Will there be a Django Unchained 2? Here’s what we know about a sequel:

Django Unchained 2

Quentin Tarantino’s first ever western was an instant classic, starring Jamie Foxx, Leonardo Di Caprio and Christoph Waltz. It was one of his best movies in years, and featured his usual unique visual style. But will there be a Django Unchained 2? Or do we have to settle for this one being a one-off western movie? Here’s what we know at the time of writing:

What is Django Unchained about?

With the help of German bounty-hunter Dr. King Schultz, a freed slave called Django sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal plantation owner in Mississippi.

Will there be a sequel to Django Unchained?

No, Django Unchained 2 won’t happen for a very straightforward reason: the story has already been told. Although Tarantino once intended to make The Hateful Eight a direct sequel to Django, he later scrapped that plan.

What could Django Unchained 2 be about?

Despite a sequel being very unlikely, in theory, it could focus on the continuing adventures of Django as he navigates his life after escaping from slavery. However, the story has been told, and Django achieved his goal of escaping his former life, leaving not much more story to tell. 

When could a sequel be released?

The sequel would have at least been discussed if it were in the works. However, since there is currently no information regarding Django Unchained 2, it is best to avoid getting your hopes up, as the likelihood of one is extremely low.

Of course, this is all speculation, and if anything changes, we’ll be sure to update you!

Would you like to see a sequel to Django Unchained? Let us know in the comments below.

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