Zero to Hero (2024) Movie Review – A shamelessly nonsensical but enjoyable romantic comedy

 A shamelessly nonsensical but enjoyable romantic comedy

Zero to Hero is a 2024 movie that stars Paula Cohen, Mauricio De Barros, Victor DiCastro, and Carla Diaz. The movie follows a wannabe rockstar named Hero, who has a strong dislike for country music. However, he bears a striking resemblance to the biggest country music star of the time, Sandro Sanderlei. The story unfolds as Hero ends up taking Sandro’s place for a few months.

The movie is a romantic comedy, and it succeeds in that aspect. The relationship between Lulli and Hero, who is pretending to be Sandro, is portrayed beautifully. Initially, there’s tension between Lulli and Hero because of her history with Sandro. However, Hero genuinely falls for Lulli and goes to great lengths to win her over. It’s a lovely journey as Lulli starts developing feelings for Hero while also being hesitant because she believes he is Sandro.

Despite being ridiculous and a little contrived, the movie is heartwarming and enjoyable. The idea of replacing a celebrity with his lookalike, who is clueless about celebrity life, is inherently absurd. However, the movie embraces this silliness and doesn’t take itself seriously at all. It’s very self-aware and handles its tone well.

All the characters in the movie are quite insightful yet dramatic. Hero’s character, trying hard to impersonate Sandro, is delightful, especially with Nelson by his side. The relationship between Lulli and her father is portrayed beautifully. Mayor Bento and his wife Matilda add a cute and funny touch, slipping in dad jokes during their conversations. Jacques and Agnaldo, along with Hero as Sandro, trying to make things work, add to the comedic element.

The climax of the movie is a strong portrayal of choice and ethics. Hero, who starts feeling as comfortable as Sandro, only dislikes the time when he’s with Lulli. Despite being funny and nonsensical, the movie makes several thematic statements. It beautifully shows that while someone may look like another person, their true essence cannot be replicated.

The movie’s antagonist is Jacques, a producer and PR representative of Sandro Sandelei. Jacques is portrayed as a cliché PR person who is greedy and unethical. Unlike Sandro, Hero refuses to go along with Jacques’ sinister plans, which occasionally gives Jacques headaches. However, Jacques’ character could have been more sinister. He is almost absent from the movie and only appears in a few scenes. If Jacques had been developed more, he could have created more room for conflict and misunderstanding between Hero and Lulli.

The movie is a classic Netflix romance, hitting all the right notes for fans of the genre. It’s a bit out of touch but remains light-hearted and charming. The music is catchy and helps distract from the somewhat silly plot. Lulli and Hero have great chemistry on screen, which will likely please most romantic movie fans.

Despite its clichés and flat side characters, the movie maintains a fun, unserious tone. However, the comedy in the movie is a bit lacking. The pacing feels rushed at times, with some scenes transitioning too quickly. In some instances, the side characters seem to lack depth, merely filling the background without much significance to the scene.

One flaw in the movie is the way Hero transitions into Sandro. Hero, who is initially a rock music enthusiast working at a music shop, suddenly becomes the country music legend Sandro Sandelei with ease. It’s a bit hard to believe. However, despite this flaw, viewers will still support Hero’s relationship with Lulli and appreciate his efforts to win her over.

Hero’s journey as Sandro feels like a stroll, but when he finally reaches the top, his best friend notices a change – he’s treating him poorly, and it’s obvious. Despite its flaws, the movie is a shamelessly nonsensical romantic comedy but also enjoyable too.


Read More: Zero To Hero Ending Explained

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  • Verdict - 7/10

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