10 Best Horror Franchises | TheReviewGeek Recommends

Whether you like to gather some friends for a fun night in, or turn the lights out and scare yourself silly, most horror movies offer a strange kind of uncomfortable relief. Apologies for the oxymoron!

From classic horror films that are scary or somewhat corny to modern-day works that have perfected the art of horrifying the life out of their audience, the genre has evolved and expanded to include some of the most iconic characters and films.

Horror as a genre has gained a significant following among fans. The franchises in the genre often have multiple movies that follow a particular storyline, and each instalment adds to the overall mythology. So if you want the terror to last for days on end, or if you want something to binge-watch in one night, here are our picks for the 10 best horror franchises.

Best Horror Franchises


Halloween is undoubtedly one of the most iconic horror franchises in history. The original film, directed by John Carpenter, follows the story of Michael Myers, a psychopath who escapes from a mental institution and returns to his hometown to kill again. The film was a massive success, spawning multiple sequels, remakes, and reboots.

The franchise has also given birth to several memorable characters, including Dr Loomis, Laurie Strode, and of course, Michael Myers himself. The Halloween franchise is renowned for its blend of suspense, gore, and atmospheric horror, and the iconic mask worn by Michael Myers becoming one of the most recognizable images in pop culture.

Best Horror Franchises

Friday the 13th

The Friday the 13th franchise is another highly successful horror that has stood the test of time. The original film, directed by Sean S. Cunningham, tells the story of Jason Voorhees, a young boy who drowned at a summer camp and later returns as a vengeful killer.

The franchise has since spawned multiple sequels, spin-offs, and even a crossover with the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Friday the 13th is renowned for its iconic hockey mask-wearing killer, its gruesome deaths, and its unique blend of horror and humour.

Best Horror Franchises

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise is one of the most inventive and imaginative horror franchises of all time. The original movie, directed by Wes Craven, introduces the world to Freddy Krueger, a disfigured serial killer who kills his victims in their dreams.

The franchise has since spawned multiple sequels, a television series, and a crossover with the Friday the 13th franchise. The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise is renowned for its surrealistic imagery, its unique take on the slasher genre, and, of course, its iconic villain Freddy Krueger. Friday The 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street are often known as a perfect combination for a ridiculously long binge session.

Best Horror Franchises

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise is one of the most disturbing and visceral horror franchises of all time. As you may guess from the title, the movie, directed by Tobe Hooper, tells the story of Leatherface, a chainsaw-wielding cannibal who terrorizes a group of friends who become stranded in the Texas countryside.

The franchise has since spawned multiple sequels, remakes, and prequels, each one more gruesome and disturbing than the last. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is renowned for its intense and graphic violence, its grotesque imagery, and its unrelenting sense of dread.

Best Horror Franchises


The Saw franchise is an inventive and boundary-pushing horror that has become a part of modern horror folklore. The original film, directed by James Wan, introduces the world to Jigsaw, a serial killer who creates elaborate traps to test his victims’ will to live.

The franchise has since spawned multiple sequels, which also get progressively more shocking, gory and horrifying. Saw is known for its intense and graphic violence, its complex storytelling, and its unique take on the horror genre.

Best Horror Franchises

The Conjuring

The Conjuring franchise is one of the most successful and terrifying horror franchises of the modern era. The original film, directed by James Wan in 2013, follows the story of Ed and Lorraine Warren, paranormal investigators who investigate a haunted house.

The franchise has since spawned multiple sequels and spin-offs, which are all a must-watch for modern horror fans. The Conjuring franchise features many terrifying jump scares, intense atmospheric horror, and expertly crafted storytelling.

Best Horror Franchises

Child’s Play

The Child’s Play franchise is one of the most unique and entertaining horror franchises of all time. The original film, directed by Tom Holland, tells the story of Chucky, a possessed doll who goes on a killing spree. The franchise has spawned multiple sequels and a remake, with the latest instalment, “Child’s Play (2019)” directed by Lars Klevberg. The Chucky doll has become an iconic horror character, with its signature red hair, overalls, and sinister grin.

The franchise is known for its blend of horror and dark comedy, and for its exploration of themes such as the dangers of technology and the consequences of playing God. The Child’s Play franchise has left a lasting impact on the horror genre and continues to scare and entertain audiences to this day.

Best Horror Franchises

The Insidious

The Insidious franchise is another massively successful and truly terrifying horror franchise from recent years. The original film, directed by James Wan, follows the story of a family who moves into a new house and discovers that it is haunted by malevolent spirits.

The franchise has since spawned several sequels and prequels, each one building on the terrifying mythology of the series. The Insidious franchise is renowned for its expert use of jump scares, its chilling atmosphere, and its intricate world-building.

Best Horror Franchises

The Purge

The Purge franchise began in 2013 with the release of the first film directed by James DeMonaco. The movie follows the story of a future America where, for one night a year, all crime is legal.

The Purge franchise has since spawned multiple sequels and has become known for its social commentary on violence and political corruption. The Purge franchise is different because of its intense action scenes, its thought-provoking themes, and timely commentary on contemporary issues.

Best Horror Franchises

The Evil Dead

The Evil Dead franchise began in 1981 with the release of the first film directed by Sam Raimi. The movie follows the story of a group of friends who accidentally summon demons while staying at a cabin in the woods.

The Evil Dead franchise has given us multiple sequels and has become known for its entertaining mix of horror and humour, as well as its iconic hero, Ash Williams. The Evil Dead franchise includes creative use of practical effects, some over-the-top violence, and an irreverent sense of humour.

There we have it, our list of 10 best horror franchises. What do you think about our picks? Did we include your favourites? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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