10 Disturbing Comedy Books with Dark Humour | TheReviewGeek Recommends

We don’t know about you, but we love a bit of funny but weird content at The Review Geek. If you’re in the mood for a rollercoaster ride of bizarre humour and haunting themes, look no further than these books. From dysfunctional families to dark comedy, this collection promises to take you on an unforgettable journey. Brace yourself for these books with dark humour that will leave you questioning reality and laughing uncomfortably.

My Elvis Blackout by Simon Crump

In My Elvis Blackout, Simon Crump delivers a collection of 31 stories that are equal parts bizarre, hilarious, and disturbing. Prepare to encounter an array of eccentric characters, such as a man who turns his house into a boat, a woman who compulsively collects garden gnomes, and a man who develops an insatiable appetite for his own flesh.

Crump’s writing style is darkly comedic, with an unflinching exploration of the human psyche and all of its complexities. This is a book with dark humour that will make you laugh uncomfortably and leave you questioning the nature of reality and the human condition.

Karloff’s Circus by Steve Aylett

Karloff’s Circus by Steve Aylett takes readers on a twisted journey into a world filled with grotesque oddities and mind-bending surrealism. This darkly humorous novel follows Ray Wakes, a man whose life becomes entangled with a mysterious circus like no other. Aylett creates a surreal atmosphere where reality and fantasy seamlessly blend together.

With its colourful cast of characters and bizarre events, Karloff’s Circus offers a unique reading experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Prepare to be captivated, disturbed, and thoroughly entertained by the strange wonders that await within this circus of the extraordinary.

Hope: A Tragedy by Shalom Auslander

In Hope: A Tragedy, Shalom Auslander presents readers with a darkly comic and thought-provoking exploration of hope and the human condition. The protagonist, Solomon Kugel, moves to a rural farmhouse with his family, only to discover the presence of an elderly Anne Frank living in his attic.

Auslander’s irreverent and biting humour is interwoven with poignant reflections on tragedy, identity, and the nature of hope itself. Through his sharp and satirical writing style, Auslander challenges societal norms and delves into the complexities of human existence. Hope: A Tragedy is a captivating and disturbing book with dark humour that will leave a lasting impression.

Lightning Rods by Helen DeWitt

Helen DeWitt’s Lightning Rods is a satirical exploration of workplace dynamics and the darker side of human nature. The novel follows the story of Joe, an unsuspecting salesman who develops a business scheme that involves hiring women to act as human lightning rods for corporate executives. Lightning rods mean something that you’ll have to read the book to find out more about.

DeWitt’s sharp wit and deadpan humour create a biting commentary on society’s obsession with success and the lengths people will go to achieve it. Lightning Rods is a provocative and unsettling novel that challenges societal norms and provides a unique blend of humour amidst the darkness, making this a must-read for fans of dark comedy.

Kimberly’s Capital Punishment by Richard Milward

Kimberly’s Capital Punishment by Richard Milward is a gritty and provocative exploration of contemporary society through the eyes of its rebellious teenage protagonist, Kimberly. Set in a working-class neighbourhood in the northeast of England, the novel tackles themes of social inequality, violence, and the struggle for identity. And this all happened because she just wanted the break up with her boyfriend.

Milward’s raw and unfiltered writing style captures the angst and disillusionment of youth in a society plagued by economic hardship. Through its mix of poetic writing style and street slang, Kimberly’s Capital Punishment offers a stark portrayal of societal issues, challenging readers to examine their own perceptions and confront the harsh realities of modern life.

The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson

The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson is a gripping and haunting tale set in North Korea. The novel follows the story of Jun Do, a young man who navigates the brutal and oppressive regime with resilience and cunning. Johnson’s writing style is both vivid and poetic, immersing readers in a world filled with propaganda, deception, and unimaginable cruelty.

Through Jun Do’s journey, the novel explores themes of identity, love, and the power of storytelling. The Orphan Master’s Son is a masterfully crafted work of fiction that sheds light on the human spirit’s triumph against adversity, all within the confines of a totalitarian state.

Yonder Stands Your Orphan by Barry Hannah

Yonder Stands Your Orphan by Barry Hannah is a dark and inventive novel that defies traditional storytelling conventions. Set in the American South, the book follows the eccentric and volatile characters that populate the fictional town of Thomaston. Hannah’s writing style is a tour de force of vivid, lush language and unconventional narrative structure, taking readers on a whirlwind journey through a world filled with violence, love, and chaos.

 Through its fragmented narrative and razor-sharp wit, Yonder Stands Your Orphan explores themes of identity, fate, and the complex interplay between humour and tragedy. This novel is a true masterpiece of Southern Gothic literature.

The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an IKEA Wardrobe by Romain Puertolas

The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an IKEA Wardrobe by Romain Puertolas is a whimsical and heartwarming tale that takes readers on a delightful adventure across continents. The story follows the journey of Ajatashatru Oghash Rathod, a fakir from India, who ends up getting stranded in an IKEA wardrobe during his quest to buy a bed of nails.

Puertolas’ writing is filled with wit, humour, and satire, as the fakir encounters mishaps and meets colourful characters along the way. This unique and charming novel is a celebration of human resilience, friendship, and the unexpected joys that can be found in the most peculiar situations.

Blood Rites of the Bourgeoisie by Stewart Home

Blood Rites of the Bourgeoisie by Stewart Home is a brutal and satirical book with dark humour that skewers the excesses and hypocrisy of contemporary society. The story follows the exploits of anti-hero Nelson Ballard, a nihilistic punk who orchestrates a series of heinous crimes against the wealthy elite. Home’s writing is visceral and provocative, taking readers on a dark and twisted journey through the seedy underbelly of London’s counterculture.

 Through its extreme violence and profane language, Blood Rites of the Bourgeoisie challenges readers to examine their own complicity in a world that perpetuates inequality and exploitation. This novel is not for the faint of heart but is a thrilling read for those who enjoy gritty and subversive fiction.

Jude in London by Julian Gough

Jude in London by Julian Gough is a vibrant and raucous novel that follows the antics of its eponymous character, Jude. Set in the heart of London, the story unfolds with humour and energy as Jude navigates a series of misadventures, relationships, and nights of debauchery. Gough’s writing captures the spirit and atmosphere of the city, using a blend of satire, wit, and a touch of surrealism.

 As readers accompany Jude on his journey, they are treated to a unique and often absurd perspective on modern life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Jude in London is a wild ride that offers a refreshing and entertaining take on the chaos and complexities of urban existence.

And there we have it. If you are seeking a literary journey that combines humour with unsettling themes, this compilation of funny but disturbing reads is sure to satisfy.

Just be warned, these books are not for the faint-hearted, as they will challenge your perspectives, push boundaries, and leave you with a mix of unease and laughter.

Have you read any of these books with dark humour? Did you have your own recommendations? Comment below and let us know.

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