You – Season 4 Episode 4 “Hampsie” Recap & Review


Episode 4 of You season 4 starts off with Joe being interrogated by the authorities in the Sundry House nightclub. Joe was fortunate because everyone was being dragged by the police. In Joe’s situation, they wanted to express their gratitude for the Blue tip, which allowed them to verify that Malcolm had been a scumbag engaging in some risky affairs.

Joe is relieved that he won’t be arrested by the police, but he is starting to grow worried as he waits for his new serial killer buddy to arrange a real-life date. So, when Joe is coerced into going to Lady Phoebe’s country villa for the weekend, he accepts right away, hoping that the murderer used his connections to get Joe invited.

Joe manipulates a liquor bottle to fake he’s getting an expensive bottle of wine to Lady Phoebe, packs his backpack, and climbs into the transfer vehicle the rich woman sent to bring him to Hampsbrigde House, the captivating family country house properly stocked with an army of servants. He is compelled to converse there with the vile members of the Oxford group.

Gemma isn’t shy about pointing out how casually dressed Joe is, and Roald comes off as harsh towards him. Furthermore, Hampsbrigde lacks phone or WiFi service, which only worsens things. Additionally, a few highly armored guards are roaming the mansion, which will only worsen the situation.

After moving into the country house, Joe discovers that his room is linked to Kate’s bedroom. Their frequent flirting in the previous episodes presents Joe with one more obstacle to get past while conducting his research. Fortunately, he receives a hint when a letter telling him to visit the portrait gallery is pushed under his door. Joe quickly locates the gallery in the hopes that the letter is from the murderer, only to find that Lady Phoebe has converted it into a sex space. Joe tries to ignore the woman’s approach without offending her.

Joe, a wise man, declines Phoebe’s approach by informing her that she is faithful to Adam. When Lady Phoebe begins to raise concerns about their relationship, Joe provides just enough counsel for her to remain on good terms without engaging in sexual activity. Joe also admits to having been married in the past and makes up the story that he was estranged from his wife due to different personal issues. Joe may have unintentionally kept Lady Phoebe and Adam together.

After escaping that bullet, Joe is made to witness Gemma embarrass the house’s servants by making them behave like arches during an unsettling cricket match. Adam asks Joe for a secret drink so that he can get him out of the fields. Joe thinks the murderer is calling him once more. But that’s just a red herring; Adam really just wants to talk to Joe about his relationship and get some guidance for his impending wedding proposal. Joe learns that Roald is the one who has invited him to the weekend trip, which is helpful information even though the discussion with Adam only serves to highlight how stupid and babied the young man is. Joe’s main focus shifts to Roald.

Joe shocks Kate by returning to his room. She confronts her neighbor after noticing him keeping an eye on her. After some time, when Kate asks for his assistance in untangling her necklace, they begin to have sex. Joe, however, must maintain his composure, so he stops the act before it progresses too far. And it happens just in time for Roald to knock on Kate’s door and ask her to go swimming. After Roald has left, Joe questions Kate about his key witness. In order to rid himself of Malcolm, he discovers that Roald seems to be in love with Kate. Additionally, this would make logical sense for Roald to cut Simon out of Kate’s life given how damaging his art scam would be to her business and image.

While opportunity, as well as purpose, are explanation enough just to keep Roald near by, Joe must produce evidence of his offenses. As a consequence, Joe enters Roald’s room and discovers a camera that the potential murderer has used to take intrusive photos of Kate. Joe chooses to spend quiet time with Roald because he is so fixated on her. Hence, when they cross paths fairly late that same day, Joe goes on to thank Roald for the trip invitation and comments that it would be the ideal opportunity for them to get to know one another better.

During morning tea, Gemma acts like the creature she truly is, smacking the servants and declaring that because she is wealthy, she is superior to those who are employed. When Kate confides in Joe that she hates Gemma, Joe’s fondness for his neighbor only grows. When Kate gets up to leave the table, Roald approaches her and appears to offer to take her to a tennis game. Kate bluntly rejects his approach. Roald then decides to go on a hunt after noticing Joe saw the rejection.

Roald tries to show Joe that he doesn’t know Kate as well as he does during the hunt. Additionally, he pressures Joe into killing pheasants, but Joe draws the line. In addition to being intriguing, Roald is also violent and possibly ruthless. When Joe becomes preoccupied, he tries to shoot his visitor in the head. Since Kate interrupts their quiet hunt, we are unsure if Roald would pull the trigger.

Later, as Joe is preparing for dinner, Kate observes that he is having some trouble tucking his cufflinks and appears to offer to assist. This evening, they end up having sex.

The Eat-the-Rich Killer is now the primary subject of discussion at dinner. The murderer, according to Gemma and Roald, is a jealous person who despises the idea of others being more proficient than he is. Joe is the target of Roald’s hostility as well, and he provokes him by asking him if he has any animosity toward the wealthy. Joe is likely the perpetrator because, according to Gemma, the killings only began after Joe joined the group.

Eventually, Roald criticizes Kate’s moral character by saying that because of her family history, she is the worst among all of them. Before things get even more intense, Lady Phoebe leaves the room and returns while acting dead. The Oxford group, it turns out, ends up playing a murder mystery game year after year.

Joe exits the dining area and finds Kate by herself in a stairway. She admits that despite coming from a wealthy background, she hasn’t worked for her money. Her dad, Tom Lockwood, is a person who ruins businesses, discredits employers, buys off officials to clear the names of friends involved in sex scandals, and even hides contamination of water that causes cancer in kids. Because of this, Kate cut all ties with her dad and is furious that he sent security guards to follow her.

Joe and Kate share a genuine moment of connection during which they express their concern about never being able to forgive our past transgressions. Joe acknowledges the possibility of falling in love with Kate once more.

A serial killer’s job is never complete, so Joe enters Roald’s bedroom once more using the cover of the murder mystery game. To his shock, Roald tends to push him out the window this time, surprising him. Roald’s attack left Joe with bruises, but the mansion’s hedges stop him from falling. A scream is heard from the room, which makes the situation worse. When Joe goes back in, he finds Kate standing by Gemma’s body with a bloody knife.

The Episode Review

This season started off as an exciting whodunit, involving a suspenseful cat-and-mouse match in which everybody is a suspect. Sadly though, since each episode has the same format, after four episodes things have begun to feel repetitive.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger because Gemma may have gone too far and caused Kate to lose it, or perhaps the murderer committed the unsavory act and is trying to frame Kate. There are a lot of possibilities, and it’ll be interesting to see how things are explained.

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