Maxton Hall: The World Between Us – Season 1 Episode 5 Recap & Review

In The Eye of The Storm

Maxton Hall: The World Between Us episode 5 starts with Ruby narrating how perfect the kiss with James was. As we all know, the euphoric kiss was short-lived after Mortimer interrupted them. The dad picks up his kids and takes them home for a good scolding. Once again, he demeans Lydia and Ruby and questions James’ loyalty to the family.

The situation takes a turn for the worse when Mortimer, in a drastic move, forbids James from ever associating with Ruby again. Having conducted a thorough investigation into Ruby’s family, Mortimer is aware of their dire financial situation. His harsh words provoke James, who attempts to defend both himself and Ruby. This only results in a physical altercation, with Mortimer threatening to ruin Ruby’s chances at Oxford and evict her family from their home.

Back at school, the dean is impressed and gives Ruby a sterling recommendation letter. She and Lin celebrate and enjoy the rest of the party. However, Ruby notices Sutton is barely enjoying himself. He is too preoccupied thinking of Lydia and how Mortimer dragged her away. To cheer Sutton up, Ruby thanks him for being a good teacher to her.

The next day at school, James promises his friends they will party for the remainder of the semester. He is trying to do everything possible to keep busy and ignore Ruby. Ruby is surprised when James ignores her like she is a stranger. To make matters worse, he did it in the hallway in front of everyone. Soon, news of their break-up is all anyone can talk about, and the jealous girls rip into Ruby. 

Elsewhere, on the school grounds, Lydia and Sutton confess their love for each other. Sutton asks Lydia to run away with him. She is hesitant, so he asks her to meet at their secret cafe in a few days to plan their escape.  At the same time, Alistair and Patel are also on the rocks. Patel tries to get Alistair’s attention, but the latter keeps ignoring him.  At the end of the day, Ruby confronts James while he is on the Lacrosse field. He casually says that he was only having fun with her. His words break her heart, but she doesn’t break down in front of him. She curses him off and walks away. Later, James admits to Lydia that he messed up with Ruby, and they bond over their messy love lives and controlling parents. 

Days go by, and Lydia stands Sutton up. James continues to ignore Ruby but secretly yearns for her. He starts drinking heavily, causing his mom to worry. He confides in her that he is unhappy, but she basically tells him that is how life is. She is also unhappy, but people like them don’t have the luxury to find happiness. The two Beaufort siblings carry on with their lives like robots, doing what is expected of them.  In the meantime, Ruby has an honest talk with her dad. He is clear that she is not to blame for the accident and thanks her for being a thoughtful daughter. They talk about the accident and try to find closure. Angus is an amazing man and father; he is nothing like Mortimer. 

Later, Cordelia sees the kids off as they head to Oxford to start their school tour. Ruby also gets her invitation letter and celebrates with her family. The difference between the two families is as evident as day and night.

Ruby’s family is happy for her and supportive, while Cordelia can barely look at her kids’ eyes because she knows how unhappy they are. She keeps adding more pressure on James to follow the path they have chosen for him. She says he should feel privileged and forgo happiness. Even though James tries to explain, Cordelia couldn’t care less. Simultaneously, Lydia finds out she is pregnant but decides to keep it from her mom. The episode ends with Ruby and James arriving at the university and discovering that their rooms are next to each other. However, they are both determined to ignore each other. Will this plan work?

The Episode Review

Is Percy the man Cordelia loved but chose to give up on? The Beauforts have secrets that entwine and keep them in this dark place where there is not even a shred of happiness. It is unfair for the parents to take all options from their kids and expect them to follow the one path they choose for them. Cordelia and Mortimer see the kids only as an extension of their legacy. Shouldn’t they know better after being in this position themselves? It is a cycle of bad parenting passed down from one generation to another, and although Cordelia and Mortimer have a chance to break the cycle, they opt to double down. We are also curious about Lydia. Will she keep the baby? Will she tell Sutton, and what will happen next? 

Of course, we know James and Ruby won’t be able to ignore each other. This weekend away from their parents could be the perfect chance for them to talk. All this angst and secret yearning for each other is driving us off the walls!

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