Found Episode 8
Found is a procedural drama created by Nkechi Okoro Carroll. The show is centred around Gabi Mosely, a young recovery specialist. Gaby and her crisis management team work to find missing people who the system has overlooked.
As expected, this leads to the team being on the bad side of the authorities. However, Gaby will stop at nothing to help her clients reunite with their missing loved ones.
If you’ve been following this one, you may be curious to know when the next episode will be released. Well, wonder no more!
Here is everything you need to know about Found episode 8, including its release date, time, and where to watch it.
Where Can I Watch Found Season 1?
Found will premiere on the NBC network. The show will also be available for streaming on Peacock the next day. If you are in Canada, you can catch the show on Citytv. The show will be available on USA Network starting October 7.
However, for those internationally, it doesn’t look like this one will be available right now.
Found Season 1 Episode 8 Release Date
Found episode 8 will be released on Tuesday 21st November, at 9pm (ET). The show is expected to bring heartfelt drama and intense action as Gaby fights to reunite families with their loved ones. After the initial release, it’ll drop on Peacock at around 3 am (ET) and at that point, subtitles will be available.
How Many Episodes Will Found Season 1 Have?
The series is expected to have 13 episodes. So far, the titles and release date of the first 5 episodes have been released. Each will run for around 45 minutes or so. With that said, we have 5 episodes to go after this one!
Is There A Trailer For Episode 8?
Yes, there is. You can check out the trailer below:
What do you hope to see as the series progresses? What’s been your favourite moment of Found so far? Let us know in the comments below!