Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide: “The Hunter” Walkthrough

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide – The Hunter

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Blood and Shadows

The Hunter

Like Father, Like Son

The Hunter Part 2


Blood and Shadows

It’s now time to go and speak with Fuladh over in the Sharqiyah Bureau. Once you reach the general area, use your Eagle to hone in on the base’s location. Once more, we need to approach from the rooftop and drop down into the Bureau. 

Interact with the door and watch the cutscene with Fuladh, Ali and the others. With things getting more dangerous, we need to work quickly to avoid further bloodshed.


The Hunter

Once you’ve left the base, head up to the roof and hop all the way over to find Ali over by the Sharqiyah Gate.

When you’ve spoken to him, mount up and follow Ali on the way to Jarjaraya. There’s a long road ahead, so listen to Ali talk before eventually making it to our destination.

Dismount and follow Ali up to the rooftop. Basim is going to hang about for a bit but encourages you to go and investigate the Teahouse. The patrons there might have information we need.

At this point, you’re free to explore Jarjaraya if you wish, but with a crucial clue in our midst, let’s head straight to the teahouse. You’ll find an elder outside discussing how slaves have gone missing. However, he refuses to discuss anything without a relevant token.

If you don’t have a token, you can head up to the rooftop of the teahouse and outside, on the balcony, you’ll find 1x Brick of Tea in the corner. 

Using this, you’ll be able tobribe the Elder into divulging more information.

Out the back door, you’ll find a drunk man on the ground rambling on. If you approach him, interact with the civilian and throw him in the water to sober him up. He’ll reveal that slaves have gone missing.

Go back inside the teahouse and up to the top floor. You’ll find someone passed out on the ground but also be able to grab an Enigma treasure here.

Once you’ve done all of this, the Teahouse Owner will call you over; he’s located at the front of the Teahouse.

Follow the owner out to the back and he’ll point out that there’s a farm nearby that could hold a crucial clue. Before we do anything else, return to Ali and update him on what’s going on.

We now have two separate tasks; investigate the farm and tail the informant. Let’s go for the latter first.

Tail The Informant

Use your Eagle to hone in on the exact location over by the harbor to the north. Approach and stay in the tall grass to avoid detection. 

When the guard starts moving, stick to the grass and then climb the ladder to the right. You now want to stay parallel to the guard, crossing the rooftops and the ropes, keeping your camera pointed down so you can keep an eye on the guard.

When you reach a large plaza, jump down into the haybale cart and then slip across to the left, into the tall grass. When the guard turns onto the dock, sit on the bench by the side of the harbor to blend in and eavesdrop.

This position also allows us to be up close and personal with the soldier whom we need to pickpocket. Tail them across the plaza and you can either wait until the two guards break apart and pickpocket the soldier, or assassinate the one at the back and quickly pickpocket the other before the authorities can be alerted.


Like Father, Like Son

With the first step on our journey completed, it’s now time to turn our attention to the farm. Head over and speak to the Widow. When you reach the farm, use your Eagle to scout the local area. You’ll find the Widow sitting on the porch outside one of the buildings to the west.

Listen to the Widow and then speak to her when she’s finished. We need to gather some flowers to honour the dead. In order to find those, we need to head for Palm Grove. 

Follow the marker down to the west and circle around the large monument. Just left of the marker, you’ll find a chest holding 2x Components, 17x Leather and 18x Steel Ingot. At the back, you’ll find the white flowers and some snakes. Grab the flowers, dispatch the snakes if you wish and return to the Widow.

After gaining her favor, we can now investigate the Son’s disappearance to find out what happened. Just behind the Widow you’ll find some footprints.

Follow the tracks using your senses and it’ll lead you up to a small building that’s locked. In order to break in, head to the back and move the shelf to the side. Inside the workshop, investigate the table to find a letter from the Son. Within this, he mentions a nearby farm. 

Take this evidence back to the Widow. It seems like this is Dogan’s Farm, which collides with Ali’s next mission. So now, it’s back onto The Hunter mission. Move over and speak to Ali.


The Hunter Part 2

After the cutscene, we’re now given the task of rescuing the captured rebels. Dogan’s Farm is full of soldiers patrolling the area, but it’s also full of tall grass too. The rebels are being kept in cages surrounded by guards so we can either blast in and fight them all, or be a bit more cunning in our tactics. Let’s go for the latter option.

Just to the right of the grass you’ll find a tall building surrounded by guards (pictured below)

What you want to do is approach from the left, using the tall grass for cover, and slowly take out each of the guards, being sure to watch the men standing on the rooftops. These scouts will easily spot you coming if you try to stealth your way over to the cages so they’re the priority to take out first.

You’ll find the Widow’s Son tied up just by the open doorway on the first floor, and also a chest inside on the ground floor, holding 27x Leather, 9x Steel Ingot and 2x Components.

With those inside the farm house defeated, sweep the perimeter of the cages first, taking out the patrolling soldiers nearby before tackling the two men outside the cages. One of them is a heavy brute so try to assassinate him first to make life easier for yourself.

Once you’ve freed the rebels, return to Ali and regroup. Their location will be nearby and once you’re ready, follow him and the bunch of rebels to take out Dogan.

Killing Dogan is pretty straightforward and the idea here is to get behind each of the soldiers while they’re distracted fighting the rebels and hit them with an assassination blow.

With the fighting over, search Dogan’s body, collect the letter and report to Ali.

<< A Grand End

The Raptor and the Demon >>

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