Momodora: Moonlit Farewell Guide: Meikan Village
Area List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
Meikan Village |
Moon Goddess Lineth (Boss Fight) |
Meikan Village
When you arrive at Meikan Village, use your White Mist power to clear the way forward. Ring the Heavenly Bell and You’ll meet the chief, Yuhia. She’ll require you to recover a box with a falcon crest on; an important keepsake for the village. Apparently it’s in a house “full of bandits”.
Head all the way to the left and on the way, be sure to eat the Berry to increase your Stamina Regeneration Speed. Now, when you head inside you want to go up and around, and goad the giant monster to charge at you from its starting position. When it moves, slip down to the lower section.
You’ll tumble down a few floors, so be sure to use your Wall Jump to head back up and slip into the gap on the left. Here, you’ll be able to grab Companion [Ducky]. Drop down and then head to the right. Jump up onto the higher platform and be sure to flip the lever.
Return back and go to the left, past the shielded enemy and wall jumping up the big gap. Now, in this area, be sure to head into the hidden area (pictured below) to grab 1x Heavenly Lily.
To grab the next collectible, you want to Wall Jump up and to the right (pictured below). Defeat the enemies at the top and be sure to grab 1x Sigil ‘Perfect Chime’.
Jump over to the left and up, just past the ranged enemy throwing spears at you. Climb up the platforms and munch on the Berry that’s there.
From this location, jump up and you’ll find a Heavenly Bell and Cereza too. At this point, your map should look something like this:
Drop back down the hole and head for the X we marked on the map. Drop down the gap and you’ll notice another of those big enemies charging from side to side, but also a Lumen Fairy here too. Free it, and then head to the right to grab 1x Sigil ‘Quintessence’.
Now, climb back up and head left, toward where Dora is cowering (and the question mark on the map above!)
After talking to Dora, head down and double-back on yourself on the lower platforms to grab 1x Heavenly Lily.
Head all the way to the left and drop down into the next section, here you can grab the [Wooden Box] that Yuhia is after. Return the box to Yuhia, and you’ll gain the [Old Map and Windmill Key].
There’s a Windmill just to the left of the Heavenly Bell from earlier – that’s where we’re heading now. Move the lever on the ground and then climb aboard the platforms to hop up to the higher area.
When you Wall Jump up, the next areas are quite linear but there are a ton of enemies here so be careful. However, there will also be a hidden Berry too, just on the way round. Be sure to jump up just to the left of the lantern and then eat the Berry to increase your HP.
Drop down and then head all the way to the right. There will be a fair amount of Wall Jumping and dropping here but eventually you’ll be able to grab 1x Sigil, ‘Trinary’.
Head back and drop down, zig-zagging down until you reach an area that holds 1x [Tattered Grimoire]. We’ve marked it with an X on the map below!
Now, return back all the way to the left (where the picture of Momo is above) and hug the wall where the body is lying against it. Here, press down and jump to uncover a hidden area. Inside, you’ll be able to grab Companion [Cactus].
Next, head for the star on the map above and as you ascend up, you’ll find a Lumen Fairy there, waiting to be released.
Now, head for the Triangle marked on the map above (there’s a lot of backtracking here and it’s easier just to show with symbols!) and go all the way to the left. You’ll need to time all of your jumps to make it over, but once you do you’ll eventually reach a Heavenly Bell. Ring it and just to the left, we’ll have another Boss Fight to contend with.
Boss Fight – Moon Goddess Lineth |
With the Moon Goddess, you want to make sure you focus on slicing away at her health while jumping either side to avoid her blows. She tends to teleport around the arena, with a combination of Wave attacks, dropping down and slamming into a different area of the arena, and general combo moves too The idea here is to keep moving, chipping away at her health and attack just after the Wave attack and combos to get a good number of hits in. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice some of your health to get big attacks in, especially when she gets down to a minimal amount of HP. It’s not a particularly challenging fight, especially if you keep moving, but eventually she’ll be bested and go down. Just be sure to keep on the move! |
Once Lineth has been bested, head all the way to the left and eat the Berry. Also be sure to pray at the Heavenly Lily too. Once all of that is done, speak to the Cat by the Heavenly Bell again and you’ll be teleported to a secret area…
Lun Tree Roots
In this new section with the box, defeat the enemies that show up and grab the special item to the right, which happens to be [Lunite]. Return to the Cat, and then head all the way back over to Yuhia to hand over the Lunite.
Should you choose to return to the Fairy Springs, you’ll notice all the Lumen Fairies we’ve saved over the run of the game all here, with nothing but thanks. In fact, if you speak to Hazelia (the one just left of the Side Quest Mouse earlier in the game) she’ll give you 500 Lunar Crystals!
While we’re on the subject of grabbing little collectibles, if you hop back to Springleaf Path now, you’ll be able to gain another Companion [Dora] by heading to the area we faced the Archdemon. Defeat the little paper Dora there and claim your reward!
With all of this done, it’s time for the final big area of the game. Speak to the Moon Goddess and select to “fight Selin”.
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