8 Games Like Halo | TheReviewGeek Recommends

8 Other Grand FPS Experiences

Despite its massive appeal, Halo won’t be for everyone. However, it’s a franchise that’s near and dear to many hearts and served as many’s introductions to first-person shooters. The game is intense, emotional, and filled to the brim with unique weapons and addictive gameplay.

If you’ve finished playing Halo and are looking for alternatives – fret not! We’ve combed through the archives and saved you the hassle with our top 8 picks.

Of course, for all the games we’ve reviewed, we’ve also added a handy link so you can check out our full thoughts on that and see if it’s something you want to invest your time with.

So without further ado, we present 8 games to check out when you’ve finished playing Halo.

Destiny 2

After creating a worldwide phenomenon with Halo, many wondered what Bungie would work on afterward. The Destiny franchise may not be as well-known as Halo, but its many features and stellar gameplay shouldn’t go unnoticed.

While the first game didn’t strike a niche for many fans, others found the sequel on par with the Halo franchise. Destiny 2 is a massively multiplayer online first-person shooter game with enough depth to entice players to keep playing.

For instance, players can choose between three different classes. These are the Titan, Hunter, and Warlock classes. The Titan class serves as the defensive type, allowing these players to shield their fellow teammates in battle. The Hunter class grants players more speed for less durability. The Warlocks are the go-to choice for beginning players as they’re treated as the all-rounder type.

Like Halo, Destiny 2 allows players to customize their Guardians (the characters you play as) to their liking. This helps sell players on the world and allows them to have different experiences with the game as opposed to others. The game also encourages multiplayer immensely like Halo by including incredible co-op challenges, PVE/PVP modes, and more.

Titanfall 2

When Titanfall 2 hit store shelves in 2016, many agreed that it had one of the best solo campaigns since the original Halo trilogy. With its incredible sci-fi setting, stunning high-tech weaponry, and well-written story, Titanfall 2 feels like a treat for old-school Halo fans.

Unlike Halo, Titanfall 2 features a variety of enemies for players, some of which are human. The assortment of enemies allows players to generate new ideas and tactics regarding their approach toward taking their target down.

The game wonderfully blends its platforming, gunplay, and movement as each map has enough creativity and diversity to keep players enthused. Players will adore their ability to grab ledges and run-up walls since it may resemble the same low-gravity feeling they obtained while controlling Master Chief.

A drawback for some is the low number of players you would find when searching online for a match. Another aspect that some might find bothersome is Titanfall 2’s short story length. It’s not as meaty as some campaigns from Halo games, although it does tell an intriguing narrative.

Doom Eternal

While Halo made first-person shooter games mainstream, the Doom franchise kickstarted the genre. With its recent comeback via 2016’s Doom and sequel Doom Eternal, the franchise has reminded many of its worth, rich content, and incredible demon-slaying protagonist, Doomguy.

Halo is tamer in comparison to Doom Eternal, though. This is due to the Doom franchise feeling more over-the-top with its action, gore, and apocalyptic setting. At the same time, this franchise has an onslaught of powerful enemies you must destroy.

The on-disk and DLC expansions for the story only further develop the appeal for this one. Introducing newer powerups and incredible antagonists in each section to master while keeping you on your toes feels right with Doom.

While it’s essentially Halo’s mature grandfather, Doom and Doom Eternal’s online modes pale in comparison. In 2016, Doom had a slayer-style mode that resembled Halo’s too much. Doom Eternal tries something different by having a Doomguy vs. two monsters mode. It’s grand at first but becomes repetitive and boring after a few playthroughs.

You can read our thoughts on Doom Eternal in our video game review here!

Half-Life 2

Hardcore gamers will tell you that the Half-Life franchise is worth playing. There’s a lot to discover with Half-Life, from its well-written narrative to its variety of settings.

Half-Life’s setting is more grounded than Halo’s as everything takes place within one large robust city. However, the developers made each level feel different from the others. These levels also help players improve their understanding and use of the game’s mechanics.

The protagonist Gordon Freeman is nowhere near Master Chief’s durability and strength though. Yet, he does have a fair share of quirks on par with Master Chief. Both characters follow the silent protagonist stereotype well, allowing players to form a connection with them.

Half-Life 2 also has its fair share of online multiplayer modes. In Deathmatch and Combine Vs. Resistance, players can test their skills against others worldwide. The latter leans heavily into team-based gameplay, which is nothing new to Halo fans who enjoy team-based battles.

