events through assassinations. The clan had a strict code, and betrayal meant certain death.
Tired of the violence, Higan defects with his wife, starting a new life with a new identity and face. Things go well for a while, and they even have a son, but tragedy strikes when Higan’s past catches up with him. His wife and son are killed, but he survives and is now on a mission for revenge, determined to find and destroy those who took everything from him.
Ninja Kamui Season 1 Episode 13 release date
The penultimate, Episode 13 of Ninja Kamui Season 1 will grace our screens on Sunday 5th May. The episode will premiere at 12 pm (PT)/3 pm (ET)/8 pm (EST)/8 pm (CEST)
Ninja Kamui Episode 13 – Where to stream:
To catch episode 13, just head over to HBO Max’s website and sign up for a subscription. They offer a few different plans: the basic one with ads for $9.99 a month or $99.99 a year, the ad-free plan for $15.99 a month or $149.99 a year, and the premium plan with extra features for $19.99 a month.
Choose the one that suits you best, and start watching! In addition to HBO Max, you can also catch both subbed and dubbed versions of Ninja Kamui on the Adult Swim network and website.
How Many Episodes Will Ninja Kamui Season 1 Have?
Ninja Kamui Season 1 is set to have 13 episodes in total. The series kicked off with a bang, dropping two episodes on its premiere day. Now, it’s following a classic one-episode-per-week schedule. So we’re now onto the finale for this one!
Is There a Trailer for the Ninja Kamui Episode 13?
Yes, indeed! Adult Swim UK has just released an exciting trailer for the show, which you can check out below.