Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide: All Tales of Baghdad Locations & Walkthrough

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide

Tales of Baghdad (Tap to jump down the page!)

Holy Mission

Blade in the Crowd, Tool in the Shed

A Life’s Work

Leap of the Faithful

Curse of the Si’La

Treasure Hunt


Assassin’s Creed Mirage has a number of random side activities and quests to complete. One of those happens to be Tales of Baghdad. These simple missions are dotted around the map in random locations.

To save you the headache of figuring out where these are and how to complete them, we’ve collated them all together in one handy guide. Be sure to follow the links above to jump down the page to your desired mission!


Holy Mission

Location: Harbiyah

How to complete Holy Mission:

Approach the marker and speak to the monk in the black cloak. He’s looking for a gravestone belonging to a saint. The only clue we have is that it’s a site covered with weeds.

Use your senses to hone in on the exact gravestone, which you’ll find has pink roses over one side.  Investigate the gravestone with roses on nearby and take out the guards that show up to ambush you.

After you defeat all three, this will bring the quest to a close.


Blade in the Crowd, Tool in the Shed

Location: Abbasiyah

How to complete Blade in the Crowd:

Speak to Naaji when you show up in the alleyway and follow him all the way through the market. On the way, assassinate the guards to the right and left.

You can throw some smoke bombs to make life easier for yourself but none on the soldiers are all that difficult to defeat. 

Kill all the guards that show, and the mission will come to a close.


A Life’s Work

Location: Abbasiyah

How to complete A Life’s Work:

Speak to the quest giver, Al-Mahani, and he’ll mention three pages of his book that we need to get back. Remember the familiar chase quests in Assassin’s Creed games of old? Yep, we’ve got this coming up now.

The first page you’ll find just beyond Al-Mahani, up on the edge of the balcony next to the red rug (pictured above).

Climb up and chase the page as it flies off into the distance. If you’re quick, you’ll manage to grab it before it ends up at its destination (pictured below and marked with an X)

The next page is sneakily located just below where we grabbed the first page. On the ground floor of the building to the right (the one we hopped over the beams on top to get the page), move the shelf to the far right. Climb on top and aim a throwing knife through the marked window (pictured below) to unbar the door.

Now, head round the other side and open the door we just unlocked. Go up the stairs in this house and grab the page from the desk.

Head out the house and now, from the front door, proceed up onto the rooftop. Once there, you’ll find a strange golden contraption on the edge. Just in front of that, on the desk, is the third piece of scripture.

Return these to the quest-giver’s son to complete this mission.


Leap of the Faithful

Location: Karkh

How to complete Leap of the Faithful:

This is a very simple mission. Climb up to the top of the viewpoint and speak to the young boy. Do a leap of faith off the top and watch as the boy does the same.


Curse of the Si’La

Location: Wilderness

How to complete Curse of the Si’La:

Spek to the quest giver and then head west. Go down the stairs and examine the deceased body in the middle of the stairs. Next, turn right and examine the open chest. You’ll notice Chinese markings. Open the door and examine the vase on the ground. Next, head outside the house and examine the sandbag on the ground.

Keep moving west and follow the tracks all the way down to the shore, where you’ll find a cheetah chilling on the beach. Kill the big cat and examine the logs on the ground next to it.

After all this, return to the survivor and complete the mission.


Treasure Hunt

Location: Wilderness

How to complete Treasure Hunt:

Speak to the quest giver, Tiferet, and she will point out that she wants to get inside the house she’s standing before. Head into the water from the north side and swim out to the beam with a red flag on top. Swim down and turn south, swimming past the falling debris and back out into the open again, inside the house.

Climb up out the water and unbar the door.

Next, head round to the pots, face north and at the back (pictured above) will be the amphora to carry. Walk outside while carrying this and hand it over to the quest giver.  

So there we have it, that’s the location and walkthrough for all of the Tales of Baghdad. What do you think of these missions? Did you get stuck on any? Let us know in the comments below!

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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