Can’t Swim – Thanks But No Thanks | Album Review

Track Listing

Nowhere Ohio
Can’t You Help Me
Me Vs Me Vs Y’all
Met You The Day The World Ended
Yer Paradox I’m Paradigm
I Heard They Found You Face Down Inside Your Living Room
I’ve Never Paid a toll on the garden state parkway
Even My Anger Has Issues
thx but no thx


Can’t Swim try to break the stranglehold of sorrow with their album Thanks But No Thanks. The dynamic band echo their feelings clearly throughout lyricism that properly lingers and channels aggression, while the guitar frenzy enthralls. Musically, the act knows how to play and tap into different styles too, developing a sound that manages to connect on a big level, and it doesn’t hinder at any moment.

Throughout the album, sadness plays a massive part, and the lyrics can be unnerving, though the band doesn’t want to do things half-hearted, as they want to push everything to the wire. Soft at times, the band also show their vulnerabilities on this record, shaking as they pen their love letters to the estranged.

‘Nowhere Ohio’ starts the record off with a pleasing riff. The scars are present, big and bold, and the band tell all that in the well orchestrated chorus. It’s simple musically, but the lyrics pack a punch, which are certainly revealing.

‘Met You The Day The World Ended’ opens with another dynamic riff, pushing the lyrics to the forefront. Every lyric demands attention, and they’re thought-provoking. Again, sadness drills in.

‘Eliminate’ is volatile compared to other tracks on this release, and it shows the band can mix it up. It also shows they’re capable of pushing their sound. This track is one of loudest on the album, and that’s good for the people who love to fall deeply into the raucousness.

Can’t Swim deliver an album that has pessimistic traits, and emotion riffling through it, but that shows they’re at one with the common world.

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  • Verdict - 8/10

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