While Half-Life 2 may not have the best visuals, its gameplay, storyline, and main protagonist make the game a worthwhile purchase.


Imagine Halo but with more humor, weapons, and RPG-like mechanics. If that sounds appealing then the Borderlands franchise is for you! Despite having foul humor, wacky characters, and a cartoony-like style, Borderlands has enough content to satisfy a Halo fanatic.

The Borderlands franchise has many guns to choose from, each feeling distinct and different from the rest. Some also have status effects like an everlasting burning and paralyzation effect on enemies. There are a plethora of weapons, and its co-op mode is entertaining.

Borderlands’ co-op play leans toward PvE more than PVP. Essentially, players can team up with friends to progress through the game’s multiple campaigns, either offline or online with friends. While the game does have some form of PVP with its Duels mode, it hasn’t made a resurgence in Borderlands 3, nor did it offer players any rewards for scoring a victory.

You may be interested in Borderlands if you’re looking for a game set in an apocalyptic sci-fi setting with a boatload of unique and powerful weapons.

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Star Wars: Republic Commando is essentially a Halo game set in the Star Wars universe. With its first-person shooter gameplay, memorable campaign, and stellar performances for the time, it provided many fans with a worthwhile experience.

While both take place within a futuristic setting and have many grand feats, Star Wars: Republic Commando gives players stellar options that later make their way in the Halo franchise. One example is in its handling of squad-based combat and competent NPCs.

The game also adds a tactical-RPG element regarding its squad-based combat system. Essentially, you have control over your NPCs’ actions by putting them up against certain enemies. It adds depth to the gameplay by forcing players to utilize their tactical wit to walk away from battles unscathed.

In contrast to Halo, Star Wars: Republic Commando’s campaign is shorter. However, there’s a lot to unpack as it’s grand enough to warrant multiple playthroughs even after completion. On that note, Star Wars: Republic Commando is worth playing.

PlanetSide 2

Free-to-play has earned its respect in the gaming community for quite some time as larger game development studios are starting to follow suit. Although Halo didn’t start as a free experience, it later tackled the concept with its multiplayer release in Halo Infinite and Battle Pass in the Master Chief’s Collection.

On the other hand, Planetside 2 is an MMO first-person shooter game that may not feel like Halo but emulates the same tone and style. Planetside 2 is a reimagining of the first game but with added perks like letting players have access to all of its classes and vehicles and some weapons.

Its futuristic setting and characters emulate the same sci-fi vibe as Halo. The game also allows players to go against each other on land or in the skies, with some of its vehicles resembling the same alien art style as Halo’s Covenant. Like Halo Infinite, Planetside 2 has a grand skill tree and character customization system to elevate the world’s immersion.

Although Planetside 2 came out in 2012, the game maintains a highly active online community and receives occasional updates and events. Co-op play is highly encouraged in this title, moreso than Halo, since you’ll need to collaborate with many players in empire-level battles.

Killzone Shadow Fall

Killzone Shadow Fall

While the Halo franchise serves as Microsoft’s flagship first-person shooter title, Killzone served as Sony’s. The Killzone franchise doesn’t have the largest fan bases and wasn’t colorful on the eyes like Halo as it went for a bleak atmosphere.

Killzone Shadow Fall was where many of its issues vanished, though. Instead of a gloomy setting and plot, Killzone Shadow Fall crafted a colorful world filled with breathtaking cityscapes and buildings that many players won’t help but stare at for long periods.

Furthermore, the story takes advantage of the aftermath of  war started in previous entries, allowing its developers to create a more lively and vibrant world. The movement speed and AI intelligence also received a massive buff as Killzone finally felt on par with Halo’s gameplay.

There are many multiplayer modes to explore in Killzone Shadow Fall, and none of them are subpar. The Warzone mode is pure fun! It provides players with ways to make each match feel different and even better than the last. Players can create load-outs that suit their playstyle from the get-go. This means they no longer need to worry about reaching a level cap–as skill is all you need.

Although Killzone started as a turtle to Halo’s hare, it has gained the necessary improvements and changes to stand up to its rival.


So there we have it, our 8 video game picks to keep you busy after playing a few matches of Halo.

What do you think of our picks? Do you agree? Are there any notable omissions? Let us know in the comments below!

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