Black Bird Episode 3
Black Bird is an intriguing and well written thriller, based on a true story no less. The tale centers on Jimmy Keene, who is sentenced to 10 years in a minimum security prison but he cuts a deal with the FBI to befriend a suspected serial killer called Larry.
Specifically, he needs to find out where Larry may have hidden up to 18 bodies of dead women. But time is of the essence, as Larry looks close
If you’ve been following this one, you may be curious to find out when the next episode is releasing. Well, wonder no more!
Here is everything you need to know about Black Bird episode 3, including its release date, time and where you can watch this.
Where Can I Watch Black Bird?
Black Bird is available to stream on AppleTV+. This is an exclusive original series, meaning this is the only place you’re going to be able to watch this show.
Black Bird Episode 3 Release Date
Black Bird Episode 3 will release on Friday 15th July at approximately 12am (ET/PT) / 5am (GMT). Of course, it’s really dependent on how quickly Apple upload new episodes. Expect this to be pretty close to the release time though.
Black Bird Episode 3 is also available with subtitles from its release, with the chapter titled “Hand to Mouth”. This is scheduled to clock in at 59 minutes long.
How Many Episodes Will Black Bird Season 1 Have?
Season 3 of Mankind is scheduled for 6 episodes, so we’ve got 3 more episode to go after this one. Expect the story to continue building up drama as Jimmy gets closer to Larry in prison.
Is There A Trailer For Black Bird Season 1?
There is indeed! You can find a trailer for Black Bird Season 1 below:
What Happened in Episode 2?
Episode 2 tightens the screw, with Jimmy now in the new prison and intent on getting close to Larry. Meanwhile, Brian continues his investigation.
We’ve covered the entire episode with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below:
Read more: Black Bird – Episode 2 Recap & Review
What do you hope to see as the series progresses? What’s been your favorite moment of Black Bird so far? Let us know in the comments below!